EBU3B 3114
9500 Gilman Drive, M/C 0404
La Jolla, CA 92093-0404
(858) 822-2289
| (858) 534-7029 fax
I am a member of the Systems and Networking
Research Group, the Security and Cryptography Research Group, and
the Center for Networked Systems.
Recent papers
A Cloud-Scale Characterization of Remote Procedure Calls
SOSP, Koblenz, Germany, October 2023.-
Memory Management in ActiveRMT: Towards Runtime-programmable Switches
SIGCOMM, New York, NY, September 2023. (Best Paper)
CSE 8B Introduction to Computer Science: Java (II)
CSE 120 Principles of Computer Operating Systems
CSE 121 Operating Systems: Architecture and Implementation
CSE 123 Computer Networks
CSE 221 Graduate Operating Systems
CSE 222A Computer Communication Networks
CSE 223B Distributed Computing and Systems
CSE 224 Graduate Networked Systems
CSE 291 Topics in Mobile & Wireless Networking
CSE 294 Systems and Networking Research Seminar
Mikhail Afanasyev, PhDJeannie Albrecht, PhD (joint w/Amin Vahdat)
Alvin AuYoung, PhD
Karyn Benson, PhD (joint w/k claffy)
Rajdeep Das, PhD
Joe DeBlasio, PhD
Alex Gamero Garrido, PhD (joint w/Alberto Dainotti)
Stewart Grant, PhD
Danny Huang, PhD (joint w/Kirill Levchenko)
Ramana Kompella, PhD (joint w/George Varghese)
Feng Lu, PhD (joint w/Geoff Voelker & Tara Javidi)
John McCullough, PhD
Barath Raghavan, PhD
Arjun Roy, PhD (joint w/Ken Yocum)
Daniel Turner, PhD (joint w/Stefan Savage)
Bhanu Vattikonda, PhD
Patrick Verkaik, PhD
Kevin Webb, PhD (joint w/Ken Yocum)
Anil Yelam, PhD