Arun Kumar
Associate Professor
Computer Science and Engineering
and Halicioglu Data Science Institute
and HDSI Faculty Fellow
University of California, San Diego
Email: akk018 [at] ucsd [dot] edu
Office: 3218 CSE (EBU3B) and 351 HDSI
Arun Kumar is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering and the Halicioglu Data Science Institute and
an HDSI Faculty Fellow
at the University of California, San Diego.
He is a member of the Database Lab,
ML Systems Group,
Data Infrstructure & Systems Group,
and Center for Networked Systems, as well as
an affiliate member of the CSE AI Group
and HDSI AI/ML Group.
His primary research interests are in data management and systems for machine
learning/artificial intelligence-based data analytics.
Systems and ideas based on his research have been shipped as part of products from,
or used internally by, multiple cloud, Web, and database systems companies,
including Google, Facebook/Meta, Oracle, and VMware.
He is a recipient of three SIGMOD research paper awards,
six distinguished reviewer/metareviewer awards from SIGMOD/VLDB,
early career awards from NSF, IEEE TCDE, and VLDB,
a UCSD oSTEM Faculty of the Year Award,
and research award gifts from Amazon, Google, Oracle, and VMware.
His first PhD graduate received the ACM SIGMOD Jim Gray Doctoral Dissertation Award.
He is a Cofounder and CTO of RapidFire AI, a software startup building a new kind of DL platform.
Curriculum Vitae |
Research Blog |
Youtube Channel |
On Twitter |
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Recent News
New! 12/24: Our SNAILS paper on defining, measuring, and benchmarking the impact of database schema naturalness
on LLM-based NL to SQL is accepted to ACM SIGMOD 2025!
New! 8/24: Delighted to receive a VLDB Early Career Research Contribution Award at VLDB 2024!
This is the first time this award goes to work in the area of deep learning systems.
7/24: Our paper on using LLMs to augment query benchmark sets for
multi-model analytics, part of the AWESOME project, is accepted to ACM CIKM 2024!
6/24: Congrats to my recent PhD graduate, Yuhao Zhang, on his ACM SIGMOD Distinguished PC Member award!
I am also delighted to receive an ACM SIGMOD Distinguished Associate Editor award the same year.
My current research focuses on the foundations of advanced data analytics systems that help make
the process of building and deploying ML/AI-powered data analytics applications easier (improving
the productivity of data scientists and ML/software engineers) and faster (improving runtime
performance and introducing accuracy trade-offs).
Thus, the key themes of my research are usability, developability, performance, and scalability.
I enjoy working on problems that are motivated by real applications and are formally grounded.
I also enjoy insightful conversations with practitioners on the frontlines of data analytics.
More details about my research are available on my research group webpage,
including current projects, and all of our
For a summary of my current research, you can also read this one-pager,
listen to this podcast,
or watch this talk video.
CSE 234: Data Systems for Machine Learning (previously CSE 291):
Winter 2024,
Winter 2023,
Fall 2021,
Fall 2020
CSE 132C (formerly CSE 190): Database System Implementation:
Spring 2023,
Spring 2022,
Spring 2021,
Spring 2020,
Spring 2019,
Spring 2018,
Spring 2017
DSC 208R: Data Management for Analytics: Winter 2023
DSC 102: Systems for Scalable Analytics:
Fall 2022,
Winter 2022,
Winter 2021,
Winter 2020
CSE 232A: Graduate Database Systems: Fall 2019, Fall 2018
CSE 291: Advanced Data Analytics and ML Systems (now CSE 234):
Winter 2019,
Winter 2018,
Winter 2017
CSE 239: Database Seminar: Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019
CSE 290: Seminar on Integrative AI Engineering: Fall 2018
CSE 290: Seminar on Advanced Data Science: Fall 2017, Spring 2017
CS 564: Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation (Fall 2015 at UW-Madison)
Kyle Luoma (PhD, CSE, UCSD); Co-advisor: Jingbo Shang
Xiuwen Zheng (PhD, CSE, USCD); Co-advisor: Amarnath Gupta
Animesh Kumar (MS, CSE, UCSD)
Kabir Nagrecha (PhD, CSE, UCSD; 2024); Co-advisor: Hao Zhang; First employment: Netflix
Yuhao Zhang (PhD, CSE, UCSD; 2023); First employment: Databricks
Pradyumna Sridhara (MS, CSE, UCSD, 2023); First employment: UCSD HDSI
Tanay Karve (MS, CSE, UCSD, 2022); First employment: Apple
Vignesh Nanda Kumar (MS, CSE, UCSD, 2022); First employment: ServiceNow
Supun Nakandala (PhD, CSE, UCSD, 2022); First employment: Databricks
Vraj Shah (PhD, CSE, UCSD, 2022); First employment: IBM Research Almaden
Liangde Li (MS, CSE, UCSD, 2022); First employment: TigerGraph
Tara Mirmira (MS, CSE, USCD, 2022); First employment: PhD at UCSD
Advitya Gemawat (BS, HDSI, UCSD, 2021); First employment: Microsoft NERD AI.
Kabir Nagrecha (BS, CSE, UCSD, 2021); First employment: PhD at UCSD.
Shaoqing Yi (BS, HDSI and Math, UCSD, 2021); First employment: PhD at UC Berkeley.
Side Li (MS, CSE, UCSD, 2021); First employment: Google.
Kevin Yang (BS, CSE, UCSD, 2020); First employment: MS at UPenn
David Justo (MS, CSE UCSD, 2019); Co-advisor: Nadia Polikarpova; First employment: Microsoft
Anthony Thomas (MS, CSE, UCSD, 2018); First employment: PhD at UCSD
Lingjiao Chen (MS, CS, UW-Madison, 2018); First employment: PhD at Stanford
Side Li (BS, CSE, UCSD, 2018); First employment: Amazon
Mingyang Wang (MS, CSE, UCSD, 2017); First employment: Amazon
Program Co-Chair (Research Track), ACM CODS-COMAD 2024
Associate Editor, ACM SIGMOD 2024
Associate Editor, Scalable Data Science Category, VLDB 2022, 2021 (Inaugural)
Co-Chair, Diversity and Inclusion, ACM SIGMOD 2021 (Inaugural)
Core Committee member, Diversity & Inclusion in DB Initiative, 2021 (Inaugural)
(Inaugural) Lead Organizer, SoCal DB Day 2018
Co-Chair, ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Data Management for End-to-End Machine Learning (DEEM) 2018
(Inaugural) Organizing Committee, ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Common Model Infrastructure (CMI) 2018
Organizing Committee, Extremely Large Databases (XLDB) 2018
Program Committee:
ACM SIGMOD: 2024, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
CIDR: 2023, 2022, 2021
IEEE ICDE 2023 Special Track Senior PC
ACM SIGMOD DEEM Workshop: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2017
VLDB: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
ACM SIGMOD HILDA Workshop: 2022
MLSys / SysML: 2020, 2019
ACM SIGMOD 2017 Demonstrations; Student Research Competition
USENIX HotCloud 2016
ACM SIGMOD 2016 Undergraduate Research Poster Competition
Reviewer / External:
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 2017, 2015
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) 2014
Outreach Materials
Blog Posts and Talks:
Interviews and Panels:
News and Other Resources: