CSE 87D: Stories, Computers and Semiotics
Note: The following is likely to evolve as teachers and class get to
know each other better.
- Due Week 2 (18 Jan): Foundations for Media Studies. This material
provides a basic vocabulary for dealing with media of all kinds.
- Due Week 3 (25 Jan): Examples of Narrative. These readings are intended
to illustrate the depth and range of narrative.
- The Literary Mind, Mark Turner, pages 3-9.
- Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand, Samuel R. Delany.
Prologue, pages 42-48.
- "The Cut Up Method of Brion Gysin," William S. Burroughs, 1961, in New
Media Reader, Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Nick Montfort, MIT.
- Nova Express, William Burroughs, "The Death Dwarf in the Street,"
pages 74-79.
- Due Week 4 (1 Feb):
- Hotline Healers, Gerald Vizenor, pages 4-5.
- More than Cool Reason, George Lakoff and Mark Turner, Preface and
pages 1-6.
- Barthes, Chapters 2 and 3, pages 7-25.
- The Language of New Media, Lev Manovich, pages 213-217.
- Due Week 5 (8 Feb):
- Due Week 6 (15 Feb):
- Barthes, Chapter 6, pages 43-51.
- "The Garden of Forking Paths", Jorge Luis Borges, 1941, in New Media
Reader (as above).
- Understanding Comics, Scott McCloud. Chapters 5 and 6.
- Optional: S/Z by Barthes is on reserve in the Social Sciences and
Humanities Library.
- Optional: Speaking in Djinn by Fox
Harrell, in ctheory.net.
- Due Week 7 (22 Feb):
- You should email me a proposal for your
final project before 16 February; you will get feedback from me, to help you
sharpen your proposal and do a really fine job. Please read the Project Guidelines carefully.
- Barthes, Chapter 7, pages 52-60.
- "Virtual Reality as the completion of the Enlightenment Project," by
Simon Penny, in Culture on the Brink, edited by Gretchen Bender and
Timothy Druckrey, pages 231-248. Penny is Director of the Art Computation
and Engineering program at UC Irvine and a well known robotics artist.
- Due Week 8 (1 Mar):
- Barthes, Chapter 9, only pages 73-74 on hypertext.
- "The recombinant history apparatus presents: Terminal Time", S. Domike,
Michael Mateas, and P. Vanouse. In Narrative Intelligence, eduted by
Michael Mateas and Phoebe Sengers.
- Understanding Comics, Scott McCloud. Chapter 7.
- Due Week 9 (8 Mar): We will discuss game theory this week.
- Week 10 (16 Mar): Presentation of student projects.
To CSE 87D
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Last modified: Wed Jan 11 11:17:24 PST 2006