Hi! I am a professor in the CSE department in UC San Diego. I am part of the Theory of Computation group and help run the theory seminar. I have a broad interest in theoretical computer science and mathematics. In particular computational complexity, randomness and pseudo-randomness, algebraic constructions, coding theory, additive combinatorics and high-dimensional geometry. My research is funded by NSF and a Simons investigator award. If you are a student and would like me to write you a recommendation letter, please read this first. Teaching (previous years):
Current PhD students:
Current postdocs: Previous students/postdocs:
Professional activities:
Some theory-related websites that I help maintain:
Email: slovett (at) cs.ucsd.edu
Office: CSE 4234
Snail mail: University of California, San Diego
Computer Science & Engineering Department
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail code 0404
La Jolla, CA 92093-0404, USA