CSE 141: Computer Architecture

Welcome to CSE 141!

Instructor: Cynthia Lee
Email: clbailey@cs.ucsd.edu*
Office Hours: 2:30-3:30p Mon and Thurs in EBU3b lab B240 (CSE building basement)

TA: Sat Garcia
Office Hours: M 4–6pm, EBU3b lab B240
      TA: Steve Checkoway
Email: scheckow@cs.ucsd.edu*
Office Hours:W 3:30–5, EBU3b B240a

* Questions: All non-confidential questions should be posted to the webboard instead of by email to the instructor or TAs. This is to facilitate faster responses and allow all students the benefit of the answer.

Class Meeting: MWF 10-11:50 in CSE 2154
Discussion: TuTh 10-10:50 in WLH 2113 CSE 2154 Note: Room changed from your printed syllabus. (Discussion sections will not be conducted in the way you may be used to. Please see the homework page for more information.)

Final Exam: Saturday Sept 8, 11:30a-2:29p location TBA

Prerequisites: CSE140/140L
Textbook: Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, 3rd ed.
Useful Links:
      Lecture slides (classroom: CSE141_Lee, password to join class: cse141)
      Gradesource (your passwords were emailed to you on the first day of class)
      Webboard (username is your UCSD email name, password is your PID (a########))
      CSE 141L Webpage


I would like to acknowledge Jeannie Albrecht for portions of this website.