CSE 190D – Database System Implementation!!! This website is archived. Please see the website of the latest edition of this course among the links listed here. !!! Lectures: MWF 12:00-12:50pm @ PCYNH 121 Instructor: Arun Kumar
Teaching Assistant: Konstantinos (Costas) Zarifis
Piazza: CSE 190D Announcements
Course Goals and ContentThis is a hands-on systems-focused course on the implementation of a database management system (DBMS), especially, a relational DBMS (RDBMS). RDBMSs are the cornerstone of large-scale data management in numerous application domains that define our modern world, including finance, insurance, retail, logistics, telecommunications, healthcare, governance, and education. Furthermore, concepts developed in the context of RDBMSs are indispensable for the underpinnings of the so-called Big Data and NoSQL systems that were developed for new applications such as Web search, e-commerce, social media, and advanced analytics. This course will cover key systems topics in implementing an RDBMS: data storage, buffer management, indexing, sorting, relational operator implementations, a bit of query optimization, and a bit of transaction management and concurrency control. The implementation of newer Big Data systems such as Spark and MapReduce/Hadoop, as well as distributed NoSQL/key-value stores, in-memory RDBMSs, and streaming DBMSs will likely be covered too. A major component of this course is hands-on C++ programming to implement two key components of an RDBMS, a buffer manager and a B+ Tree index, on top of a basic RDBMS skeleton that will be provided. Course Format
CutoffsThese cutoffs on the total score are a minimum guarantee on the grade. The thresholds might be decreased later by the instructor but not increased.
Exam Dates
Classroom Rules