Public Key Encryption

Public key encryption (secure against passive attacks) was the first application and main motivation to investigate the LWE problem.

  1. On lattices, learning with errors, random linear codes, and cryptography
    (Regev - J.ACM 2009 / STOC 2005)

  2. Public-Key Cryptosystems from the Worst-Case Shortest Vector Problem
    (Peikert, STOC 2009)

  3. On Ideal Lattices and Learning with Errors over Rings
    (Lyubashevsky, Peikert & Regev - J.ACM 2013 / Eurocrypt 2010)

  4. Better Key Sizes (and Attacks) for LWE-Based Encryption
    (Lindner & Peikert - CT-RSA 2011)

  5. Efficient Public Key Encryption Based on Ideal Lattices
    (Stehle, Steinfeld, Tanaka & Xagawa - Asiacrypt 2009)

  6. Multi-bit Cryptosystems Based on Lattice Problems]
    (Kawachi, Tanaka & Xagawa - PKC 2007)

Other variants

  1. Bi-Deniable Public-Key Encryption
    (O’Neill, Peikert & Waters - Crypto 2011)

  2. Fast Cryptographic Primitives and Circular-Secure Encryption Based on Hard Learning Problems
    (Applebaum, Cash, Peikert & Sahai - Crypto 2009)

  3. Lattice-based completely non-malleable public-key encryption in the standard model
    (Sepahi, Steinfeld & Pieprzyk - DCC 2014)

  4. Lattice-based certificateless public-key encryption in the standard model
    (Sepahi, Steinfeld & Pieprzyk - IJIS 2014)

  5. A Simple BGN-Type Cryptosystem from LWE
    (Gentry, Halevi & Vaikuntanathan - Eurocrypt 2010)

  6. One-Shot Verifiable Encryption from Lattices
    (Lyubashevsky & Neven - EuroCrypt 2017)