
Cloth Sample

Cloth Sample

Programming Project Four: Cloth Simulation

Due Thursday, Feb 27th, 5pm


Write a program that simulates a piece of cloth made from particles, spring-dampers, and triangular surfaces. It should include the effects of uniform gravity, spring elasticity, damping, aerodynamic drag, and simple ground plane collisions. Some particles of the cloth must be ‘fixed’ in place in order to hold the cloth up, and there must be simple controls to move these fixed points around, as well as controls to adjust the ambient wind speed.



This project is worth 15 points:

  5: Basic cloth physics with Newtonian particles, gravity, and spring-dampers
  5: Aerodynamic interactions & adjustable wind speed
  3: Ground plane collision handling
  2: Fixed particles and effective user manipulation
15: Total

Extra Credit:

+1: Add the ability to simulate ropes and solid objects and do a simulation that combines all of these together such as a cubic crate dropping with a parachute.