Nadia Heninger
Office hours: Thursdays 3:30-4:30pm EBU3B 3138 or outside CSE depending on weather; on Zoom following class for Zoom lectures
Adam Suhl OH Friday 3:30-4:30pm EBU3B B270A (CSE Basement) or outside CSE depending on weather
Tuesday/Thursday 2pm-3:20pm WLH 2112
Lectures are over Zoom where noted on the schedule and in person otherwise.
Class Resources:
Gradebook on Canvas
Q&A on Piazza
There will be no final exam.
Your grade will be your average homework score.
This is a course on applied cryptography, with a significant focus on cryptanalysis. Topics to be covered include
If you are a CSE graduate student, you should take CSE 202 and do well in it before taking this class. If you are a math grad student, you probably want to have taken a proof-based CS algorithms class, and you will need to be able to program in Python. If you are an undergraduate, you should have taken CSE 107 and gotten an A.
This course is independent of CSE 207A, modern cryptography. Some of the material will overlap, but neither is a prerequisite for the other.
The waitlist is being processed by the department according to department rules. If you want to take this class and are still on the waitlist, you should attend the first week of lectures and turn in the first homework. If you are on the waitlist, you will have access to Canvas/Piazza/Gradescope.
Topic | References | Assignments | |
9/26 | Introduction, one-time pad Lecture via Zoom Lecture slides |
Boneh & Shoup Ch. 2.1 Further reading: Communication theory of secrecy systems Shannon 1949 Cryptanalysis of the Lorenz cipher (video) Did a broken random number generator in Cuba help expose a Russian espionage network? by Matt Blaze 2020 A History of US Communications Security by David Boak 1973 | Homework 1 Available |
10/1 | PRGs and stream cipher encryption Lecture via Zoom Lecture slides |
Boneh & Shoup Ch. 2.2, Ch. 3.1-3.3 Further reading/Research directions: All Your Biases Belong To Us: Breaking RC4 in WPA-TKIP and TLS by Vanhoef and Piessens Attacks Only Get Better: Password Recovery Attacks Against RC4 in TLS by Garman, Paterson, and Van der Merwe On the security of RC4 in TLS and WPA by AlFardan, Bernstein, Paterson, Poettering, and Schuldt 2013 The ChaCha family of stream ciphers by Bernstein Security analysis of pseudo-random number generators with input: /dev/random is not robust by Dodis Pointcheval Ruhault Vergnaud Wichs 2013 | |
10/3 | Block ciphers Lecture via Zoom Lecture slides |
Boneh & Shoup Ch. 4.1-4.2 Further reading/Research directions: Biclique Cryptanalysis of the Full AES by Bogdanov, Khovratovich, and Rechberger 2011 | Homework 2 Available |
10/8 | PRFs, chosen plaintext attacks, block cipher modes of operation Lecture via Zoom Lecture slides | Boneh & Shoup Ch. 4.4, Ch. 5 Further reading/research: Stealthy Dopant-Level Hardware Trojans by Becker, Regazzoni, Paar, Burleson 2013 | Homework 1 Due |
10/10 | Message authentication codes and message integrity; problems with CBC mode Lecture via Zoom Lecture slides | Boneh & Shoup Ch. 6 Further reading: Security Flaws Induced by CBC Padding Applications to SSL, IPSEC, WTLS... by Vaudenay 2002 Here come the xor ninjas by Duong and Rizzo 2011 Compression and information leakage of plaintext by Kelsey 2002 The CRIME attack by Rizzo and Duong 2012 | Homework 3 Available |
10/15 | Hash functions Lecture in person Lecture slides |
Boneh & Shoup Ch. 8 Further reading/research directions: A cryptanalytic time-memory tradeoff by Hellman 1980 Parallel collision search with cryptanalytic applications by van Oorschot and Wiener 1999 The making of Keccak by Bertoni, Daemen, Peeters, Van Assche 2015 Speeding up detection of SHA-1 collision attacks using unavoidable attack conditions by Stevens and Shumow 2017 The first collision for full SHA-1 by Stevens, Bursztein, Karpman, Albertini, Markov 2017 | Homework 2 Due |
10/17 | MD5 cryptanalysis, MAC functions, HMAC Lecture in person Lecture Slides | Boneh & Shoup Ch. 8.7, 9 Further reading: MD5 to be considered harmful today by Sotirov, Stevens, Appelbaum, Lenstra, Molnar, Osvik, de Weger 2009 Counter-cryptanalysis by Stevens 2013 RADIUS/UDP considered harmful by Sharon Goldberg, Miro Haller, Nadia Heninger, Mike Milano, Dan Shumow, Marc Stevens, and Adam Suhl 2024 | Homework 4 Available |
10/22 | Authenticated encryption; Computational number theory Lecture in person Lecture Slides Lecture Slides | This POODLE Bites: Exploiting The SSL 3.0 Fallback by Möller, Duong, Kotowicz 2014 Terrapin Attack: Breaking SSH Channel Integrity By Sequence Number Manipulation by Bäumer, Brinkmann, Schwenk 2024 Boneh & Shoup Appendix A. Further reading: A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra, Ch. 3, 6 by Shoup Fast multiplication and its applications by Bernstein | Homework 3 Due |
10/24 | Diffie-Hellman, elementary discrete log cryptanalysis Lectures in person for rest of quarter |
Lecture Slides New Directions in Cryptography by Diffie and Hellman 1976 Boneh & Shoup Ch. 10 HAC Ch. 3.6 On Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement with Short Exponents by van Oorschot and Wiener | Homework 5 Available |
10/29 | Chinese Remainder Theorem, Pohlig-Hellman algorithm, public-key cryptography, RSA Guest lecture: Adam Suhl Lecture Slides | Boneh & Shoup Ch. 11 A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptography by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman 1978 Further reading: A personal view of average-case complexity by Impagliazzo 1995 | Homework 4 Due |
10/31 | Special spooky Halloween lecture: Cryptographic bugs and backdoors Guest lecture: Adam Suhl Lecture Slides |
Further reading: Dual EC in X9.82 and SP 800-90 by John Kelsey (NIST) 2014 On the Possibility of a Backdoor in the Micali-Schnorr Generator by Davis, Green, Heninger, Ryan, and Suhl 2023 How to Backdoor Diffie-Hellman by Wong 2016 | |
11/5 | Elementary factoring algorithms and RSA cryptanalysis Lecture Slides | Boneh & Shoup Ch. 12 Further reading/Research directions: Why Textbook ElGamal and RSA Encryption Are Insecure by Boneh, Joux, and Nguyen 2000 Chosen Ciphertext Attacks Against Protocols Based on the RSA Encryption Standard PKCS #1 by Bleichenbacher 1998 DROWN: Breaking TLS using SSLv2 by Aviram et al. 2016 Mining Your Ps and Qs: Detection of Widespread Weak Keys in Network Devices by Heninger, Durumeric, Wustrow, and Halderman 2012 Random number generator enhancements for Linux 5.17 and 5.18 by Donenfeld | Homework 6 Available |
11/7 | Digital signatures Lecture Slides | Boneh & Shoup Ch. 13 | Homework 5 Due |
11/12 | Elliptic curve cryptography Lecture Slides | Boneh & Shoup Ch. 15 Further reading/Research directions: A riddle wrapped in an enigma by Koblitz and Menezes 2015 Curve25519: new Diffie-Hellman speed records by Bernstein 2006 | Homework 7 Available |
11/14 | Authenticated Key Exchange; TLS Lecture Slides | Boneh & Shoup Ch. 21 Further reading/research directions: A Messy State of the Union: Taming the Composite State Machines of TLS by Beurdouche, Barghavan, Delignat-Lavaud, Fournet, Kohlweiss, Pironti, Strub, and Zinzindohoue 2015 SMACK: State Machine AttaCKs against TLS Triple Handshakes and Cookie Cutters: Breaking and Fixing Authentication over TLS by Bhargavan et al. 2014 A Cross-Protocol Attack on the TLS Protocol by Mavrogiannopoulos, Vercauteren, Velichkov, Preneel 2012 |
Homework 6 Due |
11/19 | Index calculus for factoring and discrete log
Lecture Slides |
Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice by Adrian, Bhargavan, Durumeric, Gaudry, Green, Halderman, Heninger, Springall, Thome, Valenta, VanderSloot, Wustrow, Zanella-Beguelin, Zimmermann A tale of two sieves by Pomerance Further reading: A new index calculus algorithm with complexity L(1/4 + o(1)) in small characteristic by Joux 2013 A quasi-polynomial algorithm for discrete logarithm in finite fields of small characteristic by Barbulescu Gaudry Joux and Thome 2013 |
11/21 | Lattice-based cryptanalysis
Lecture Slides |
Daniele Micciancio lecture notes 1 2 Oded Regev lecture notes Factoring Polynomials with Rational Coefficients by Lenstra Lenstra and Lovasz 1982 The two faces of lattices in cryptology by Nguyen 2001 Using LLL-reduction for solving RSA and factorization problems: a survey by May 2007 Recovering cryptographic keys from partial information, by example by De Micheli and Heninger 2020 | Homework 7 Due Homework 8 Available |
11/26 | Lattice-based cryptography | ||
11/28 | No lecture: Thanksgiving | ||
12/3 | Lattice-based cryptography Guest Lecture: Adam Suhl | ||
12/5 | Post-quantum cryptography Lecture Slides | Further reading Algorithms for Quantum Computation: Discrete Logarithms and Factoring by Shor 1994 Quantum Computing: Progress and Prospects National Academies report 2019 A Resource Estimation Framework for Quantum Attacks Against Cryptographic Functions by Mosca and Gheorghiu 2017 NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Round 3 Submissions Boneh & Shoup Ch. 14 | Homework 8 Due |