Below are the slides and videos for a prior version of this class. Slides for the current version of the class are on Canvas. The videos, also from a prior version of this class, are on Google Drive, which is where the link takes you. From there you should be able to download the video via an option in the upper right corner of the screen.
Module/Chapter |
Lecture Slides |
Lecture Videos |
Introduction |
slides |
Part 1 (10 minutes)
Part 2 (43 minutes) |
Block ciphers and key-recovery security |
slides |
Block ciphers and DES (46 minutes)
TKR, KR and EKS (38 minutes)
EKS on DES and AES (49 minutes) |
Pseudorandom functions |
slides |
Definitions, Examples, the Birthday Problem (50 minutes)
Block ciphers as PRFs (20 minutes) |
Symmetric encryption |
slides |
Syntax, Modes of Operation ECB, CBC$, CTR$ (42 minutes)
IND-CPA, birthday attack on CTR$ (42 minutes)
Security of CTR$ and CBC$ (15 minutes) |
Hash functions |
slides |
Collision resistance and SHA256 (46 minutes)
Compression functions and MD (42 minutes) |
Message authentication codes and PRF domain extension |
slides |
Message authentication codes and PRF domain
extension (84 minutes) |
Authenticated encryption |
slides |
Authenticated encryption (55 minutes) |
Computational number theory |
slides |
Groups, and algorithms on numbers (79 minutes)
Generators, cyclic groups and DLog (37 minutes)
Finding groups and generators, DH revisited (29 minutes) |
Asymmetric encryption
| slides |
PKE Syntax, IND-CPA, DHIES scheme (31 minutes)
RSA math, RSA generators (42 minutes)
One-wayness of RSA, factoring problem (16 minutes)
RSA-based PKE (20 minutes) |
Digital Signatures |
slides |
Definitions and RSA-based schemes (40 minutes)
Discrete-log based schemes (22 minutes) |
Key distribution |
slides |
PKI (33 minutes)
Session-key exchange (27 minutes) |
Applications and Protocols |
slides |
Internet casino, commitment schemes (42 minutes)
Secure summation (16 minutes) |
Zero Knowledge |
slides |
Ali Baba example (18 minutes)
Quadratic residuosity protocol (28 minutes)
Definitions, simulators (21 minutes) |
The following content is not part of the syllabus for this version of the course, but is made available in case you are interested: