CSE 223B Announcements
Announcements will be posted here.
- 4/16: New room
We have moved to a new room, EBU3B 2154, in order to better accomodate demand. Class will no longer be held in WLH2209.
- 3/31: Learn Go
This year's lab assignments will be completed in Go. Those of you not familiar with the Go programming language might want to get started learning it, perhaps by reviewing the tutorial.
- 3/31: Lab Accounts
You should have recieved email from Lonnie containing your lab account information. Please DO NOT use hobo for anything other than changing your password. The lab description lists a number of machines you should use to complete your assignment.
- 3/31: GradeSource secret numbers
We will be using GradeSource in this course. You should have received an email containing your four-digit secret number to view your scores on the grade reports. Please contact us if you have not received your number.
Last updated: Wed Apr 16 18:27:23 -0700 2014
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