On this page:
1 Piazza
2 In-lab Help
3 Joe

Support and Contact

There are a lot of ways to get help. Please use them!

1 Piazza

You can ask a question on Piazza (https://piazza.com/class/ixj9a5lhrmj5fu). This is often the best way to get a quick response if you have a concrete problem (a particular error message is confusing, something won’t work logistically with an account or assignment setup, etc). Just remember the rules for posting.

2 In-lab Help

You can go to the course’s home base lab, CSE B240, during hours where TAs and tutors will be staffing the lab:

3 Joe

You can come to Joe’s office hours:

If Joe’s office door is open, feel free to stop in and ask quick questions any time, as well.