Winter 2006
Stories, Computers and Semiotics


This class is cancelled for 2006.


Computer mediated stories are vital to many current media, and will be more so in future media, e.g., video games, movies, and poems with interactive storylines and music that adapt when read/heard. Techniques for creating works in such media include semiotics, metaphor, blending and narratology.

There are no prerequesites, but CSE 9, 10 or 11, and the ability to read basic works in the humanities will be very helpful.


The course website is under construction, so that some information is missing, other information is incomplete or incorrect, and all information is subject to change.

Please check this website frequently; important notices will be posted near the top of the homepage, and readings and homework will be posted on their respective webpages, not given in class. You should reload pages frequently, because I may be editing the same page you are reading! All webpages are subject to updates.

Please read the Integrity of Scholarship Agreement, by Scott Baden, and UCSD's official policies on Plagiarism; see also the most recent amended policy (sorry, it's in MS Word). You are expected to abide by these rules; failure to do so can have very serious consequences.

Wednesday 10:00-10:50 am, EBU3B 3109
Section ID 556409

Required BooksThe first two are available in the Price Center bookstore, and should be on reserve at the Science and Engineering Library; the third will be handed out piece by piece in class.
Other Information Grades will be based on your class participation and your final paper, which should be at least 3 pages. Group projects are allowed, but then the number of pages should be a least 3 times the number of participants. Here are the guidelines for writing papers. Volunteers will be requested for oral presentations at the last class meeting.
Recommended BooksWe will not use recommended books much in class, but some of you might want use them to go deeper into the material of this seminar.
Other Resources
To my courses homepage
Maintained by Joseph Goguen
© 2004-2006 Joseph Goguen, all rights reserved
Last modified: Wed Jan 18 10:34:19 PST 2006