CSE 123: Computer Networks


Instructor: Chris Kanich
Email: ckanich@cs.ucsd.edu
Office: EBU3B 2106 (if not there, try 3140)
Office Hours: 2pm-3pm Monday & Wednesday or by appointment

Teaching Assistant: Neha Chachra
Email: nchachra@cs.ucsd.edu
Office: 250A, (if not there, try 3140)
Office Hours: 1pm-2pm Tuesday & Thursday or by appointment

Class Schedule:
Lecture: M-Th 10:00-11:20AM Warren Lecture Hall Room 2204
There will be no lecture on Monday, July 4th.
Discussion: Monday 3:30pm-4:50pm Pepper Canyon Hall Room 120
Final Exam: Fri, July 29, 8AM-11AM

Important Links

Piazzza - discussion board (search for UCSD, then 123)
Gradesource - grade tracking (secret numbers will be emailed after the first day of class)


The Project 1 handout is available via the assignments page.

The Project 2 handout is now available via the assignments page.

Course Information

Prerequisite information: CSE 120 is a required prerequisite.
To complete the projects in this course, you will need the ability to develop software programs using the C language. If you have not used C recently, you may want to refresh your knowledge using one of the many good books on the topic. In particular I recommend the classic, The C Programming Language, by Kernighan and Ritchie, because it is short and simple.

Class Description:
CSE123 provides an introduction to the concepts, principles, and practice of computer communication networks with examples from existing architectures, protocols, and standards. Topics include layering and the OSI model; switching; local, metropolitan, and wide area networks; datagrams and virtual circuits; routing and congestion control; and internetworking (a.k.a. The Internet).

Computer Networks, Fifth Edition: A Systems Approach, by Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie. Amazon