CSE 21

Mathematics for Algorithm and Systems Analysis

Last Modified: 10/24/13


Prof. Ron Graham
Email: graham@ucsd.edu
Office: EBU3b 2138
Office Hours
When: W 2-3
Where: EBU3b 2138


Prof. Mia Minnes
Email: minnes@eng.ucsd.edu
Office: EBU3b 4206
Office Hours
When: M 11-12 and Th 2-3
Where: EBU3b 4206

Teaching Assistants

Radheshyam Balasundaram
Email: rbalasun@eng.ucsd.edu
Office: EBU3b XXX
Office Hours
When: TBD
Where: B240A
Allyson Cauble-Chantrenne
Email: accauble@eng.ucsd.edu
Office: EBU3b XXX
Office Hours
When: TBD
Where: B260A
Shibu Lawrence
Email: sslawren@eng.ucsd.edu
Office: EBU3b XXX
Office Hours
When: TBD
Where: B260A
Mark Saroufim
Email: msaroufi@eng.ucsd.edu
Office: EBU3b XXX
Office Hours
When: TBD
Where: B260A


Chen-Hsien Chan
Email: chc147@@ucsd.edu
Tutor Hours
When: TBD
Where: B240A
Helena Chen
Email: hec013@ucsd.edu
Tutor Hours
When: TBD
Where: B240A
Shun Hei Lui
Email: s1lui@ucsd.edu
Tutor Hours
When: TBD
Where: B260A
Sneha Jayaprakash
Email: sjayapra@ucsd.edu
Tutor Hours
When: TBD
Where: B260A
Maya Nyayapati
Email: mnyayapa@ucsd.edu
Tutor Hours
When: TBD
Where: B260A
Hannah Thompson
Email: hnthomps@ucsd.edu
Tutor Hours
When: TBD
Where: B260A
Matan Vardi
Email: mvardi@ucsd.edu
Tutor Hours
When: TBD
Where: B260A
Xiaohan Wang
Email: xiw072@ucsd.edu
Tutor Hours
When: TBD
Where: B260A

Class Meetings

Lecture (Prof. Graham) Tu/Th3:30pm - 4:50pmCENTER 119
Lecture (Prof. Minnes) Tu/Th8:00am - 9:20amPCYNH 106
Discussion Wed3:00pm - 3:50pmCENTER 115
Discussion Fri2:00pm - 2:50pmCENTER 109
Final Exam (Prof. Graham) 12/09/133:00pm-6:00pmTBA
Final Exam (Prof. Minnes) 12/10/138:00am-11:00amTBA

Welcome Message

If you ever wondered "What sort of mathematics do I need for computer science?", this course will provide some of the answers. In particular, you will have the opportunity to learn basic concepts about counting, permutations and combinations, decision trees, recurrences, discete probability and graph theory, among other things. These are some of the essential ingredients in the toolkit of every computer scientist.

You are welcome to browse around on this website. There is a lot of useful material on-line. In particular, all homework, homework solutions, and the midterm exams will be posted here, as will important announcements.

Course Description:

Please click here for a detailed course description as given in the undergraduate course listing.


There will be one midterm exam and a final exam. In addition there will be weekly homework. We will be using WeBWorK, a computer-based system for assigning and grading homework. Homework will be assigned each week on Monday and will be due the following Monday. Solutions will be posted a few days after the homework is due. It is essential that you do the homework since this is the only way that you can gain mastery of the techniques we will study (and because the tests will be based in large part on the homework!).

We will compute a percentage score based on your coursework and then assign a letter grade as follows:
  A     88.0 - 100%
  B     75.0 - 87.9%
  C     60.0 - 74.9%
  D     50.0 - 59.9%
  F     below 50.0%

Your percentage score is the weighted average of your scores on the homework the midterm and the final exam. The weights below total 110%, but we'll cut 10% off the weight of your weaker exam. Scores in the three individual areas are determined as follows:

Homework (10%)

We'll drop your lowest homework score.

Midterm (35%), Final (65%)

If the class median on an exam is below 75% (which is typical), then we normalize all scores upward so that the median is 75%. We normalize by adding a fixed number of points to every score. Scores are not capped at 100%. If the median on an exam is above 75%, fantastic!

Extra Credit:

From time to time we will post Extra Credit problems. These will typically be more difficult than the usual p/oblems, but solving them (or even working on them) could definitely impress the instructors! Extra credit is posted here

Academic Integrity:

The Jacobs School of Engineering code of Academic Integrity is here. You should read it!


The most recent announcements will posted first. It is a good idea to check these from time to time to be aware of changes in schedule, etc.

Practice questions for the midterm and an old midterm exam are posted on Piazza

- Please join the class discussion group which is hosted on Piazza. If you haven't received the email to join Piazza, use this link: piazza.com/ucsd/fall2013/cse21 to sign up.

- The lectures in this class will be podcast: find our links at podcast.ucsd.edu



The textbook material for this course is Lectures In Discrete Mathematics: Second Course. The material can be found at the following links:

You may want to print out this material for easy reference. A paperback version on this material is available from Amazon for about $11.00 (used). While we won't cover all of this material in the lectures, you should read it in any case. There are a number of other sources on the Web that cover this material. For example, you can look at: http://www.macalester.edu/~hutchinson/book/book.html or http://www.cse.iitd.ernet.in/~bagchi/courses/discrete-book/fullbook.pdf.

Also, a good source for extra problems to practice on is Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics (available in the Bookstore or at Amazon for $10).



NOTE: Subject to changes if unavoidable circumstances arise.

9/26/13 Thur Counting and Listing - CL Section 1
10/1/13 Tu Counting and Listing - CL Section 2
10/3/13 Thur Counting and Listing - CL Sections 2-3
10/8/13 Tu Counting and Listing - CL Section 3
10/10/13 Thur Counting and Listing - CL Sections 3-4
10/15/13 Tu Counting and Listing - CL Section 4
10/17/13 Thur Functions - FN Section 1-2
10/22/13 Tu Functions - FN Section 3
10/25/13 Thur Functions - FN Section 4
10/29/13 Tu Functions - FN Section 4
10/31/13 Thur Midterm
11/5/13 Tu Decision Trees - Section 1
11/7/13 Thur Decision Trees - Sections 1-2
11/12/13 Tu Decision Trees - Section 2
11/14/13 Thur Decision Trees - Section 3
11/19/13 Tu Recurrences
11/21/13 Thur Recurrences - Cont'd
11/26/13 Tu Graph Theory - Section 1
11/28/13 Thur Holiday
12/3/13 Tu Graph Theory - Section 2
12/5/13 Thur Graph Theory - Section 3 (Last Class)
12/9/13 Mon Final Exam (Prof. Graham) 3:00 - 6:00
12/10/13 Tue Final Exam (Prof. Minnes) 8:00 - 11:00

