CSE 20
Discrete Mathematics
Winter 2010University of California, San Diego Course Information
- Objective of this course is to introduce discrete mathematics for computer system designs.
- CK Cheng, CSE2130, ckcheng+20@ucsd.edu, 858 534-6184
- Outlines (Use index to locate the sections in textbooks)
- Lectures: 6:30-7:50PM TTh, CSB001.
- Discussion: 10:00-10:50AM W, Center 113.
- Office hours: 10:30-11:30AM T, 11:00-12:00PM Th, CSE 2130.
Teaching Assistants
- Additional office hours before final, Mar.12~16
Friday: 1:00-3:00PM, Renshen (2140) 5:00-7:00PM, Pat (CSE 1202)
Saturday: 1:00-3:00PM, Renshen (B240A)
Monday: 10:00AM-12:00PM, Professor (2130) 1:00-3:00PM, Pat (B240A)
Tuesday: 10:00AM-12:00PM, Professor (2130) 1:00-3:00PM, Pat (B250A)
- WebCT for CSE 20 is open. Discussion boards available for questions and discussions. (Login with your student account at http://webct.ucsd.edu)
- Pat Rondon
- E-mail: prondon@cs.ucsd.edu
- Office Hours: 1:00PM - 3:00PM M, 10:00-11:00AM F, CSE B240A, or by appointment
- Renshen Wang,
- E-mail: rewang@cs.ucsd.edu
- Office Hours: 3:00PM - 5:00PM T, 8:00 - 10:00PM Th, CSE B240A
Lecture Notes
- A Short Course in Discrete Mathematics,
by Edward A. Bender and S. Gill Williamson, Dover, 2005.- Discrete Mathematics, by Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lipson, Schaum's Outline Series, Third Edition, McGraw Hill, 2007
- Lecture 1: Number Systems. updated
- Lecture 2: Binary Codes. Exercise: problems 2.8-18 in pages BF21-22 and problems 10-12 in pages BF23-25.
- Lecture 3: Negative Numbers.
- Lecture 4: Subtraction. updated
- Exercise before midterm 1 Solution
- Exercise on Residual Number Systems: Problems 11.16-18, 11.56-60 (Schaum's).
- Lecture 5: Induction.
- Lecture 6: Residual Number System.
- Lecture 7: Boolean Algebra.
- Exercise on Boolean Algebra: Problems 15.1, 15.5-15, 15.22-26, 15.30-33 (Schaum's).
- Exercise before midterm 2 Solution
- Lecture 8: Boolean Postulates and Theorems.
- Lecture 9: Boolean Algebra.
- Lecture 10: Review.
- Lecture 11: Function, Recursion and Analysis.
- Exercise on Function, Recursion, and Analysis: Problems 6.1-35 (Schaum's).
- Lecture 12: Homogeneous Linear Recursion.
- Lecture 13: Counting.
- Exercise before final Solution
- Lecture 14: Pigeonhole Principle.
- Lecture 15: Inclusion-Exclusion Technique.
- Quizzes and Lecture Scripts: 5%
- Midterm 1: 25% (Th 1/28) Average 74.2 out of 100, Std. Dev. 18.9.
- Midterm 2: 30% (Th 2/18) Average 73.7 out of 100, Std. Dev. 15.9.
- Final Exam: 40% (7:00-10:00PM, T 3/16) Average 73.4 out of 100, Std. Dev. 11.6.