Group and Ring Signatures

  1. A framework for efficient signatures, ring signatures and identity based encryption in the standard model
    (Brakerski & Tauman - ePrint 2010)

  2. Ring signature schemes from lattice basis delegation
    (Wang & Sun - ICICS 2011)

  3. A group signature scheme from lattice assumptions
    (Gordon, Katz & Vaikuntanathan - Asiacrypt 2010)

  4. Fully anonymous attribute tokens from lattices
    (Camenish, Neven & Ruckert - SCN 2012)

  5. Lattice-based group signatures with logarithmic signature size
    (Laguillaumie, Langlois, Libert & Stehle - Asiacrypt 2013)

  6. Lattice-Based Group Signature Scheme with Verifier-Local Revocation
    (Langlois, Ling, Nguyen & Wang - PKC 2014)

  7. Better Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Lattice Encryption and Their Application to Group Signatures
    (Benhamouda, Camenisch, Krenn, Lyubashevsky & Neven - Asiacrypt 2014)

  8. Group Signatures from Lattices: Simpler, Tighter, Shorter, Ring-Based
    (Ling, Nguyen & Wang - PKC 2015)

  9. Simpler Efficient Group Signatures from Lattices
    (Nguyen, Zhang & Zhang - PKC 2015)

  10. Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Lattice-Based Accumulators: Logarithmic-Size Ring Signatures and Group Signatures without Trapdoors
    (Libert, Ling, Nguyen & Wang - EuroCrypt 2016)

  11. Signature Schemes with Efficient Protocols and Dynamic Group Signatures from Lattice Assumptions
    (Libert, Ling, Mouhartem, Nguyen, Wang - Asiacrypt 2016)