CSE 127: Computer Security

Course Details



Grades will be computed as follows: 
30% Homework/Projects
30% Midterm (if midterm grade > 0, then midterm=max(mindterm, final))
40% Final Exam

Class Participation

One goal of this course is to encourage discussion of the issues in computer networks and distributed systems among all of class members. As such, students are encouraged to ask questions, point out weaknesses, and make observations during the lecture. Students are also encouraged to participate on piazza in helping one another to understand the material. I reserve the right to provide extra points to those students who distinguish themselves in this respect, either in class or online 


There will be two examinations in this course.  They will be administered as Canvas timed quizes during specific hours. Piazza will be inactive during the exam and there will be no office hours during the exam period. The exams will be open book and open note ONLY (no other resources or people may be used). The final will be comprehensive covering material from the entire course.

Late Policy

All assignments are due on the date and time specified on the assignment. Each student has a total of SEVEN twenty-four hour extensions ("late days") they may use throughout the quarter. Late days can only be used in twenty-four hour increments from an assignment's due date. For assignments done in pairs, late days will be charged to both students in the pair. No additional extensions will be given for any reason. Once all late days have been used up, late assignments will not be accepted.


Assignments can be done singly or in groups of two. Groups will share the same grade no matter who did what. Pick your groups accordingly.