Headshot photo of me

[Photo credit: Hui Shi]

Xiaofan Yu (于晓凡)

Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego

E-mail: x1yu@ucsd.edu
Office: EBU3B 2140

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the System Energy Efficiency Lab (SEELab), advised by Prof. Tajana Šimunić Rosing. I am honored to have been selected as an ML&Systems Rising Star in 2024, a CPS Rising Star in 2023, and an EECS Rising Star in 2022. I have also successfully collaborated with various faculty members and industry partners (full collaboration list). Prior to joining UCSD, I received my B.S. degree from Peking University, China in 2018.

For more details, see my CV.

Research Interests

My research interests are in embedded systems and edge computing. My work mainly focuses on (1) designing on-device learning algorithms for edge devices in real-world environments, (2) building embedded systems and IoT networks that support new applications and needs. I am particularly excited about advancing next-generation edge intelligence that is efficient, robust and innovative.

🚀🚀🚀 I will be on the academic job market for the 2024-2025 cycle. If you are aware of any openings for Tenure-Track Assistant Professor positions, I would appreciate any information or referrals! 🚀🚀🚀
Here is my application package: Research Statement [pdf], Teaching Statement [pdf], DEI Statement [pdf]



Teaching and Mentorship Experiences

As a Teaching Assistant:
  • At UCSD: CSE237A Introduction to Embedding Computing, Winter'22, Winter'23 (Recommendation Rate: 100%)
  • At PKU: Emerging Techniques for Modern Wireless Communications, Spring'18
As a Mentor, I have mentored over 30 students across HS, BS, MS, and PhD levels since 2020, including 16 women and 18 students from underrepresented groups, with examples of representation below:
  • Michael Sullivan (BS 2027 at UCSD)
  • Run Wang (BS 2026 at UCSD; Publication: SenSys'24b)
  • Rushil Chandrupatla (BS 2026 at UCSD; Publication: SenSys'24a)
  • Lele Zhao (BS 2025 at UCSD)
  • Dylan Chu (BS 2025 at UCSD; Publication: SenSys'24a)
  • Shengfan Hu (MS 2024 at UCSD → Supermicro; Publication: NET4us'23, DATE'24)
  • Ivannia Gomez Moreno (BS 2023 at CETYS University → PhD student at UCSD; Publication: ASP-DAC'24)
  • Quanling Zhao (BS 2023 at UCSD → PhD student at UCSD; Publication: MobiCom'22, IPSN'23, MLNCP'23, DATE'24)
  • Danlin Jiang (MS 2023 at UCSD → RF-Lambda; Publication: MDPI Sensors'24)
  • Jinhao Liu (BS 2022 at UCSD → Whova; Publication: SmartIoT'22)
  • Emily Ekaireb (BS 2022 at UCSD → MS student at UCSD; Publication: WNS3'22)
  • Xueyang Song (BS 2021 at UCSD → MS student at Stanford; Publication: CNSM'20)
I also served as a Mentor in the following programs:


Since 2021, I have been organizing paper reading groups to help students in:
  • reading papers accurately and efficiently,
  • designing and conducting research schedules,
  • discussing research effectively with other people.
Throughout this process, I have found that using a template I created is helpful. You can explore a repository of all the papers we have reviewed here.

COPYRIGHT @ Xiaofan Yu 2018-2024