Hi! I am a professor in the CSE department in UC San Diego.
I am part of the Theory of Computation group and help
run the theory seminar.
I have a broad interest in theoretical computer science and mathematics. In particular
computational complexity, randomness and pseudo-randomness, algebraic constructions,
coding theory, additive combinatorics and high-dimensional geometry. My research is funded by NSF and a Simons investigator award.
If you are a student and would like me to write you a recommendation letter, please read this first.
Teaching (previous years):
Recent Advances on the Log Rank Conjecture, Bulletin of EATCS, 2014
Additive Combinatorics and its Applications in Theoretical Computer Science, Theory of Computing, graduate survey #8, 2019
Higher order Fourier analysis and applications, with
Hamed Hatami and Pooya Hatami, Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science, 2019
Models of computation between decision trees and communication, with
Sasha Knop, Sam McGuire and Weiqiang Yuan, SIGACT news, Volume 52, No. 2, 2021
- Farzan Byramji (co-advised with Russell Impagliazzo)
- Max Hopkins (co-advised with Daniel Kane)
- Anthony Ostuni (co-advised with Daniel Kane)
Previous students/postdocs:
Professional activities:
Program Committees:
SOFSEM 2012,
RANDOM 2013,
CCC 2014,
FOCS 2015,
CCC 2017,
CCC 2018 (local chair),
ISIT 2018,
ITCS 2019 (local chair+PC member),
FOCS 2019,
CCC 2022 (PC chair),
ITCS 2023,
FOCS 2023,
SOSA 2024,
SODA 2025
Scientific/Editorial Boards:
Journal of the ACM,
ACM Transacations on Computation Theory (TOCT),
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (ITIT),
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC),
SIGACT Executive Committee
Computational Complexity Foundation,
Prague summer school on discrete mathematics
Some theory-related websites that I help maintain: