CS 8803 ACT: Alternative Computing Technologies (Spring 2016)

Instructor: Hadi Esmaeilzadeh

Email: hadi [AT] cc [DOT] gatech [DOT] edu
Phone: (404) 385-1731
Office: KACB 2336
Office hours: MW 04:30 - 05:30pm (after class)

TA: Amir Yazdanbakhsh

Location: Instr Center 119
Time: MW 3:05 - 4:25pm


You are required to complete a final project for the course. The project can be related to any of the topics discussed in the class. A strong project will demonstrate understanding of topics beyond the scope of what we covered in class. The objective is to develop a work that can be eventually extended to a conference paper. I value innovation above all and the second part is your execution of the ideas. As researchers, you should be to develop an idea to a submission and meet the conference deadlines.


You can choose any of the following projects:


You are required to work in groups of two.

Project proposal

You are required to email a half page project proposal to the instructor and the TA by 12:00am on 03/02/2016. The proposal should convince the instructor:
  • What research problem the project is solving.
  • Why this specific research problem is important.
  • How the team will solve the research problem.
  • Due date

    Beginning of the class on 04/27/2016.


    Each group should hand in their printed report at the beginning of the class on 04/27/2016. At the same time, each group also needs to submit a single compressed file containing:
  • The project report in pdf format.
  • Source code with instructions describing how it should be run
  • The original proposal in pdf format.
  • The final presentation.
  • Final report

    The project report should be in pdf format with no more than six pages of primary content using the ACM SIGPLN conference template with 11 point font size. You are allowed unlimited space for the citations and appendices, starting on page seven, but your report should be complete and understandable without reading this extra material. You are free to use either the word or the LaTeX template. However, I personally prefer the LaTeX template. There are many helpful material on how to write a good conference paper on the ACM SIGPLAN author center. I strongly encourage you to read the provided material.


    Your project will be graded on a scale of one to 30 with ten points for the report, ten points for the implementation, and ten points for the presentation. If your work is ready to submit to a conference, you get 10 bonus points. In case of survey projects, the grade for report and presentation will be scaled by a factor of 1.5x.




    You should demonstrate that your implementation works. You will get a score between zero to ten based on the completeness of your implementation.