Prof. Russell Impagliazzo

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0114

Office: 4248 Computer Science and Engineering Building
Phone: (858) 534-1332; Fax: (858) 534-7029;

Russell's Office Hours: Tu, Wed:, Th: 10-11 If not crowded, 4248; or 4262 if it gets crowded.

TAs: Jiawei Gao, Kenneth Hoover, Divya Pitta

TA Office Hours: Jiawei: T,Th, 2:30-3:30, B240 A, Kenneth: M, F: 1-2, B260A, Divya, Th: 4:00-5:00, B275

Supplementary Text by Jeff Edmonds

Neil Jones CSE 202 web page for F02. Has some good lecture notes.
Course Information and Assignments (pdf)
  1. Class Description
  2. Homework 1, Background Material, due Wed, January 17, 4 PM
  3. Homework 2, Graph search, due Monday, January 29, 4 PM

Lecture notes and study guides
  1. Greedy Algorithms Summary Sheet
  2. Backtracking Summary Sheet(pdf)
  3. Dynamic Programming Algorithms Summary Sheet
  4. Notes on graph search from 101
  5. Lecture Notes on rank selection (pdf)
  6. Lecture Notes on data structures for Dijkstra's algorithm and amortized analysis (pdf)
  7. Notes on using dynamic programming for approximation