Programming Assignment (PA) Schedule
Documents and Dates
Instructions and Caveats
Team composition:
You can work on projects in teams of 2 or 1 (individual).
Submit your team decision for PA0-PA1 via a Google Form we provide before 11:59pm PT Fri, Sep 30.
One submission suffices per team.
Team decisions can be changed for PA2. A new Google Form will be released for that later.
The TAs will then confirm your team memberships and team IDs.
Academic integrity:
It is okay to discuss about the assignment with your peers at a conceptual level. It is also okay
to post conceptual or high-level questions, logistical questions, and useful references on Piazza.
But do not share any code across teams and do not post any of your solution code for discussion.
A team's code submission must be entirely their own.
Please review UCSD's honor code and policies and procedures on academic integrity here.
Do not go searching for any code posted online by other students or prior editions.
We will use advanced program analysis tools to compare your code submissions. These go
well beyond basic string or syntactic comparisons to catch plagiarism.
If plagiarism is detected in your code or if any other form of academic integrity violation is
identified, you will get zero for that component of your score and get downgraded substantially.
I will also notify the University authorities for appropriate disciplinary action to be
taken, up to and including expulsion from the University.