Support and Contact
There are a lot of ways to get help. Please use them!
1 Piazza
You can ask a question on Piazza ( This is often the best way to get a quick response if you have a concrete problem (a particular error message is confusing, something won’t work logistically with an account or assignment setup, etc). Just remember the rules for posting.
2 In-lab Help
You can go to the course’s home base lab, CSE B240, during hours where TAs and tutors will be staffing the lab:
3 Joe
You can come to Joe’s office hours:
Monday 1-3PM, CSE 3206
Best if you want to discuss something not directly related an assignment (though assignment questions are fine, too). Any reasonable academic/professional topic is fair game.
Office hours Mon, January 16 are moved to Wed, January 18, due to the university holiday.
Office hours Mon, February 20 are moved to Wed, February 22, due to the university holiday.
Office hours Thu, March 9 are moved to Tue, March 7, due to Joe being out of town on Thursday.
Thursday 1-3PM, CSE B240 (lab)
Best if you need help with a programming assignment.
Note – these were changed from Tuesday to Thursday.
If Joe’s office door is open, feel free to stop in and ask quick questions any time, as well.