CSE 20 -- (Spring Quarter 2014)

Announcements | Course info | Textbook | Office Hours | Grading | Lecture Notes | Assignments | Solutions


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Course information

Instructor: Sourav Chakraborty      e-mail: sochakraborty@ucsd.edu, Office: room 4202 in the CSE building.

Teaching Assistants: Radheshyam Balasundaram (rbalasun@ucsd.edu)
Doruk Beyter (dbeyter@ucsd.edu)
Shibu Stanroop Lawrence (sslawren@ucsd.edu)
Rossana Motta (rmotta@ucsd.edu)
Dongcai Shen ( doshen@ucsd.edu)

Duan Jiajie (jduan@ucsd.edu)
Lee Daniel Min (dml016@ucsd.edu)
Jeremy Enerio Field (jfield@ucsd.edu)
Atyansh Jaiswal (a1jaiswa@ucsd.edu)
Justin Wenyu Lai (jwlai@ucsd.edu)
Nguyen Timothy (tin018@ucsd.edu)
Maya Nyayapati (mnyayapa@ucsd.edu)
Long Viet Tran (lvt001@ucsd.edu)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8AM - 8:50AM at PETER 108 (Section A).
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1PM - 1:50PM at CENTR 115 (Section B).^M

Monday 3PM - 3:50PM at YORK 2622 and Wednesday 4PM - 4:50PM at PCYNH 109 (Section A).
Monday 4PM - 4:50PM at PCYNH 106 and Wednesday 3PM - 3:50PM at PCYNH 106 (Section B).^M


Textbook for the course is "A short course in Discrete Mathematics" by E.A.Bender and S.G.Williamson. (Available online).

Also one may refer to the following books:

"Essentials of Discrete Mathematics" by David Hunter.

Office Hours

Office hours by the instructor will be by appointment only. Please email the instructor if you have any question regarding the course.

All TAs and tutors will conduct regular office hours. The schedule is give below:

Monday: 11AM -12PM by Daniel Lee (in the basement of cse building) and 4:30PM to 6:30PM by Long Tran (in the basement of cse building)

Tuesday: 1PM-3PM Justin Lai (in the basement of cse building) and 3PM-4PM by Radheshyam Balasundram (in the basement of cse building) and 5PM to 7PM by Doruk Beyter (in Room 4254 in the cse building)

Wednesday: 11AM-1PM by Jeremy Field (in the basement of the cse building) and 2PM - 3PM by Daniel Lee (in the basement of cse building) and 5PM -7PM by Jiajie Duan (in the basement of cse building)

Thursday: 10AM-12PM by Dongcai Shen (in room 3109 in the cse building) and 4PM-6PM by Maya Nayapati (in the basement of cse building) and 5PM-7PM by Timothy Nyugen (in the basement of cse building)

Friday: 3PM-4PM by Rosanna Motta (in front of room 2232 in the cse building) and 4PM-6PM by Shibu Lawrence (in the basement of the cse building)

Saturday: 1PM-3PM by Atyansh Jaiswal (in the basement of cse building)


Grades are based on Endterm (40%), a midterm (30%), 5 quizzes (Best 4 quizes will contribute 24%) and iclicker questions (6%).

Regular assignments will be posted every Wednesday. The assignments will not contain any marks. They will be for practice only. No need to hand in the assignments. Solutions to the assignments will be posted on the webpage on the following Monday of every assignment. Students are encouraged to solve the assignments and discuss them with the tutors, TAs and fellow students.

Dates for Midterm and Quizes:

Midterm: 12th May

Quizes: 18th April, 25th April, 2nd May, 23rd May and 30th May.

Lecture Notes

Lecture 1 (4th April): (pdf) Introduction.

Lecture 2 (7th April): (pdf) Representation of integers.

Lecture 3 (9th April): (pdf) Representation of integers (contd...).

Lecture 4 (11th April): (pdf) Boolean Functions and Number Representation.

Lecture 5 (14th April): (pdf) Number Theory.

Lecture 6 (16th April): (pdf) Number Theory (contd...).

Lecture 7 (18th April): (pdf) Introduction to Propositional Logic. We also had the 1st Quiz. (Quiz1a), (Quiz1b).

Lecture 8 (21st April): (pdf) Introduction to Propositional Logic.

Lecture 9 (23rd April): (pdf) Introduction to Propositional Logic (contd...).

Lecture 10 (25th April): (pdf) Introduction to Propositional Logic (Deductions). We also had the 2nd Quiz. (Quiz2a), (Quiz2b).

Lecture 11 (28th April): (pdf) Proof Techniques. And also discussed solution to Quiz 2 problems.

Lecture 12 (30th April): (pdf) Propositional Logic (contd...).

Lecture 13 (2nd May): Proof that √2 in not rational. We also had the 3rd Quiz. (Quiz3).

Lecture 14 (5th May): (pdf) Midterm Review: Propositional Logic, Predicate Logic and Set Theory.

Lecture 15 (7th May): (pdf) Midterm Review: Proof Techniques.

Lecture 16 (9th May): (pdf) Midterm Review.

Lecture 17 (12th May): Midterm. (SectionA) and (SectionB)

Lecture 18 (14th May): Induction. Here is a good note on induction. (pdf)

Lecture 19 (16th May): Induction (contd...)

Lecture 20 (19th May): Induction (contd...)

Lecture 21 (21st May): Induction (contd...)

Lecture 22 (23rd May): We had the 4th Quiz. (Quiz4).

Lecture 23 (28th May): Induction (contd...)

Lecture 24 (30th May): Induction (contd...)

Lecture 25 (2nd June): We had the 5th Quiz. (Quiz5).

Lecture 26 (4th June): Final Review.

Lecture 27 (6th June): Final Review (pdf)


Assignment 1: (pdf)

Assignment 2: (pdf)

Assignment 3: (pdf)

Assignment 4: (pdf)

Assignment 5: (pdf)


Solution to Assignment 1: (pdf)

Solution to Assignment 2: (pdf)

Solution to Quiz 1: (Quiz 2a) and (Quiz2b)

Solution to Assignment 3: (pdf)

Solution to Quiz 2: (Quiz 2a) and (Quiz2b)

Solution to Assignment 4: (pdf)

Solution to Quiz 3: (Quiz 3)

Solution to Assignment 5: (pdf)

Solution to Quiz 4: (Quiz 4)

Solution to Quiz 5: (Quiz 5)