CSE 140L Fall 2005


CK Cheng, ckcheng+140L@ucsd.edu, 858 534-6184, CSE 2130

Objective of this course is to introduce digital components & provide hands-on experiences in building digital circuits using computer aided design (CAD) software. Xilinx ISE 6.2i and Altera Quartus II.  

Course Schedule:

*       Class: W 5:00-6:20PM, Center 214


*       Final exam - 30% 7:00-8:20PM, Monday Dec. 5

Office Hours:

*       W 10:30-11:30AM (except 10/5), TH 9:30-10:30AM

TAs of CSE140L

*       Haikun Zhu hazhu@cs

*       Rui Shi rshi@cs

WebBoard for CSE140L

*       http://webboard.ucsd.edu

Lab Hours

*       Weekly Schedule

*       Extra Hours:

           3:30p~7:00p, Tuesday, 10/25/05
    3:30p~7:00p, Tuesday, 11/15/05

         3:30p~7:00p, Tuesday, 11/22/05
     3:30p~7:00p, Thursday, 12/01/05

*       NO lab hours on 11/11



*       There is NO office hours on 10/05.

*       The name and email of students who are looking for partner on CSE140L are listed on webboard. If you are looking for partner, please check it at

     http://webboard.ucsd.edu --> CSE 140L - Digital Systems Laboratory [FA 05] --> General Info --> Students looking for lab partner

        We will keep the list updated. If you want to list your name there, please write email to us. And let us know when you find partner.

*       The computers in B240/B250 only have Xilinx ISE 6.3i installed. It is perfectly OK (actually it is expected) if you get different delay numbers from 6.3i and 7.1i. You can use either version of the software, as long as it's consistent. [10/13/05]

*       On some computers in B240/B250 the following two problems have been reported:

        -- "memory unreadable" error messages during "implement design" step.

        -- unable to do ModelSim simulation due to lack of proper simulation libraries.

Currently we have no solution to these problems and ACS staff is working on them. [10/13/05]

*   Sample & Solution for final exam

Lab Notes:

*       Q & A for installation of Xilinx ISE and ModelSim

*       Tutorial on how to build and simulate a full adder in Xilinx

*       10/05 Lecture Slides

*       10/26 Lecture Slides

*       11/02 Lecture Slides

*       11/09 Lecture Slides

*       11/23 Lecture Slides

*       Tutorial on how to design pattern recognizer in Xilinx


*       There will be 4 labs (computer simulations & report write-up). 

*       Work in a group of two. One report per group.

*       Lab 1 --- Combinational Circuit Design: Ripple Adder, MUX and Comparator

            Lab 1 Assignment (Updated on 10/13/05)

            Due 10/26/05

            Lab 1 FAQ

*       Lab 2 --- The Specification and Usage of Flip-Flops:

                       Shifter Register, Counters, Random Sequencer

            Lab 2 Assignment (Updated on 10/31/05)

            Due 11/16/05

*       Lab 3 --- Finite State Machine: Pattern Recognizer

            Lab 3 Assignment (Updated on 11/19/05)

            Due 11/23/05
       Lab 3 FAQ

*       Lab 4 --- Design of a mini load/store computer system

            Lab 4 Assignment (Updated on 11/29/05)

            Due 12/02/05

            Lab 4 Tutorial

            Lab 4 FAQ