CS 8803 ACT: Alternative Computing Technologies (Spring 2016)

Instructor: Hadi Esmaeilzadeh

Email: hadi [AT] cc [DOT] gatech [DOT] edu
Phone: (404) 385-1731
Office: KACB 2336
Office hours: MW 04:30 - 05:30pm (after class)

TA: Amir Yazdanbakhsh

Location: Instr Center 119
Time: MW 3:05 - 4:25pm

Course Participation

By 9pm on the night before the class, everyone must submit two brief questions or comments about the assigned readings as an email in plain text to the instructor, the presenter, and the TA. Please send the questions/comments in the body of the email, not as an attachment. Please use the subject line "cs-8803-act-02-sp16 [due date]" without the quotation marks. The presenter will discuss these questions during the presentation.

The comments/questions can be of the following form but you are not limited to this list:

Furthermore, you must actively participate in class discussions for papers that you do not present. You must say something about every paper we discuss! Attendance is mandatory unless you get explicit permission from the instructor to be absent.