Reading and Assignments
1 Reading Assignments
Reading is assigned every week, and due each Sunday at midnight. The reading due Sunday goes along with the topics we discussed in class the previous week. You’re encouraged to read ahead and come to lecture with questions, and to read in order to reinforce things you hear in lecture.
You have to complete the participation activities in the book; we can check this automatically, so there’s no need to hand it in. You do not need to do the challenge problems, but you can if you like.
You must sign up for the Zybook with your email address and the book for the course. To do so, sign up at and enter the code
Make sure you sign up for the Politz book if you’re taking B (11AM) or C (8AM) section, and Papadopolous if you’re taking A section (10AM).
2 Zybooks Labs
The interactive textbook also has more involved programming assignments, inserted every few chapters. These will be due on Wednesdays at midnight, alternating with UCSDlabs. You can do all the programming directly in the book, making sure to submit (via the book’s submit button) when you’re done. These are listed on the schedule with the lab chapters and the date they are due.
3 UCSD Labs
Larger programming assignments will also be assigned; four in total. These will be completed either on UCSD lab machines (or, if you work on your own, you need to ensure that they work on UCSD lab machines). They are designed to give you a programming experience that is both more in-depth, and more authentic to Java programming outside of the zyLabs web interface. Detailed instructions for getting started will be included with the first UCSD lab.