CSE141: Assignment
Homework Policy
Homeworks are due by 2:00pm on the due date unless otherwise noted.
Turn in your solutions through TritonED under the homework section.
Late assignments will not be accepted.
There is no regrading of written homeworks, except for addition errors. No single problem will have a significant impact on your grade.
Homework must be completed individually.
Studying in groups is definitely encouraged.
Typically, homework assignments may be graded based on a statistical subset of the problems in each assignment.
Homeworks must be typed. Illegible/unreadable answers will receive no credit.
Integrity Policy
Cheating WILL be taken seriously. Doing otherwise is not fair to honest students. It is also not fair to allow the cheater to thing that it is a reasonable alternative in life.
Please review the UCSD student handbook for more details on Academic Integrity.
Anyone copying information or having information copied during a test will receive an F for the class and will not be allowed to drop. They will be reported to their college dean. If you can prove non-cooperative copying took place, your grade may be restored, but you must prove it to the dean--I don't want to be involved. Anyone caught cheating or falsely representing the work of others on the homework will not be allowed to turn in further homework. Your grade will be based exclusively on the tests with a penalty of 25% OR GREATER applied.
We photocopy a random sampling of the exams in order to ensure that students do not modify their tests after they have been returned.
Online solutions, etc.: A solutions manual exists for this text. Using it, or any solutions you may find on the internet elsewhere IS CHEATING and will be dealt with accordingly. We know what the solution manual solutions look like. Homework is a small fraction of your grade, so cheating on it is unproductive.
Homework 1: Instruction Set Architecture and Performance Evaluation
Please find the homework questions and complete the homework using the pdf template or the word template.Deliverable | Turn in your solutions through TritonED under the homework section. | Due: July 5th |
Performance evaulation and processor design:
Please find the homework questions and complete the homework using the pdf template or the word template.
Deliverable | Turn in your solutions through TritonED under the homework section using pdf format. | Due: July 11th. |
Performance evaulation and processor design:
Please find the homework questions and complete the homework using the pdf template or the word template.
Deliverable | Turn in your solutions through TritonED under the homework section using pdf format. | Due: July 17th 12:00pm. |
Memory Hierarchy:
Please find the homework questions and complete the homework using the pdf template or the word template.
Deliverable | Turn in your solutions through TritonED under the homework section using pdf format. | Due: July 25th 2:00pm |
Virtual Memory/OoO
Processors/Multithreaded Architecture:
Please find the homework questions and the solution in the pdf.