Professor: Te C. Hu

Teaching Assistants: Annemarie Dahm ( and Diem Vu (

please send email with only "CSE101" in the subject line

Lectures: York 2622, Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00 to 6:20

Sections: HSS 2250, Fridays 5:00 to 5:50

Office Hours:
Annemarie's - Fridays 3:10-4:30 in EBU1 Rm.6307-D
Diem's -

  • Wednesdays 2:30 - 4:00 in EBU1 Rm. 6307-E
  • Fridays 11:00 - 12:30 in EBU1 Rm.6307-D


    No Discussion Section on Friday, March12

    The midterm exam will be on Monday Jan 26, 2004
    you may bring to use one single sided 8x11 sheet of paper of notes


    Grades will be based on the formula of
    w1 * homeworks + w2 * midterms + w3 * final
    where the weights w1, w2, and w3 are positive numbers determined at the end of the semester.
    grades up to 3-10


    Lecture 2 notes


    Homework 1, due Monday, Jan. 12 Homework 1 solutions Homework 1 grades
    Homework 2, due Wednesday, Jan. 21 Homework 2 solutions
    clarification on homework 2:
    - for all problems indicate the edges that are finalized after each iteration
    - for the last problem use a diagram to show the new and updated edges after each iteration and give the distance matrix
    Homework 3 -revised 2/4/04, due Monday, Feb. 8 Solutions
    Homework 4, due Wednesday, Feb. 18 Solutions
    Homework 5, due Monday, Feb. 23 Solutions
    Homework 6, due Wednesday, Feb. 25 Solutions

    General Homework Guidelines

    - Homework is due on Mondays, in class
    - Write your firstname first and lastname last on each page followed by your student id number
    - Use 8.5" x 11" paper
    - If you have several sheets, staple them and page number on all sheets
    - Write clearly; if we can't read your homework, you may get no credit for it
    - Make sure it is clear what your answer is
    - Cross off anything you don't want us to read/grade
    - You don't need to restate the problem (it is OK if you do)

    Guidelines for Writing Proofs and Solutions

    - Say what you mean; don't force the reader to guess
    - Say what you are assuming (e.g., "assume x")
    - Say what you are proving (e.g, "I'll prove y")
    - Say what follows from what (e.g., "... and this implies ...")
    - Proceed from true or assumed facts, even if you are trying to reach a contradiction
    - Avoid extraneous comments, examples, etc. or clearly identify them as such
    - If you write one formula under another, say how they are associated (each line implies the next?)
    - Don't skip steps
    - Justify each step unless you intend to claim it is trivial (e.g., a simple algebraic manipulation)
    - State what theorems, facts, or assumptions you are using
    - Be clear: do you mean "for all" or "there exists"? (e.g., pick x so that ...)
    - Be clear: do you mean "and" or "or"?
    - Be clear: do you mean "implies" (==> or -->), "if and only if" (<==> or <-->), or "equals" (=)?
    - Be clear: do you mean "a divides b" (a|b) or "a over b" (a/b)?
    - Avoid abbreviations not commonly used in English except for: iff, lhs, qed, rhs, wlog