Kiran Tati
CSE 3140
9500 Gilman Drive,
La Jolla, CA, USA.

Office: 858 822 5647
Home: 858 455 9411
Mobile: 858 344 5244

Personal (CV)

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Science and Engineering at University of California, San Diego. My research interests include the design and implementation of Internet-scale distributed systems and the interaction between language runtime systems with the operating system. Currently working on exploiting heterogeneity in peer-to-peer systems to reduce object maintenance cost for highly available storage system with my adviser Prof. Geoffrey M. Voelker. I am affiliated with the systems and networking group at UCSD and an automated availability management system for peer-to-peer environments, TotalRecall.

I am graduating soon and will be joining VMWare in Jan.

Refereed Publications

On Object Maintenance in Peer-to-Peer Systems
Kiran Tati and  Geoffrey M. Voelker.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Peer-To-Peer Systems (IPTPS), Santa Barbara, California, February 2006.
ShortCuts: Using Soft State To Improve DHT Routing
Kiran Tati and  Geoffrey M. Voelker. 
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution (WCW'04), Beijing, China, October 2004.
TotalRecall: System Support for Automated Availability Management
Ranjita Bhagwan, Kiran Tati, Yu-Chung Cheng, Stefan Savage, and Geoffrey M. Voelker. 
In  Proceedings of the 1st ACM/USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), San Francisco, CA, March 2004.

Technical Reports

Resource Reclamation in Distributed Hash Tables.
Kiran Tati and  Geoffrey M. Voelker.
University of California, San Diego, CSE Technical Report CS2006-0863, July 2006.
ShortCuts: Using Soft State To Improve DHT Routing.
Kiran Tati and  Geoffrey M. Voelker.
Extended version of WCW-04 paper.  University of California, San Diego, CSE Technical Report CS2006-0862, July 2006.
Interaction of Virtual Machine with the Operating System.
Kiran Tati and  Geoffrey M. Voelker
University of California, San Diego, CSE Technical Report CS2002-0728, December 2002

M.Tech Thesis

The Design And Implementation of Transparent Anonymous FTP File System.
Kiran Tati. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur, March 1998.

Other Reports

Workshop Report for the 3rd International workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS2004).
Sriram Ramabhadran, Sumeet Singh, and Kiran Tati.
IPTPS, La Jolla, California, February 2004.