The final can cover any material presented in class, on the slides, in the assigned reading, the projects, homework, etc. However, I wanted to provide you with a set of topics, terms, and sample questions to give you extra practice in preparing for the exam. What is below is not designed to be comprehensive, but rather designed to help you.
You may discuss these questions and ideas for answers on Piazza and/or with your classmates.
Note that the relative length of each of the following sections isn't indicative of their relative importance.
Internet Protocol (IP) What is the IP service model?
End to end protocols
Compare and contrast aspects of flooding queries, supernodes, vs structured. Tradeoffs--which is better for joining, leaving, advertising content, querying for content.
Assume you have a Chord system of 5 nodes with identifiers 0, 1, 2, 6, and 7.
Draw the identifier circle and show which nodes the following keys will be assigned to 0, 4, 5, 8. You can assume the identifier space is 0-9.
Each chord node must maintain routing state.
Describe exactly what routing state must be maintained at each node to ensure correct function. Show what this state would be for node 6. What is the expected lookup time of an object?
Describe what routing state must be maintained at each node to ensure fast lookup times. Show what this state would be for node 6. what is the expected lookup time of an object?
Last updated: 2016-03-06 15:55:45 -0800 [validate xhtml]