
[1] Choudhary, S., Carlone, L., Nieto, C., Rogers, J., Christensen, H. I., and Dellaert, F. Distributed mapping with privacy and communication constraints: Lightweight algorithms and object-based models. The International Journal of Robotics Research 36, 12 (2017), 1286--1311. [ bib | DOI | arXiv | www: ]
[2] Christensen, H. I., Khan, A., Pokutta, S., and Tetali, P. Approximation and online algorithms for multidimensional bin packing: A survey. Computer Science Review (2017), --. [ bib | DOI | www: ]
Keywords: Approximation algorithms
[3] Brahmbhatt, S., Christensen, H., and Hays, J. Stuffnet: Using “stuff” to improve object detection. In IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) (2017). [ bib ]
[4] Christensen, H. I., Okamura, A., Kumar, V., Hager, G., and Choset, H. Next generation robotics. Tech. rep., Computing Community Consortium, Washington, DC, June 2016. [ bib | .pdf ]
[5] Price, A., Balakirsky, S., Bobick, A., and Christensen, H. Affordance-feasible planning with manipulator wrench spaces. In Intl. Conf of Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (Stockholm, May 2016), IEEE. [ bib ]
[6] Kunz, T., Thomaz, A., and Christensen, H. Hierarchical rejection sampling for informed kinodynamic planning in high-dimensional spaces. In Intl. Conf of Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (Stockholm, May 2016), IEEE. [ bib ]
[7] Choudhary, S., Carlone, L., Nieto, C., Rogers III, J., Christensen, H. I., and Dellaert, F. Distributed trajectory estimation with privacy and communication constraints: a two-stage distributed gauss-seidel approach. In Intl. Conf of Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (Stockholm, May 2016), IEEE. [ bib ]
[8] Choi, C., and Christensen, H. I. Rgb-d object pose estimation in unstructured environments. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 75, 1 (January 2016), 595--613. [ bib | www: ]
[9] Dogar, M., Knepper, R. A., Spielberg, A., Choi, C., Christensen, H. I., and Rus, D. Towards coordinated precision assembly with robot teams. In Experimental Robotics, STAR. Springer Verlag, 2016, pp. 655--669. [ bib ]
[10] Dantam., N., H. B, A., Christensen, H., and Stilman, M. Online camera registration for robot manipulation. In Experimental Robotics, STAR. Springer Verlag, 2016, pp. 179--194. [ bib ]
[11] White, R., Christensen, H. I., and Quigley, M. SROS: Securing ROS over the wire, in the graph and through the kernel. In Humanoids 2016 (Cancun, Nov 2016), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[12] Zafar, M., and Christensen, H. I. Whole body control of wheeled inverted pendulum humanoids. In Intl. Conf. on Humanoid Robotics (Cancun, MX, Nov 2016), IEEE-RAS. [ bib ]
[13] Choudhary, S., Carlone, L., Nieto, C., Rogers, J., Liu, Z., Christensen, H. I., and Dellaert, F. Multi robot object-based SLAM. In Intl. Symp. on Experimental Robotics (Tokyo, JP, Oct 2016), IFRR. [ bib ]
[14] Murali, V., Nieto, C., Choudhary, S., and Christensen, H. I. Active planning based extrinsic calibration of exteroceptive sensors in unkown environments. In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Daejeon, Korea, Oct 2016), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[15] Lee, K., Joo, S., and Christensen, H. I. An assembly sequence generation of a product family for robot programming. In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Daejeon, Korea, Oct 2016), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[16] Scholz, J., Jindal, N., Levihn, M., Isbell, C., and Christensen, H. I. Navigation among movable obstacles with learned dynamic constraints. In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Daejeon, Korea, Oct 2016), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[17] Cosgun, A., Sisbot, A., and Christensen, H. I. Anticipatory robot path planning in human environments. In The 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (New York, NY, Aug 2016), IEEE. [ bib ]
[18] Huaman, A., Ben-Amor, H., and Christensen, H. I. Combining arm and hand metrics for sensible grasp modeling. In Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (Austin, TX, Aug 2016), IEEE. [ bib ]
[19] Hager, G., Rus, D., Kumar, V., and Christensen, H. I. Towards a science of autonomy for physical systems. Tech. rep., Computing Community Consortium, Washington, DC, October 2015. [ bib | http ]
[20] Choudhary, S., Indelman, V., Christensen, H. I., and Dellaert, F. Information based reduced landmark slam. In ICRA (Seatle, WA, May 2015), IEEE. [ bib ]
[21] Quispe, A. H., Melville, B., Erdogan, C., Amor, H. B., Christensen, H., and Stilman, M. Efficient manipulation planning with basic primitives. In ICRA (Seattle, WA, May 2015), IEEE. [ bib ]
[22] Scholz, J., Levihn, M., Isbell, C., Christensen, H., and Stilman, M. Learning non-holonomic object models for mobile manipulation. In ICRA (Seattle, WA, May 2015), IEEE. [ bib ]
[23] Nieto-Granda, C., Choudhary, S., Rogers III, J. G., Twigg, J. N., Murali, V., and Christensen, H. I. Towards contextual awareness in robot mapping: extracting semantic hierarchy from point cloud data. In Unmanned Systems Technology XVII (Baltimore, MD, April 2015), vol. 9468, SPIE. [ bib ]
[24] Gomez, J. M., Caputo, B., Cazorla, M., Christensen, H. I., Fornoni, M., Garcìa-Varea, I., and Pronobis, A. The robot vision challenge: Where are we after 5 editions? IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine 22, 4 (Dec 2015), 146--156. [ bib ]
[25] M.Dogar, R.A.Knepper, A.Spielberg, C.Choi, H.I.Christensen, and D.Rus. Multi-scale assembly with robot teams. International Journal of Robotics Research 34, 13 (Jul 2015), 1645--1659. [ bib | http ]
[26] Christensen, H. I., and Khatib, O., Eds. Robotics Research, vol. 100 of STAR. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg/New York, Dec 2015. [ bib ]
[27] Levihn, M., and Christensen, H. I. Using environment objects as tools in unknown environments. In Intl. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Seoul, KR, Nov 2015), IEEE-RAS. [ bib ]
[28] Quispe, A. H., Ben-Amor, H., and Christensen, H. A taxonomy of benchmark tasks for bimanual manipulators. In Intl. Conf. Robotics Research (Italy, Sep 2015), IFRR. [ bib ]
[29] Choudhary, S., Carlone, L., Christensen, H. I., and Dellaert, F. Exactly sparse memory efficient SLAM using the multi-block alternating direction method of multipliers. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Hamburg, DE, Sep 2015), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[30] Brahmbhatt, S., Ben-Amor, H., and Christensen, H. I. Occlusion aware object localization, segmentation and pose estimation. In British Machine Vision Conference (Swansea, UK, Sep 2015). [ bib | http ]
[31] Hickson, S., Essa, I., and Christensen, H. I. Semantic instance labeling leveraging hierarchical segmentation. In Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) (Hawaii, Jan 2015), IEEE. [ bib ]
[32] Hickson, S., Birchfield, S., Essa, I., and Christensen, H. Efficient Hierarchical Graph-Based Segmentation of RGBD Videos. In Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (June 2014), IEEE Computer Society. [ bib ]
[33] Dantam, N., Ben-Amor, H., Christensen, H., and Stilman, M. Online camera registration for robot manipulation. In Proceedings of the 2014 International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER) (Marocco, June 2014), IFRR, Springer Verlag. [ bib ]
[34] Bennett, R. V., Morzan, E. M., Huckaby, J. O., Monge, M. E., Christensen, H. I., and Fernandez, F. Robotic plasma probe ionization mass spectrometry (RoPPI-MS) of non-planar surfaces. Analyst 139 (2014), 2658--2662. [ bib | DOI | http ]
In this report, we present a robotic sample introduction/ionization system for mass spectrometry (MS) for spot analysis and imaging of non-planar surfaces. The system operates by probing the sample surface with an acupuncture needle, followed by direct plasma chemical ionization time-of-flight MS.

[35] Sawhney, R., Christensen, H. I., and Bradski, G. R. Anisotropic agglomerative adaptive mean-shift. CoRR abs/1411.4102 (2014). [ bib | http ]
[36] Nieto-Granda, C., III, J. G. R., and Christensen, H. I. Coordination strategies for multi-robot exploration and mapping. Intl. Jour. of Robotics Research 33, 4 ( 2014), 519--533. [ bib ]
[37] Nieto-Granda, C., Trevor, A. J., Rogers, J. G., Cunningham, A., Paluri, M., Michael, N., Dellaert, F., Christensen, H. I., and Kumar, V. Effects of sensory precision on mobile robot localization and mapping. In Experimental Robotics, STAR. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg/New York, Jan 2014, pp. 433--446. [ bib ]
[38] Dantam, N., Amor, H. B., Christensen, H., and Stilman, M. Online multi-camera registration for bimanual workspace trajectories. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS) (Barcelona, ES, Nov 2014), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[39] Choudhary, S., Trevor, A. J. B., Christensen, H. I., and Dellaert, F. SLAM with object discovery, modeling and mapping. In IROS-2014 (Chicago, IL, Sep 2014), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[40] Portugal, D., Pippin, C., Rocha, R. P., and Christensen, H. I. Finding optimal routes for multi-robot patrolling in generic graphs. In IROS-2014 (Chicago, IL, Sep 2014), IEEE-RAS / RSJ. [ bib ]
[41] Huckaby, J., and Christensen, H. I. A Case for SysML in Robotics. In International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (Taipei, TW, Aug 2014), IEEE, pp. 333--338. [ bib ]
[42] Nieto-Granda, C., Choudhary, S., Rogers, J. G., Twigg, J., Murali, V., and Christensen, H. I. Object guided autonomous exploration for mobile robots in indoor environments. In SPIE Defense+Security (Baltimore, MD, Apr 2014), SPIE, pp. 90840--90846. [ bib ]
[43] Huckaby, J., and Christensen, H. I. Modeling robot assembly tasks in manufacturing using SysML. In ISR/Robotik (Munich, DE, Jun 2014), IFR. [ bib ]
[44] Cosgun, A., Sisbot, E. A., and Christensen, H. I. Vibro-tactile belt interface for robotic human navigation. In ICRA (Hong Kong, Jun 2014), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[45] Trevor, A. J. B., Rogers III, J. G., and Christensen, H. I. Omnimapper: A modular multimodal mapping framework. In ICRA (Hong Kong, Jun 2014), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[46] Pippin, C., and Christensen, H. I. Trust modeling in multi-robot patrolling. In ICRA (Hong Kong, Jun 2014), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[47] Piliouras, G., Nieto-Granda, C., Christensen, H., and Shamma, J. Persistent patterns: Multi-agent learning beyond equilibrium and utility. In 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2014) (2014). [ bib ]
[48] Cosgun, A., Florencio, D., and Christensen, H. Autonomous person following for telepresence robots. In Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (Karlsruhe, May 2013), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib | .pdf ]
[49] Rogers III, J. G., and Christensen, H. I. Robot planning with a semantic map. In Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2013), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[50] Choi, C., Trevor, A., and Christensen, H. I. RGB-D Edge Detection and Edge-Based Registration. In IROS (Tokyo, Nov 2013), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[51] Choi, C., Trevor, A., and Christensen, H. I. RGB-D Object Tracking: A Particle Filter Approach on GPU. In IROS (Tokyo, Nov 2013), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[52] Huckaby, J., Vassos, S., and Christensen, H. I. Planning with a task modeling framework in manufacturing robotics. In IROS (Tokyo, JP, Nov 2013), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[53] Cosgun, A., Bunger, M., and Christensen, H. I. Accuracy analysis of skeleton trackers for safety in hri. In Workshop on Safety and Comfort of Humanoid Coworker and Assistant (Humanoids 2013) (Atlanta, GA, Oct. 2013), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib | .pdf ]
[54] Nieto-Granda, C., Rogers III, J. G., and Christensen, H. Multi-robot exploration strategies for tactical tasks in urban environments. In SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing (2013), International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 87410B--87410B. [ bib ]
[55] Pippin, C. E., Christensen, H., and Weiss, L. Dynamic, cooperative multi-robot patrolling with a team of uavs. In SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing (2013), International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 874103--874103. [ bib ]
[56] Rogers, J. G., Young, S. H., Gregory, J. M., Nieto-Granda, C., and Christensen, H. I. Robot mapping in large-scale mixed indoor and outdoor environments. In SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing (2013), International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 874107--874107. [ bib ]
[57] Pippin, C., Christensen, H., and Weiss, L. Performance based task assignment in multi-robot patrolling. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (2013), ACM, pp. 70--76. [ bib ]
[58] Pippin, C. E., and Christensen, H. Learning task performance in market-based task allocation. In Intelligent Autonomous Systems 12. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 613--621. [ bib ]
[59] Trevor, A. J. B., Rogers III, J. G., Cosgun, A., and Christensen, H. I. Interactive object modeling & labeling for service robots. In HRI (2013), pp. 421--422. [ bib | http ]
[60] Christensen, H. I., Kumar, V., Hager, G., Mason, M., Hollerbach, J., Okamura, A., and Mataric, M. From Internet to Robotics - a US National Robotics Roadmap - 2nd edition. Tech. rep., Computing Community Consortium, Washington, DC, Sep 2013. [ bib | .pdf ]
[61] Pippin, C., and Christensen, H. I. Performance based monitoring using statistical control charts on multi-robot teams. In 15th Intl. Conf on Information fusion (Singapore, July 2012). [ bib | .pdf ]
[62] Pippin, C., and Christensen, H. I. Learning task performance in market-based task allocation. In Proc. 12th Intl. Autonomous Systems (Jeju, Korea, June 2012), Springer Verlag. [ bib | .pdf ]
[63] Dantam, N., Nieto, C., Christensen, H. I., and Stilman, M. Linguistic composition of semantic maps and hybrid controllers. In 13th Intl. Symp. on Experimental Robotics (Montreal, Canada, June 2012). [ bib ]
[64] Rogers III, J. G., Nieto, C., and Christensen, H. I. Coordination strategies for multi-robot exploration and mapping. In 13th Intl. Symp. on Experimental Robotics (Montreal, Canada, June 2012). [ bib ]
[65] Rogers III, J. G., and Christensen, H. I. A conditional random field model for place and object classification. In Intl. Conf. On Robotics and Automation (St. Paul, MN, May 2012), IEEE. [ bib ]
[66] Trevor, A. J. B., Rogers III, J. G., and Christensen, H. I. Planar Surface SLAM with 3D and 2D Sensors. In Intl. Conf. On Robotics and Automation (St. Paul, MN, May 2012), IEEE. [ bib ]
[67] Rogers III, J. G., Stump, E. A., Young, S., Sadler, L. C., and Christensen, H. I. Autonomous 3D exploration and mapping with unmanned ground robots. In SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing (Baltimore, MD, April 2012). [ bib ]
[68] Pippin, C. E., and Christensen, H. I. Performance based dynamic team formation in multi-agent auctions. In SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing - Symposium 8398 (Baltimore, MD, April 2012). [ bib | .pdf ]
[69] Christensen, H. I. Formulation of a u.s. national strategy for robotics [industrial activities]. IEEE Robot. Automat. Mag. 19, 2 (2012), 10--14. [ bib | http ]
[70] Choi, C., and Christensen, H. I. Robust 3d visual tracking using particle filtering on the special Euclidean group: A combined approach of keypoint and edge features. Intl. Jour. of Robotics Research 31, 4 (2012), 498--519. [ bib | http ]
[71] Trevor, A. J. B., Cosgun, A., Kumar, J., and Christensen, H. I. Interactive map labeling for service robots. In Workshop on Active Semantic Perception in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012) (Algave, Portugal, Oct 2012), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib | .pdf ]
[72] Choi, C., and Christensen, H. I. 3D textureless object detection and tracking: An edge-based approach. In Intl. Conf on Intelligent Robotics and System (Faro, Portugal, Oct 2012), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[73] Choi, C., and Christensen, H. I. 3D pose estimation for daily objects using and RGB-D camera. In Intl. Conf on Intelligent Robotics and System (Faro, Portugal, Oct 2012), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[74] Kolhe, P., and Christensen, H. Finding graph topologies for feasible multirobot motion planning. In Intl. Conf on Intelligent Robotics and System (Faro, Portugal, Oct 2012), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[75] Huckaby, J., and Christensen, H. I. A taxonomic framework for task modeling and knowledge transfer in manufacturing robotic. In Eighth International Cognitive Robotics Workshop (Jul 2012). [ bib ]
[76] Pippin, C., and Christensen, H. Incentive based cooperation in multi-agent auctions. In AAAI Spring Symposium (Mar. 2012), AAAI. [ bib | .pdf ]
[77] Chatila, R., Christensen, H. I., and Khatib, O. Roboitcs research - isrr 2011. Intl. Jour. of Robotics Research 31, 11 (Sep 2012), 1217--1218. [ bib ]
[78] Trevor, A., Rogers III, J., Nieto, C., and Christensen, H. I. Feature-based mapping with grounded landmark and place labels. In RSS Workshop on Grounding Human-Robot Dialog for Spatial Tasks (Los Angeles, CA, June 2011). [ bib ]
[79] Choi, C., and Christensen, H. I. Robust 3D visual tracking using particle filtering on the SE(3) group. In Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (Shanghai, China, May 2011), IEEE, pp. 4384--4391. [ bib | .pdf ]
[80] Rogers III, J. G., Cunningham, A., Paluri, M., Christensen, H. I., Dellaert, F., Michael, N., Kumar, V., and Mathies, L. Cooperative mapping of indoor environments. In Defense, Security and Sensing (Orando, Fl., April 2011), SPIE. [ bib ]
[81] Burke, J., and Christensen, H. I. Hri: The real world. In HRI 2011 - Proc. of 6th ACM--IEEE Intl. Conf on Human Robot Interaction (Lausanne, March 2011). [ bib ]
[82] Young, J. E., Sung, J.-Y., Voida, A., Sharlin, E., Igarashi, T., Christensen, H. I., and Grinter, R. E. Evaluating human-robot interaction - focusing on the holistic interaction experience. I. J. Social Robotics 3, 1 (2011), 53--67. [ bib ]
[83] Elfwing, S., Uchibe, E., Doya, K., and Christensen, H. I. Darwinian embodied evolution of the learning ability for survival. Adaptive Behaviour 19, 2 (2011), 101--120. [ bib ]
[84] Rogers III, J. G., Trevor, A., Nieto, C., and Christensen, H. I. Slam with learned object recognition and semantic data association. In IROS (San Francisco, CA, Oct. 2011), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[85] Emeli, V., and Christensen, H. I. Enhancing the robot service experience through social media. In IEEE ws. on Roman and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN) (Atlanta, GA, Aug 2011). [ bib ]
[86] Rusu, R., Gradski, G., Konolige, K., Beetz, M., and Christensen, H. I. Special issue on semantic perception for robots in indoor environments. Intl. Jour. of Robotics Research 30, 10 (Sep 2011), 1207--1208. [ bib ]
[87] Christensen, H. I., Kruijff, G., and Wyatt, J., Eds. Cognitive Systems. COSMOS. Springer Verlag, Berlin, DE, May 2010. [ bib | .pdf ]
[88] Choi, C., and Christensen, H. Real-time 3d model-based tracking using edge and keypoint features for robotic manipulation. In ICRA-2010 (Anchorage, May 2010), IEEE RAS, pp. 4048--4055. [ bib ]
[89] Trevor, A., Rogers III, J. G., Nieto, C., and Christensen, H. I. Applying domain knowledge to slam using virtual measurements. In ICRA-2010 (Anchorage, May 2010), IEEE RAS, pp. 5389--5396. [ bib ]
[90] Okamura, A., Mataric, M., and Christensen, H. I. Medical and health-care robotics. Robotics and Automation Magazine 17, 3 (Sep 2010), 26--27. [ bib ]
[91] Topp, E. A., and Christensen, H. I. Detecting region transitions for human-augmented mapping. IEEE Trans. on Robotics 26, 4 (Aug 2010), 715--720. [ bib ]
[92] Young, J., Sung, J., Volda, A., Sharlin, E., Igarashi, Y., Christensen, H. I., and Grinter, B. Evaluating human-robot interaction: Focusing on the holistic interaction experience. I. J. of Social Robotics 2, 4 (2010). [ bib | .pdf ]
[93] Sung, J.-Y., Grinter, R. E., and Christensen, H. I. Domestic robot ecology - an initial framework to unpack long-term acceptance of robots at home. International Journal of Social Robotics (2010). [ bib | .pdf ]
[94] Frintrop, S., Rome, E., and Christensen, H. I. Computational visual attention systems and their cognitive foundation: A survey. ACM Trans. on Active Perception 10, 1 (2010), (in press). [ bib ]
[95] Christensen, H. I., Groen, F., and Petreu, E., Eds. International Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Systems -- IAS-11. IOS Press, Ottawa, Canada, Aug 2010. [ bib ]
[96] Balakirski, S., Proctor, F., Kramer, T., Kolhe, P., and Christensen, H. I. Using simulation to assess the effectiveness of pallet stacking methods. In Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (Berlin, 2010), N. Ando, T. Hemker, M. Reggiani, and O. von Stryk, Eds., vol. 6472 of LNAI, pp. 336--349. [ bib | http ]
[97] Rogers III, J. G., Trevor, A. J. B., Nieto-Granda, C., Cunningham, A., Paluri, M., Michael, N., and Christensen, H. I. Effects of sensory precision on mobile robot localization and mapping. In International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (Delhi, India, Dec 2010), IFRR. [ bib ]
[98] Rogers III, J. G., Trevor, A. J. B., Nieto-Granda, C., and Christensen, H. I. Slam with expectation maximization for moveable object tracking. In IROS (Taiwan, Oct 2010), IEEE, pp. 2077--2082. [ bib ]
[99] Nieto-Granda, C., Rogers III, J. G., Trevor, A. J. B., and Christensen, H. I. Semantic map partitioning in indoor environments using regional analysis. In IROS (Taiwan, Oct 2010), IEEE, pp. 1451--1456. [ bib ]
[100] Trevor, A., Rogers III, J., Nieto-Granda, C., and Christensen, H. I. Tables, counters, and shelves: Semantic mapping of surfaces in 3d. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2010) Workshop on Semantic Mapping and Autonomous Knowledge Acquisition (Taiwan, Oct 2010), IEEE/RSJ. [ bib ]
[101] Lee, G., Yoon, S., Chong, N., and Christensen, H. mobile sensor network forming concentric circles through local interaction and consensus building. Jour. of Robotics and Mechatronics 21, 4 (July 2009), 469--477. [ bib | .pdf ]
[102] Lee, G., Chong, N. Y., and Christenen, H. I. Adaptive trinagular mesh generation of self-configuring robot swarms. In ICRA (Kobe, JP, May 2009), IEEE/RAS, pp. 2737--2742. [ bib ]
[103] Ellekilde, L. P., and Christensen, H. I. Control of mobile manipulator using the dynamical systems approach. In ICRA (Kobe, JP, May 2009), IEEE/RAS, pp. 1370--1376. [ bib ]
[104] Christensen, H. I., Kumar, V., Hager, G., Mason, M., Hollerbach, J., Okamura, A., and Mataric, M. From internet to robotics - a US national robotics roadmap - 1st edition. Tech. rep., Computing Community Consortium, Washington, DC, May 2009. [ bib ]
[105] Smith, C., and Christensen, H. I. Constructing a high-performance robot from commercially available parts. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine 16, 4 (Dec. 2009), 75--83. [ bib ]
[106] Pronobis, A., Caputo, B., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. I. A realistic benchmark for visual indoor place recognition. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Aug 2009). [ bib | http ]
[107] Rogers III, J. G., and Christensen, H. I. Normalized graph-cuts for large scale visual SLAM. In IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intell. Robots and Systems (St. Louis, MO, Oct. 2009), IEEE, pp. 918--923. [ bib ]
[108] Wu, J., Rehg, J., and Christensen, H. I. Visual Place Categorization: Problem, Dataset, and Algorithm. In IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intell. Robots and Systems (St. Louis, MO, Oct. 2009), IEEE. [ bib ]
[109] Chandrababu, S., and Christensen, H. I. Adding diagnostics to intelligent service robots. In IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intell. Robots and Systems (St. Louis, MO, Oct. 2009), IEEE, pp. 3961--3967. [ bib ]
[110] Choi, C., and Christensen, H. I. Cognitive vision for efficient scene processign and object categorization in highly cluttered environments. In IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intell. Robots and Systems (St. Louis, MO, Oct. 2009), IEEE. [ bib ]
[111] Smith, C., and Christensen, H. I. Wii-mote robot control using human motion models. In IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intell. Robots and Systems (St. Louis, MO, Oct. 2009), IEEE. [ bib ]
[112] Smith, C., and Christensen, H. I. A minimum jerk predictor for teleoperation with variable time delay. In IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intell. Robots and Systems (St. Louis, MO, Oct. 2009), IEEE. [ bib ]
[113] Sung, J., Grinter, B., and Christensen, H. Sketching the future: Assessing user needs for domestic robots. In 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Toyama, JP, Sep 2009), pp. 153--158. [ bib ]
[114] Ryu, J.-K., Chong, N.-Y., and Christensen, H. I. Adaptive CPG based coordinated control of healthy and robotics lower limb movement. In 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Toyama, JP, Sep 2009), pp. 122--127. [ bib ]
[115] Sung, J.-Y., Grinter, R. E., and Christensen, H. I. Pimp my Roomba: designing for personalization. In ACM Conf on Human Factors in Computer Systems - CHI-09 (Boston, MA, Apr 2009). [ bib ]
[116] Sung, J.-Y., Christensen, H., and Grinter, B. Robots in the wild: understanding long-term use. In ACM Conf. on Human Robot Interaction - HRI-09 (San Diego, CA, Mar 2009). [ bib ]
[117] Smith, C., Bratt, M., and Christensen, H. I. Teleoperation for a ballcatching task with significant dynamics. IEEE Trans on Neural Networks 21, 4 (May 2008), 604--620. [ bib ]
[118] Christensen, H. I., and Hager, G. Sensing and estimation. In Handbook of Robotics, B. Siciliano and O. Khatib, Eds. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, May 2008, ch. 4. [ bib ]
[119] Topp, E. A., and Christensen, H. I. Detecting structural ambiguities and transistions during a guided tour. In 2008 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (Pasadena, CA, May 2008), pp. 2564--2571. [ bib | .pdf ]
[120] Ullah, M. M., Pronobis, A., Caputo, B., Luo, J., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. I. Towards robust place recognition for robot localization. In 2008 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (Pasadena, CA, May 2008), pp. 530--537. [ bib | .pdf ]
[121] Zivkovic, Z., Booji, O., Krose, B., Topp, E. A., and Christensen, H. I. From sensors to human spatial concepts: An annotated data set". IEEE Trans on Robotics 24, 2 (March 2008), 501--505. [ bib ]
[122] Sung, J.-Y., Grinter, R. E., Christensen, H. I., and Guo, L. Housewives or technophiles?: understanding domestic robot owners. In HRI-08: Proc of 3rd ACM/IEEE Intl Conf on Human Robot Interaction (Amsterdam, March 2008). [ bib ]
Keywords: domestic robot, user study
[123] Folkesson, J., and Christensen, H. I. SIFT based graphical SLAM on a packbot. In Field and Service Robotics (Heidelberg, Germany, Mar. 2008), C. Laugier and R. Siegwart, Eds., vol. 42 of Springer Tracts in Advanted Robotics, Springer Verlag, pp. 317--328. [ bib ]
[124] Elfwing, S., Uchibe, E., Doya, K., and Christensen, H. I. Co-evolution of shaping rewards and meta-parameters in reinforcement learning. Adaptive Behaviour 16, 8 (Dec 2008), 400--412. [ bib ]
[125] Christensen, H. I., and Case, J. P. Mobile manipulation in everyday environments. In Intl. Conf on Control, Automation and Systems (Seoul, Korea, Oct 2008), IEEE, pp. 24--29. [ bib ]
[126] Wooden, D., Powers, M., Egerstedt, M., Christensen, H., and Balch, T. Hybrid system architecture for autonomous, urban driving. Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication 4, 12 (Dec. 2007), 1047--1058. [ bib ]
[127] Lundberg, C., Christensen, H. I., and Reinhold, R. Long-term study of a portable field robot in Urban Terrain. Journal of Field Robotics 24, 8/9 (Sept. 2007), 625--650. [ bib ]
[128] Sung, J.-Y., Guo, L., Grinter, R. E., and Christensen, H. I. My roomba is rambo: Intimate home appliances. In 9th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Computing (Insbruck, A, Sept. 2007). [ bib ]
[129] Folkesson, J., and Christensen, H. I. Closing the loop with Graphical SLAM. IEEE Trans. on Robotics 23, 4 (Aug. 2007), 731--741. [ bib ]
[130] Smith, C., and Christensen, H. I. Using COTS to construct a high performance robot arm. In ICRA-2007 (Rome, IT, April 2007), IEEE. [ bib | .pdf ]
[131] Folkesson, J., and Christensen, H. I. Graphical SLAM for Outdoor Applications. Journal of Field Robotics 24, 1--2 (Feb. 2007), 51--70. [ bib | .pdf ]
[132] Xiong, N., Christensen, H. I., and Svensson, P. Agent negotiation of target distribution enhancing system surviveabilty. Intl Jour. of Intelligent Systems 22, 12 (dec 2007), 1251--1269. [ bib | http ]
[133] Folkesson, J., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. I. The M-space feature representation for SLAM. IEEE Transaction on Robotics 23, 5 (oct 2007), 106--115. [ bib ]
[134] Elfwing, S., Uchibe, E., Doya, K., and Christensen, H. I. Evolutionary development of hierarchical learning structures. IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computing 11, 2 (apr 2007), 249--264. [ bib ]
[135] Xiong, N., Christensen, H. I., and Svensson, P. Reactive tuning of target estimation accuracy in multi-sensor data fusion. Cybernetics and Systems 38, 1 (Jan. 2007), 83--103. [ bib | .pdf ]
[136] Lundberg, C., and Christensen, H. I. Assessment of man-portable robots for law enforcement agencies. In PerMis (Gaithersburg, MD, Aug 2007), R. Madhavan and E. Messina, Eds., ACM/IEEE. [ bib | .pdf ]
[137] Kyrki, V., Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Measurement errors in visual servoing. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54, 10 (Oct. 2006), 815--827. [ bib | http ]
[138] Bertolli, F., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. I. Slam using visual scan-matching with distinguishable 3d points. In IROS-06 (Beijing, CH, Oct. 2006), IEEE/JRS. [ bib | .pdf ]
[139] Bratt, M., Smith, C., and Christensen, H. I. Design of a control strategy for tele-operation of a platform with significant dynamics. In Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl Conf on Intell. Robots and Systems (IROS-06) (Beijing, CH, Oct. 2006), RSJ/IEEE RAS, pp. 1700--1705. [ bib | .pdf ]
[140] Frintrop, S., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. I. Attentional landmark selection for visual slam. In IROS-06 (Beijing, CH, Oct. 2006), IEEE/JRS. [ bib | .pdf ]
[141] Pacchierotti, E., Christensen, H. I., and Jensfelt, P. Design of an office-guide robot for social interaction studies. In Intl Conf on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (Beijing, China, Oct. 2006), RSJ/IEEE. [ bib | .pdf ]
[142] Pronobis, A., Caputo, B., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. A discriminative approach to robust visual place recognition. In IROS (Beijing, CH, Oct. 2006), IEEE/JSR. [ bib | .pdf ]
[143] Topp, E. A., Hüttenrauch, H., Christensen, H. I., and Eklundh, K. S. Bridging together human and robotics environmental representations / a pilot study. In Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl Conf on Intell. Robots and Systems (IROS-06) (Beijing, CH, Oct. 2006). [ bib ]
[144] Topp, E. A., and Christensen, H. I. Topological modelling of human augmented mapping. In Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl Conf on Intell. Robots and Systems (IROS-06) (Beijing, CH, Oct. 2006), RSJ/IEEE RAS. [ bib | .pdf ]
[145] Kruijff, G.-J., Zender, H., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. Clarification dialogues in human augmented mapping. In ROMAN-06 (Hartfordshire, UK, Sept. 2006), IEEE. [ bib ]
[146] Pacchierotti, E., Christensen, H. I., and Jensfelt, P. Evaluation of passing distance for social robots. In Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN) (Hertfordshire, UK, Sept. 2006), K. Dautenhahn, Ed., IEEE. [ bib | .pdf ]
[147] Frintrop, S., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. I. Pay attention when selecting features. In Intl Conf of Pattern Recognition (Hong Kong, Aug. 2006), IEEE/IARP. [ bib | .pdf ]
[148] Lundberg, C., Christensen, H. I., and Reinhold, R. Long-term study of portable field robots in urban terrain. In PERMIS-2006 (Gaitersburg, MD, Aug. 2006), ACM. [ bib | .pdf ]
[149] Christensen, H. I., and Nagel, H.-H., Eds. Cognitive Vision - Sampling the Spectrum. No. 3948 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Apr. 2006. [ bib ]
[150] Christensen, H. I., Ed. European Robot Symposium -- 2006, vol. 22 of STAR. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, DE, Mar. 2006. [ bib | http ]
[151] Jensfelt, P., Folkesson, J., Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Exploiting distinguishable image features in robotic mapping and localisation. In European Robot Symposium -- 2006 (Heidelberg, DE, Mar. 2006), vol. 22 of STAR, EUROS, Springer Verlag, pp. 143--158. [ bib | http | .pdf ]
[152] Kruijff, G., Zender, H., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. Clarification dialogues in human-augmented mapping. In Human-Robot Interaction (Salt lake City, UT, Mar. 2006), IEEE/ACM. [ bib | .pdf ]
[153] Topp, E. A., Huttenrauch, H., Christensen, H. I., and Severinson-Eklundh, K. Acquiring a shared environment representation. In Human-Robot Interaction (Salt lake City, UT, Mar. 2006), IEEE/ACM. [ bib | .pdf ]
[154] Huettenrauch, H., Severinson-Eklundh, K., Green, A., Topp, E. A., and Christensen, H. I. What's in the gap? interaction transistions that make HRI work. In ROMAN-06 (Jeju, Korea, Sep 2006), IEEE. [ bib ]
[155] Elfwing, S., Uchibe, E., Doya, K., and Christensen, H. I. Biologically inspired embodied evolution of survival. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (Edinburgh, UK, Sept. 2005). [ bib | .pdf ]
[156] Folkesson, J., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. I. Graphical SLAM using vision and the measurement subspace. In Intl Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS) (Edmundton, Canada, Aug. 2005), IEEE/JRS, pp. 3383--3390. [ bib | .pdf ]
[157] Lundberg, C., Christensen, H. I., and Hedström, A. The use of robotics in harsh and unstructured field applications. In IEEE ws. on Roman and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN) (Nashville, TN, Aug. 2005), pp. 143--1501. [ bib | .pdf ]
[158] Pacchierotti, E., Christensen, H., and Jensfelt, P. Embodied social interaction in hallway settings: a user study. In IEEE ws. on Roman and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN) (Nashville, TN, Aug. 2005), pp. 164--171. [ bib | .pdf ]
[159] Topp, E. A., and Christensen, H. I. Tracking for following and passing persons. In Intl Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS) (Edmundton, Canada, Aug. 2005), pp. 70--77. [ bib | .pdf ]
[160] Hedström, A., Christensen, H. I., and Lundberg, C. A wearable GUI for field robots. In Field and Service Robotics (Brisbane, AU, July 2005), IEEE, pp. 488--497. [ bib | .pdf ]
[161] Pacchierotti, E., Christensen, H. I., and Jensfelt, P. Embodied social interaction for service robots in hallway environments. In Field and Service Robotics (Brisbane, AU, July 2005), IEEE, pp. 476--487. [ bib | .pdf ]
[162] Kragic, D., Björkman, M., Christensen, H. I., and Eklundh, J.-O. Issues and strategies for robotic object manipulation in domestic settings. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (June 2005), 85--100. [ bib | .pdf ]
[163] Christensen, H. I. EURON- European Robotics Network. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine 12, 6 (June 2005). [ bib ]
[164] Ramström, O., and Christensen, H. I. A method for following of unmarked roads. In Intelligent Vehicles '05 (Las Vegas, NV, June 2005), IEEE, pp. 650--655. [ bib | .pdf ]
[165] Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Advances in robot vision. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (June 2005), 1--4. [ bib ]
[166] Christensen, H. I., and Pacchierotti, E. Embodied social interaction for robots. In AISB-05 (Hertsfordshire, Apr. 2005), K. Dautenhahn, Ed., pp. 40--45. [ bib | .pdf ]
[167] Folkesson, J., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. Vision slam in the measurement subspace. In Intl Conf. on Robotics and Automation (Barcelona, ES, Apr. 2005), IEEE. [ bib | .pdf ]
[168] Elfwing, S., Uchine, E., Doya, K., and Christensen, H. Multi-agent reinforcement learning: Using macro actions to learn a mating task. In IROS-04 (Sendai, JP, Sept. 2004), IEEE/JSR, pp. 3164--3169. [ bib | .pdf ]
[169] Kyrki, V., Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. New shortest path approaches to visual servoing. In IROS-04 (Sendai, JP, Sept. 2004), IEEE/JSR, pp. 349--354. [ bib | .pdf ]
[170] Ramström, O., and Christensen, H. Object detection using background context. In ICPR (Cambridge, UK, Aug. 2004). [ bib ]
[171] Folkesson, J., and Christensen, H. I. Robust SLAM. In IAV-2004 (Lisboa, PT, July 2004). [ bib | .pdf ]
[172] Christensen, H. I. Cognitive vision. AI Magazine 25, 2 (July 2004), 8--9. [ bib ]
[173] Christensen, H., Folkesson, J., Hedström, A., and Lundberg, C. Ugv technology for urban intervention. In SPIE -- Home Security (Orlando, Fl, May 2004). [ bib ]
[174] Ramström, O., and Christensen, H. Object based visual attention: searching for objects defined by size. In Workshop on Attention Processes in Computer Vision -- WAPCV (Prag, CZ, May 2004). [ bib ]
[175] Althaus, P., Ishiguro, H., Kanda, T., Miyashita, T., and Christensen, H. Navigation for human-robot interaction tasks. In IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation - 04 (New Orleans, Apr. 2004), pp. 1894--1900. [ bib | .pdf ]
[176] Arno, D., Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Artificial potential biased probabilistic roadmap method. In ICRA-04 (New Orleans, Apr. 2004), IEEE, pp. 461--469. [ bib | .pdf ]
[177] Christensen, H. Path planning. In Robotics Research-03 (Heidelberg, Germany, Apr. 2004), R. Chatila and P. Dario, Eds., STAR, Springer Verlag. [ bib | .pdf ]
[178] Folkesson, J., and Christensen, H. I. Graphical slam - a self-correcting map. In ICRA-04 (New Orleans, Apr. 2004), IEEE, pp. 383--389. [ bib | .pdf ]
[179] Kyrki, V., Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Measurement errors in visual servoing. In ICRA-04 (New Orleans, Apr. 2004), IEEE, pp. 1861--1869. [ bib | .pdf ]
[180] Li, W., Christensen, H. I., Oreback, A., and Chen, D. An architecture for indoor navigation. In ICRA-04 (New Orleans, Apr. 2004), IEEE, pp. 1783--1793. [ bib | .pdf ]
[181] Topp, E. A., Kragic, D., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. I. An interactive interface for service robots. In ICRA-04 (New Orleans, Apr. 2004), IEEE, pp. 3469--3475. [ bib | .pdf ]
[182] Wulf, O., Arras, K.-A., Christensen, H., and Wagner, B. 2d mapping of cluttered indoor environments by means of 3d perception. In ICRA-04 (New Orleans, Apr. 2004), IEEE, pp. 4204--4209. [ bib | .pdf ]
[183] Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Robust visual servoing. Intl Jour. of Robotics Research 22, 10--11 (Oct. 2003), 923--940. [ bib ]
[184] Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Biologically movitaed visual servoing and grasping of real world tasks. In Intl Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS) (Las Vegas, NV, Oct. 2003), IEEE. [ bib ]
[185] Christensen, H., and Corke, P. Visual servoing -- editorial. Intl. Jour. of Robotics Research 22, 4 (Oct. 2003). [ bib ]
[186] Althaus, P., and Christensen, H. I. Smooth task switching through behaviour competition. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 44, 3--4 (Sept. 2003), 241--249. [ bib ]
[187] Miller, A., and Christensen, H. Implementation of multi-rigid-body dynamics within a robotic grasping simulator. In Intl Conf on Robotics and Automation. IEEE, Taipai, Taiwan, Sept. 2003. [ bib | .pdf ]
[188] Althaus, P., and Christensen, H. Automatic map acquisition for navigation in domestic environments. In ICRA-03 (Taipei, Sept. 2003), IEEE, pp. 1551--1556. [ bib | .pdf ]
[189] Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Confluence of parameters in model-based tracking. In Intl Conf on Robotics and Automation (Taipei, Sept. 2003), IEEE. [ bib ]
[190] Kragic, D., Crinier, S., Bruun, D., and Christensen, H. I. Vision and tactile sensing for real-world tasks. In Intl Conf on Robotics and Automation (Taipei, Sept. 2003), IEEE. [ bib ]
[191] Miller, A., Knopp, S., Christensen, H., and Allen, P. Automatic grasp planning using shape primitives. In Intl Conf on Robotics and Automation (Taipai, Taiwan, Sept. 2003), IEEE. [ bib | .pdf ]
[192] Johansson, R. M., Xiong, N., and Christensen, H. I. A game theoretic model for management of mobile sensors. In Information Fusion-03 (Cairns, AU, July 2003). [ bib | .pdf ]
[193] Christensen, H. I., and Kragic, D. Adaptive hand-eye coordination. In Skilled Hand Motion, H. Forsberg, Ed. Nobel Foundation, KI, Stockholm, June 2003, pp. 10--14. [ bib ]
[194] Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. A framework for visual servoing. In ICVS-03, M. Vincze and J. Crowley, Eds., vol. 2626 of LNCS. Springer Verlag, Mar. 2003. [ bib | .pdf ]
[195] Althaus, P., and Christensen, H. I. Behavior coordination in structured environments. Advanced Robotics 17, 7 (2003), 657--674. [ bib ]
[196] Orebäck, A., and Christensen, H. I. Evaluation of architectures for mobile robotics. Autonomous Robots 14, 1 (Jan. 2003), 33--50. [ bib | .pdf ]
[197] Christensen, H. I. Intelligent home appliances. In Robotics Research, R. A. Jarvis and A. Zelinsky, Eds., no. 6 in Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR). Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, DE, Jan. 2003, pp. 319--330. [ bib | .pdf ]
[198] Christensen, H. I., and Eklundh, J.-O. Artificial intelligence: Machine vision. In Van Norstrand's Scientific Encyclopedia, G. D. Considine, Ed., vol. 1. Wiley Interscience, New York, NY, Jan. 2003, pp. 258--262. [ bib ]
[199] Ramström, O., and Christensen, H. I. Attention using game theory. In BMCV-2002, vol. 2525 of LNCS. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Nov. 2002. [ bib ]
[200] Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. Visual servoing meets the real world. In Visual Servoing. IEEE, Lausanne, Oct. 2002. [ bib | .pdf ]
[201] Althaus, P., and Christensen, H. Behaviour coordination for navigation in real-world office environments. In IROS-02 (Lausanne, Oct. 2002), R. Siegwart, Ed., IEEE, pp. 2298--2304. [ bib | .pdf ]
[202] Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Vision techniques for robotics manipulation and grasping. In International Symposium on Robotics (Stockholm, SE, Oct. 2002), IFR. [ bib ]
[203] Zucchelli, M., Santos-Victor, J., and Christensen, H. I. Constrained structure and motion estimation from optical flow. In Intl. conf. on Pattern Recognition (Quebec, QC, Aug. 2002), R. Kasturi, D. Laurendeau, and C. Suen, Eds., vol. 1, IARP/IEEE. [ bib ]
[204] Zucchelli, M., Santos-Victor, J., and Christensen, H. Maximum likelihood structure and motion estimation integrated over time. In Intl. conf. on Pattern Recognition (Quebec, QC, Aug. 2002), R. Kasturi, D. Laurendeau, and C. Suen, Eds., vol. 4, IEEE/IAPR. [ bib ]
[205] Jensfelt, P., Christensen, H., and Zunino, G. Integrated systems for mapping and localization. In ICRA-02 SLAM Workshop, J. Leonard and H. Durrant-Whyte, Eds. IEEE, May 2002. [ bib | .pdf ]
[206] Hager, G., and Christensen, H. I., Eds. Mobile Robot Programming Paradigms. IEEE, ICRA-02 Workshop, Washington, DC, May 2002. [ bib ]
[207] Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Weak models and cue integration for real-time tracking. In Proc. of 2002 IEEE Intl. Conf on Robotics and Automation (Washington, DC, May 2002), vol. 2, IEEE, pp. 3044--3039. [ bib | .pdf ]
[208] Petersson, L., Jensfelt, P., Tell, D., Strandberg, M., Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. Systems integration for real-world manipulation tasks. In Proc. of 2002 IEEE Intl. Conf on Robotics and Automation (Washington, DC, May 2002), IEEE, pp. 2500--2506. [ bib | .pdf ]
[209] Althaus, P., and Christensen, H. I. Smooth task switching through behaviour coordination. In Intelligent Autonomous Systems 7 -- IAS7 (Marina Del Ray, CA, Mar. 2002), M. Gini, W.-M. Shen, C. Torras, and H. Yuasa, Eds., IOS Press, pp. 9--17. [ bib ]
[210] Bicchi, A., Christensen, H., and Prattichizzo, D., Eds. Control Problems in Robotics, vol. 4 of STAR, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2002. [ bib ]
[211] Christensen, H. I., and Phillips, J., Eds. Empirical Evaluation of Computer Vision Methods -- 2001. IEEE CS Press, Kauai, HW -- USA, Dec. 2001. [ bib ]
[212] Althaus, P., Christensen, H., and Hoffmann, F. Using the dynamical system approach to navigate in realistic real-world environments. In IROS (Maui, HW -- USA, Oct. 2001), IEEE, pp. 1023--1029. [ bib | .pdf ]
[213] Petersson, L., Austin, D., and Chistensen, H. Dca: A distributed control architecture for robotics. In IROS-2001 (Maui, HW -- USA, Oct. 2001), IEEE. [ bib ]
[214] Christensen, H. I., Kragic, D., and Sandberg, F. Vision for robot interaction. In M2VIP (HongKong City University, Aug. 2001), S. Chen, Ed., IEEE. [ bib | .pdf ]
[215] Zucchelli, M., and Christensen, H. I. Resursive flow based structure from parallax with automatic rescaling. In British Machine Vision Conference (Leeds, UK, Aug. 2001). [ bib ]
[216] Zunino, G., and Christensen, H. I. Simultaneous mapping and localisation in domestic environments. In Multi-Sensory Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (Baden-Baden, DE, Aug. 2001), R. Dillmann, Ed., pp. 67--72. [ bib | .pdf ]
[217] Zunino, G., and Christensen, H. I. Slam in realistic environments. In Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems (Toulouse, F, Aug. 2001), M. Devy, Ed. [ bib ]
[218] Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. I. Pose tracking using laser scanning and minimalistic environmental models. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation 17, 2 (Apr. 2001), 138--147. [ bib | .pdf ]
[219] Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Cue integration for visual servoing. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation 17, 1 (Feb. 2001), 18--27. [ bib | .pdf ]
[220] Christensen, H. I., Kragic, D., and Sandberg, F. Vision for interaction. In Intelligent Robot Systems (Heidelberg, DE, 2001), G. Hager, H. Christensen, F. Klein, and H. Bunke, Eds., LNCS, Springer Verlag. [ bib ]
[221] Eklundh, J.-O., and Christensen, H. Computer Vision:Past and Future. In Informatics: 10 Years Back, 10 Years Ahead (2001), R. Wilhelm, Ed., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, pp. 328--340. [ bib ]
[222] Simoncelli, M., Zunino, G., Christensen, H., and Lange, K. Autonomous poolcleaning: Self localisation and autonomous navigation for cleaning. Autonomous Robots 9, 3 (Dec. 2000), 261--270. [ bib | .pdf ]
[223] Wijk, O., and Christensen, H. Triangulation based fusion of sonar data with application in robot pose tracking. IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation 16, 6 (Dec. 2000), 740--752. [ bib | .pdf ]
[224] Eberst, C., Andersson, M., and Christensen, H. I. Vision-based door--traversal for autonomous mobile robots. In IROS-2000, Takamatsu (Nov. 2000), vol. 1, IEEE/RSJ, pp. 620--625. [ bib | .pdf ]
[225] Seiz, M., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. I. Active exploration for feature based global localisation. In IROS-2000, Takamatsu (Nov. 2000), vol. 1, IEEE/RSJ, pp. 281--288. [ bib | .pdf ]
[226] Jensfelt, P., Austin, D., and Christensen, H. I. Towards task oriented localisation. In Intelligent Autonomous Systems -- 6 (Venice, IT, July 2000), E. Pagelle, F. Groen, T. Aria, R. Dillmann, and A. Stenz, Eds., IAS, IOS Press, pp. 612--619. [ bib ]
[227] Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. A framework for visual servoing. In Intelligent Autonomous Systems -- 6 (Venezia, IT, July 2000), E. Pagelle, F. Groen, T. Aria, R. Dillmann, and A. Stenz, Eds., IAS, IOS Press, pp. 835--842. [ bib ]
[228] Petersson, L., Austin, D., Kragić, D., and Christensen, H. Towards an intelligent robot system. In Proceedings of the Intelligent Autonomous Systems 6, IAS-6 (Venice, July 2000), pp. 704--709. [ bib ]
[229] Petersson, L., Austin, D., Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Towards an intelligent service robot system. In Proc. 6th Intelligent Autonomous Systems (Venezia, IT, July 2000), IAS, pp. 704--709. [ bib ]
[230] Zucchelli, M., and Christensen, H. I. A comparison of stereo based and flow based structure from parallax. In SIRS-00 (Toulouse, July 2000), M. Devy, Ed. [ bib ]
[231] Christensen, H., Hüttenrauch, H., and Severinsson-Eklundh, K. Human-robot interaction for service robots. In Robotik-2000 (Berlin, Germany, June 2000), VDI, pp. 315--324. (Keynote). [ bib | .PDF ]
[232] Christensen, H., and Eklundh, J. Active vision from multiple cues. In Biologically Motivated Computer Vision -- BMCV 2000, vol. 1811 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Verlag, Seoul, South Korea, May 2000, pp. 209--216. (keynote). [ bib ]
[233] Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. I. Tracking techniques for visual servoing tasks. In ICRA-2000 (San Francisco, CA, May 2000), O. Khatib, Ed., vol. 2, IEEE, pp. 1663--1669. [ bib | .pdf ]
[234] Lindström, M., Orebäck, A., and Christensen, H. Berra: A research architecture for service robots. In Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (San Francisco, May 2000), Khatib, Ed., vol. 4, IEEE, pp. 3278--3283. [ bib | .pdf ]
[235] Wijk, O., and Christensen, H. I. Localisation and navigation of a mobile robot using natural landmarks extracted from sonar data. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 31, 1--2 (Apr. 2000), 31--42. [ bib ]
[236] Kragić, D., and Christensen, H. I. Active visual tracking of an end-effector: Integration of various cues. In Robust vision for vision-based control of motion, M. Vincze and G. Hager, Eds., SPIE/IEEE Series on Imaging Science and Engineering. IEEE Press, New York, Ny -- USA, Jan. 2000, ch. 1, pp. 1--14. [ bib ]
[237] Christensen, H. I., Bunke, H., and Noltemeier, H., Eds. Intelligent Sensor Based Robotics, vol. 1724 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Dec. 1999. [ bib ]
[238] Andersson, M., Orebäck, A., Lindström, M., and Christensen, H. Intelligent Sensor Based Robots, vol. 1724 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Oct. 1999, ch. ISR: An Intelligent Service Robot, pp. 291--314. [ bib | .pdf ]
[239] Christensen, H., Petersson, L., and Eriksson, M. Mobile manipulation: Getting a grip? In ISRR-99, J. Hollerbach and D. Koditschek, Eds. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Oct. 1999. [ bib | .pdf ]
[240] Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. Integration of visual cues for active tracking of an end effector. In Proc. IEEE/RSJ international Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Kyongju, Korea, Oct. 1999), pp. 362--368. [ bib ]
[241] Petersson, L., Egerstedt, M., and Christensen, H. A hybrid control architecture for mobile manipulation. In Proc. of International Robotics Symposium '99 -- IROS (Korea, Oct. 1999), vol. 3, IEEE, pp. 1285--1291. [ bib | .pdf ]
[242] Asada, M., and Christensen, H. I. Robotics for the home, office and playing field. In IJCAI-99 (Stockholm, SE, Aug. 1999), T. Dean, Ed., vol. 2, AAAI Press. Invited. [ bib | .pdf ]
[243] Eriksson, M., Christensen, H. I., and Eklundh, J.-O. Vision based servoing and grasping with multiple control schemes. In SIRS '99 -- 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems (Coimbra, PT, July 1999), H. Araujo and J. Dias, Eds., pp. 51--60. [ bib | www: ]
[244] Petersson, L., and Christensen, H. I. A framework for mobile manipulation. In SIRS '99 -- 7th International Symposium on Robotics Systems (Coimbra, PT, July 1999), H. Araujo and J. Diaz, Eds., pp. 359--368. [ bib | .pdf ]
[245] Wijk, O., and Christensen, H. I. Sonar based pose tracking using natural landmarks. In SIRS '99 -- 7th International Symposium on Robotic Systems (Coimbra, PT, July 1999), H. Araujo and J. Dias, Eds., pp. 245--254. [ bib ]
[246] Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. Laser based pose tracking. In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'99) (Detroit, Michigan, USA, May 1999), vol. 4, IEEE, pp. 2994--3000. [ bib | .pdf ]
[247] Sidenbladh, H., Kragic, D., and Christensen, H. A person following behaviour. In ICRA-99 (Detroit, MI, May 1999), vol. 1, IEEE, pp. 670--675. [ bib | .pdf ]
[248] Faymann, J., Pirjanian, P., Christensen, H. I., and Rivlin, E. Exploiting process integration and composition in the context of active vision. IEEE Transaction of Systems, Man and Cybernetics 29, 1 (Feb. 1999), 73--86. [ bib | .pdf ]
[249] Large, E. W., Christensen, H. I., and Bajcsy, R. Scaling the dynamic approach to path planning and control: Competition amoung behavioural constriants. Intl. Jour. of Robotics Research 18, 1 (Jan. 1999), 37--58. [ bib | .pdf ]
[250] Christensen, H. I., Ed. Computer Vision Systems, vol. 1542 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Jan. 1999. [ bib ]
[251] Kragić, D., and Christensen, H. Using a redundant coarsely calibrated vision system for 3d grasping. In Proc. of CIMCA'99 (1999). [ bib ]
[252] Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. Laser based position acquisition and tracking in an indoor environment. In Proc. of the International Symposium on Robotics and Automation (Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, Dec. 1998), vol. 1, IEEE, pp. 331--338. [ bib ]
[253] Christensen, H., and Crowley, J. Intelligent robotic systems. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 23, 4 (Aug. 1998), 201--204. [ bib ]
[254] Wijk, O., and Christensen, H. Extraction of natural landmarks and localization using sonars. In Proc. of the International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems (SIRS'98) (Edinburgh, Scotland, July 1998). [ bib | .pdf ]
[255] Bräutigam, C., Eklundh, J.-O., and Christensen, H. Voting based cue integration. In 5th Euopean Conference on Computer Vision (Heidelberg, May 1998), B. Neumann and H. Burkhardt, Eds., LNCS, Springer Verlag. [ bib ]
[256] Wijk, O., Jensfelt, P., and Christensen, H. I. Triangulation based fusion of ultrasonic sonar data. In IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation (May 1998), IEEE, pp. 3419--3436. [ bib | .pdf ]
[257] Christensen, H., and Eklundh, J.-O. Visual-based navigation -- a survey. In CESA-98 (Tunesia, Apr. 1998), vol. 4, IEEE, CS Press, pp. 47--53. [ bib | .pdf ]
[258] Faymann, J., Rivlin, E., and Christensen, H. The av-shell. Autonomous Robots (1998). [ bib ]
[259] Pirjanian, P., Christensen, H. I., and Fayman, J. Application of voting to fusion of purposive modules: an experimental investigation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 23, 4 (1998), 253--266. [ bib ]
[260] Pirjanian, P., and Christensen, H. I. Behaviour coordination using multiple objective decision making. In Proc. Conf. on Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Oct. 1997), SPIE. [ bib ]
[261] Dickinson, S., Christensen, H. I., Tsotsos, J., and Olofsson, G. Active object recognition integrating attention and view point control. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 67, 3 (Sept. 1997), 239--260. [ bib ]
[262] Large, E., Christensen, H. I., and Bajcsy, R. Dynamic robot planning. In Environmental Modeling, R. Bolles, H. Bunke, and H. Noldemeyer, Eds. World Scientific Press, Singapore, Sept. 1997, pp. 39--58. [ bib ]
[263] Christensen, H., Bautigam, C., and Ridderström, C., Eds. 5th Symposium on Intelligent Robotics Systems. KTH, Stockholm, July 1997. [ bib ]
[264] Pirjanian, P., Christensen, H. I., and Fayman, J. Experimental evaluation of voting schemes for fusion of redundant purposive modules. In Proc. of 5th Intl. Symp. on Intell. Robotic Systems (Stockholm, Sweden, July 1997), C. B. H.I. Christensen and C. Ridderström, Eds., KTH, pp. 131--140. [ bib ]
[265] Faymann, J., Pirjanian, P., and Christensen, H. I. Fusion of redundant visual behaviours. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1997 (May 1997), vol. 1, pp. 425--430. [ bib ]
[266] Large, E., Christensen, H. I., and Bajcsy, R. Dynamic robot planning: Cooperation through competition. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1997 (May 1997), vol. 3, IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 2306--2312. [ bib | .pdf ]
[267] Christensen, H. I., and Pirjanian, P. Theoretical methods for planning and control in mobile robotics. In 1st International Conference on Conventional and Knowledge Based Intelligent Electronic Systems (KES-97) (Apr. 1997), vol. 1, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 81--86. [ bib | .pdf ]
[268] Kosecka, J., Christensen, H. I., and Bajcsy, R. Experiments in behaviour composition. Journal on Robotics and Autonomous Systems 19, 3--4 (Mar. 1997), 287--318. [ bib ]
[269] Bajcsy, R., Christensen, H., and Kosecka, J. Advanced in Computer Vision. Advanced in Computer Science. MIT Press, Wien, Mar. 1997, ch. Segmentation of behavioural spaces for navigation tasks, pp. 241--250. [ bib ]
[270] Christensen, H. I., and Förstner, W. Performance characteristics of vision algorithms. Machine Vision and Applications 9, 5/6 (Mar. 1997), 215--218. [ bib ]
[271] Madsen, C. B., and Christensen, H. I. A viewpoint planning strategy for determining true angles on polyhedral objects by camera alignment. IEEE Trans. PAMI 19, 2 (Feb. 1997), 158--163. [ bib ]
[272] Kristensen, S., and Christensen, H. I. Decision-theoretic multisensor planning and integration for mobile robot navigation. In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI'96) (Dec. 1996), M. Ishikawa, Ed., IEEE Computer Society. [ bib | .pdf ]
[273] Christensen, H. I., Matas, G., and Kittler, J. Using grammars for scene interpretation. In Proceedings from International Conference on Image Processing (Sept. 1996), P. Delogne, Ed., vol. 2, IEEE Signal Processing Society, pp. 793--796. [ bib | .pdf ]
[274] Andersen, C. S., and Christensen, H. I. Integration of visual processes for control of fixation. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems'96 (July 1996), J. Santos-Victor and J. Crowley, Eds., Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, Lisbon, PT, pp. 155--164. [ bib | .pdf ]
[275] Faymann, J., Rivlin, E., and Christensen, H. I. A system for active vision driven robotics. In Proceedings from The IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Minneapolis. IEEE CS Society, Apr. 1996. [ bib | .pdf ]
[276] Christensen, H., Forstner, W., and Madsen, C., Eds. Proceedings: ECVnet Workshop on Performance Characteristics of Computer Vision Algorithms. AUCPress, Cambridge, UK, Apr. 1996. [ bib ]
[277] Christensen, H. I., Horstmann, J., and Rasmussen, T. A control theoretic approach to active vision. In Proceedings from the Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision (Dec. 1995), IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 364--369. [ bib ]
[278] Pirjanian, P., and Christensen, H. I. Hierarchical control for navigation using heterogenuous models. In Modelling and Planning for Sensor Based Intellignet Robot Systems, H. Bunke, T. Kanade, and H. Noldemeier, Eds., vol. Vol 21 of Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence. World Scientific Press, Singapore, Nov. 1995, pp. 344--361. Proc. from Schloss Dagstuhl meeting on Environmental Modelling. [ bib ]
[279] Faymann, J., Rivlin, E., and Christensen, H. I. The active vision shell. In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems'95, SIRS-95 (July 1995), pp. 315--322. [ bib ]
[280] Kosecka, J., and Christensen, H. I. Experiments in behaviour composition. In Proceedings from The International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems 95 (Pisa, July 1995), pp. 1--8. [ bib ]
[281] Madsen, C. B., and Christensen, H. I. Modelling and testing the stability of edge segment; length and orientation. In Proceedings of the 9th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (June 1995), Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis, pp. 1011--1019. [ bib ]
[282] Sinclair, D., Christensen, H. I., and Rothwell, C. Using the relation between a plane projectivity and the fundamental matrix. In Proceedings of the 9th SCIA (June 1995), Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis., pp. 181--188. [ bib | .pdf ]
[283] Košecká, J., Christensen, H. I., and Bajcsy, R. Discrete event modeling of visually guided behaviors. Intl. Jour. on Computer Vision, Special Issue on Qualitative Vision 8, 2 (Mar. 1995), 179--191. [ bib ]
[284] Causse, O., and Christensen, H. I. Hierarchical control design based on petri-net modelling for an autonomous for mobile robot. In Proceedings from the Intelligent Autonomous Systems IV (Mar. 1995). [ bib ]
[285] Christensen, H. I., Granum, E., and Crowley, J. L. System Integration and Control. EEC Basic Research Series. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg., 1995, pp. 9--22. [ bib ]
[286] Kirkeby, N. O., and Christensen, H. I. A Vision Programmers Workbench. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1995, pp. 57--71. [ bib ]
[287] Madsen, C. B., and Christensen, H. I. Modelling and testing the stability of edge segments: Length and orientation. World Scientific Press, Singapore, 1995, ch. Chapter 1., pp. 1--15. [ bib ]
[288] Christensen, H. I., and Granum, E. Control of perception. In Vision as Process, J. L. Crowley and H. I. Christensen, Eds., EEC Basic Research Series. Springer Verlag, Jan. 1995, pp. 323--346. [ bib ]
[289] Crowley, J. L., and Christensen, H. I., Eds. Vision as Process. EEC Basic Research Series. Springer Verlag, Jan. 1995. [ bib | .html ]
[290] Pirjanian, P., Blaasvær, H., and Christensen, H. I. Amor: An autonomous mobile robot navigation system. IEEE, International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 3 (Oct. 1994), 2266--2271. [ bib | .pdf ]
[291] Madsen, C. B., and Christensen, H. I. Determining angles with a movable observer. In Proceedings of the 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition : Conference A: Computer Vision and Image Processing (Oct. 1994), P. Storms, Ed., vol. 1, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 280--284. [ bib | .pdf ]
[292] Christensen, H. I., and Granum, E. Active vision - a survey. In Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI'94 (Aug. 1994), A. Cohn, Ed., John Wiley & Sons, pp. 1--6. [ bib ]
[293] Christensen, H. I., and Madsen, C. B. Purposive reconstruction. CVGIP: Image Understanding 60 (July 1994), 103--108. [ bib ]
[294] Matas, J., Christensen, H. I., Kittler, J., Illingworth, J., and Nguyen, L. Constraining Visual Expectations Using a Grammar of Scene Events. World Scientific, Bratislava, July 1994, ch. 1, pp. 1--12. [ bib ]
[295] Kristensen, S., and Christensen, H. I. Reconstruction of 3d planes with an image-enhanced estimator. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Intelligent Robotic Systems '94. (July 1994), pp. 271--278. [ bib ]
[296] Andersen, C. S., and Christensen, H. I. Using multiple cues for controlling and agile camera head. In Proceedings from The IAPR Workshop on Visual Behaviours, Seattle 1994. (June 1994), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 97--101. [ bib | .pdf ]
[297] Dickinson, S. J., Jasiobedzki, P., Olofsson, G., and Christensen, H. I. Qualitative tracking of 3-d objects using active contour networks. In Proceedings from The International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. (June 1994), K. W. Bowyer, Ed., IEEE, pp. 812--817. [ bib | .pdf ]
[298] Liang, J., Christensen, H. I., and Jensen, F. V. Qualitative recognition using bayes reasoning. In Proceedings from Pattern Recognition in Practice IV (June 1994), Elsevier Publishers. [ bib ]
[299] Madsen, C. B., and Christensen, H. I. Localizing un-calibrated, reactive camera motion in an object centered coordinate system. In Proceedings: IEEE Workshop on Visual Behaviours. (June 1994), IEEE, pp. 119--123. [ bib | .pdf ]
[300] Madsen, C. B., and Christensen, H. I. Reactive view planning for quantification of local geometry. In Proceedings from IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Seattle, Washington (June 1994), pp. 823--828. [ bib | .pdf ]
[301] Dickinson, S. J., Christensen, H. I., Tsotsos, J., and Olofsson, G. Active object recognition integrating attention and viewpoint control. In Proceedings from the Third European Conference on Computer Vision, Stockholm (May 1994), J.-O. Eklundh, Ed., vol. 801 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, pp. 3--14. [ bib ]
[302] Crowley, J. L., and Christensen, H. I. Vision as Process: Integration and Control of a Real Time Active Vision System. Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence. World Scientific, Singapore, Mar. 1994, pp. 127--155. [ bib ]
[303] Kirkeby, N. O. S., and Christensen, H. I. The Vision Programmers Workbench (VIPWOB), vol. Vol 11 of Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence. World Scientific, Singapore, Mar. 1994, pp. 195--224. [ bib ]
[304] Christensen, H. I., and Crowley, J. L., Eds. Experimental Environments in Computer Vision and Image Analysis, vol. Vol 11 of Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence. World Scientific Press, Feb. 1994. [ bib ]
[305] Christensen, H., Kirkeby, N., Kristensen, S., and Knudsen, L. Model-driven vision for in-door navigation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 12 (1994), 199--207. [ bib | .pdf ]
[306] Andreasen, S., and Christensen, H. I. Image and Signal Processing - Synopsis. Year Book of Medical Informatics - 1994. Schattauer, 1994, pp. 263--265. [ bib ]
[307] Eggert, D. W., Bowyer, K. W., Dyer, C. R., Christensen, H. I., and Goldgof, D. B. The scale space aspect graph. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 14 (Dec. 1993), 1114--1130. [ bib | .pdf ]
[308] Christensen, H. I., Kirkeby, N. O. S., Kristensen, S., and Knudsen, L. F. Model-driven vision for in-door navigation. In Proceedings from Conference on Sensor Fusion VI, Boston, 1993 (Sept. 1993), P. S. Schenker, Ed., vol. 2059, SPIE, pp. 408--419. [ bib ]
[309] Crowley, J. L., and Christensen, H. I. Vision as process: Integration and control of a real time active vision system. In Proceedings of the Swiss Vision 93 (Sept. 1993), pp. 1--8. [ bib ]
[310] Kristensen, S., and Christensen, H. I. Continuous reconstruction of scene objects. In Proceedings from Conference on Sensor Fusion VI, Boston, 1993 (Sept. 1993), P. S. Schenker, Ed., vol. 2059, SPIE, pp. 272--281. [ bib ]
[311] Christensen, H. I., Kirkeby, N. O., Kristensen, S., and Knudsen, L. F. Active vision for robot navigation. In Proceedings from IRS'93, Zakopane, Poland. Polish Academy of Science, July 1993, pp. 44--56. [ bib ]
[312] Bergem, O., Andersen, C. S., and Christensen, H. I. Using match uncertainty in the kalman filter for a sonar based positioning system. In Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis. (May 1993), K. A. Høgda, B. Braathen, and K. Heia, Eds., vol. 1, NOBIM, pp. 405--410. [ bib | .pdf ]
[313] Dickinson, S. J., Olofsson, G., and Christensen, H. I. Qualitative prediction in active recognition. In Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (May 1993), K. A. Høgda, B. Braathen, and K. Heia, Eds., vol. 1, NOBIM, Norwegian Society for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, pp. 337--344. [ bib ]
[314] Jones, J. P., Dorum, O. H., Andersen, C. S., Jacobsen, S. B., Jensen, M. S., Kirkeby, N. O. S., Kristensen, S., Madsen, C. B., Nielsen, H. M., Sørensen, E., Sørensen, J. J., and Christensen, H. I. Experiments in mobile robot navigation and range imaging. In Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis. (May 1993), K. A. Høgda, B. Braathen, and K. Heia, Eds., vol. 1, NOBIM, pp. 371--387. [ bib ]
[315] Kristensen, S., Henrik, H. M. N., and Christensen, H. I. Cooperative depth extraction. In Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (May 1993), K. A. Høgda, B. Braathen, and K. Heia, Eds., vol. 1, NOBIM, pp. 321--328. [ bib ]
[316] Madsen, C. B., and Christensen, H. I. Qualitative scene models from sparse 3d data. In Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (May 1993), K. A. Høgda, B. Braathen, and K. Heia, Eds., vol. 1, IAPR, NOBIM, pp. 427--433. [ bib ]
[317] Sørensen, E., and Christensen, H. I. Monitoring of road traffic. In Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (=SCIA 93) (May 1993), K. A. Høgda, B. Braathen, and K. Heia, Eds., vol. 2, NOBIM, pp. 1085--1091. [ bib ]
[318] Christensen, H. I. A low-cost robot camera head. Intl. Jour. of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. Special issue on Active Robot Vision: Camera Heads, Model Based Navigation and Reactive Control 7 (Feb. 1993), 69--87. [ bib ]
[319] Christensen, H. I., Bowyer, K. W., and Bunke, H., Eds. Active Robot Vision: Camera Heads, Model Based Navigation and Reactive Control, vol. 7. World Scientific Publishers, Feb. 1993. [ bib ]
[320] Christensen, H. I., Andersen, C. S., and Granum, E. Control of percpetion in dynamic vision. In Mobile Robotics III (Bostom, MA, Oct. 1992), SPIE. [ bib | .pdf ]
[321] Christensen, H. I., Ed. Proceedings Nordic Summer School on Active Vision and Geometric Modeling. AUC Press, Aalborg, Denmark, Sept. 1992. [ bib ]
[322] Andersen, C. S., Christensen, H. I., Kirkeby, N. O. S., Knudsen, L. F., and Madsen, C. B. Vinav, et system for vision støttet navigation. In Proceedings Nordic Summer School on Active Vision and Geometric Modeling, Aalborg, 1992 (Sept. 1992), H. I. Christensen, Ed., Laboratory of Image Analysis, pp. 251--257. [ bib ]
[323] Eggert, D. W., Bowyer, K. W., Dyer, C. R., Christensen, H. I., and Goldgof, D. B. The scale space aspect graph. In Proceedings from the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 1992, Urbana, Illinois (June 1992), pp. 335--340. [ bib | .pdf ]
[324] Granum, E., Christensen, H. I., Crowley, J. L., Chehikian, A., Eklundh, J.-O., Granlund, G., Kittler, J., and Illingworth, J. Vision as process. In Proceedings of ESPRIT DAY at the Second European Conference on Computer Vision 1992 (May 1992), P. V. Hove, Ed., CEC DG, Commission of the European Communities (=CEC), pp. 1--10. [ bib ]
[325] Christensen, H. I. The auc robot camera head. In Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Application of Artificial Intelligence X : Machine Vision and Robotics (Apr. 1992), K. W. Bowyer, Ed., vol. 1708, SPIE, pp. 26--33. [ bib ]
[326] Jensen, F. V., Christensen, H. I., and Nielsen, J. Bayesian methods for interpretation and control in multi-agent vision systems. In Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Application of AI X: Machine Vision and Robotics (Apr. 1992), K. W. Bowyer, Ed., vol. 1708, SPIE, pp. 536--548. [ bib ]
[327] Andersen, C. S., Madsen, C. B., Sørensen, J. J., Kirkeby, N. O. S., Jones, J. P., and Christensen, H. I. Navigation using range images on a mobile robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 10 (1992), 147--160. [ bib ]
[328] Eggert, D. W., Bowyer, K. W., Dyer, C. R., Christensen, H. I., and Goldgof, D. B. Applying the scale space concept to perspective projection aspect graphs. In Theory and Applications of Image Analysis - Selected Papers from 7th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis., P. Johansen and S. I. Olsen, Eds. World Scientific Publishers, 1992, pp. 48--62. [ bib ]
[329] Andersen, C. S., Madsen, C. B., Sørensen, J. J., Kirkeby, N. O. S., Jones, J. P., and Christensen, H. I. Laser range guided robot vehicle. In Proceedings of the Second Nordic Workshop on Industrial Machine Vision (1992), pp. 1--6. [ bib ]
[330] Andersen, C. S., , Sørensen, J. J., and Christensen, H. I. An analysis of three depth recovery techniques. In Proceedings of the 7'th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis. (Aug. 1991), P. Johansen and S. Olsen, Eds., vol. 1, Pattern Recognition Society of Denmark ., pp. 114--126. [ bib ]
[331] Knudsen, C. B., and Christensen, H. I. On methods for efficient pyramid construction. In Proceedings of the 7th Scandinavian Conference on Image Anal (Aug. 1991), P. Johansen and S. Olsen, Eds., vol. 1, IAPR, Pattern Recognition Society of Denmark, pp. 29--39. [ bib ]
[332] Madsen, C. B., Kirkeby, N. O. S., and Christensen, H. I. A graph based approach to 3d qualitative scene modelling. In Proceedings of the 7th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (Aug. 1991), P. Johansen and S. Olsen, Eds., vol. 1, IAPR, Pattern Recognition Society of Denmark, pp. 324--337. [ bib ]
[333] Granum, E., and Christensen, H. I. Basic control issues in a continuously operating vision system. In Proc. ESPRIT BR Workshop on Control of Perception in Active Vision, 2nd ECCV (Apr. 1990). [ bib ]
[334] Granum, E., and Christensen, H. I. Dynamic robot vision. In Traditional and Non-Traditional Robotic Sensors., T. Henderson, Ed., vol. 63 of NATO ASI Series F. Springer Verlag, Mar. 1990, pp. 57--71. [ bib ]
[335] Christensen, H. I. Aspects of Real-Time Image Sequence Analysis. PhD thesis, Aalborg University, Aug. 1989. [ bib ]
[336] Christensen, H. I. Concurrent processing for real time motion detection. In Proceedings of the 6th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (June 1989), M. Pietkäinen, Ed., vol. II, Pattern Recognition Society of Finland, pp. 1164 -- 1171. [ bib ]
[337] Christensen, H. I., and Jones, J. P. Concurrent multi-resolution image analysis. In Proc. Fourth Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications (May 1989), ACM, pp. 1031--1038. [ bib ]
[338] Christensen, H. I. Concurrent spatio-temporal image analysis. In Proc. Fourth Conference on Concurrent Hypercube Computers (May 1989), ACM, pp. 991--994. [ bib ]
[339] Granum, E., and Christensen, H. I. On principles of motion analysis in real time. In Image Processing II. Proceedings of SPIE Topical Conference on Image Processing, Hamburg, 1988 (1989), P. J. S. Hutzler and A. Oosterlinck, Eds., vol. 1027, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, pp. 113--120. [ bib ]
[340] Christensen, H. I., and Granum, E. On multi scale motion analysis. In Proceedings fra NOBIM-konferansen 1988 (June 1988), Rapport, Norsk Regnesentral, pp. 83--87. [ bib ]
[341] Granum, E., and Christensen, H. I. Methods for real-time motion analysis. In Proc. 2nd Hungarian Workshop on Image Analysis (June 1988), Hungarian Academy of Science, pp. 95--107. [ bib ]
[342] Christensen, H. I., and Granum, E. On Token-Matching in Real-Time Motion Analysis, vol. 301 of LNCS. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Mar. 1988, pp. 448--457. [ bib ]
[343] Christensen, H. I. Monitoring moving objects in real-time. M.Sc. thesis, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, June 1987. [ bib ]

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