CSE 291
Topics on Numeric Methods for Biosignal Processing
Spring 2014University of California, San Diego Course Information
- CK Cheng, ckcheng+291@ucsd.edu, 858 534-6184
- Lectures: 5:00-6:20PM, WF, Room CSE2109
Content In this course, we discuss the following subjects.
- The Computational Brain by P.S. Churchland and T.J. Sejnowski, MIT Press, 1992, and a collection of recent publications.
Lecture Notes and Papers
- 1. Data analysis:
- 1.1 Hilbert-Huang transform, scalar and multiple dimensional function extraction
- 1.2 Filters: Digital Signal Processing
- 1.3 Wavelet
- 2. Source Analysis:
- 2.1 PCA, ICA, Vestal
- 2.2 Compressed sensing
- 2.3 Forward and inverse problems
- 2.4 Spike sorting
- 3. Network Analysis
- 3.1 Granger causality
- 3.2 Coherence
- 3.3 Brain connectivity
- 4. System Modeling
- 4.1 Nonlinear dynamic systems
- 4.2 Entropy and phase diagram
- 4.3 Augmentation index
- Lecture 1: Introduction
- Letcture 2: Time Series Data
- Examples of time series data: Speech tuning of neurons, by Chan, et al., and the Slides of Speech tuning.
- Hilbert Huang Transfrom,
- Letcture 3: Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
- Letcture 4: Time Series Data
- Letcture 5: Source Analysis