Course Details
- Grades will be computed as follows:
- 35% Homework/Projects
25% Midterm
35% Final Exam
5% Class participation
Class Participation
One goal of this course is to encourage discussion of the issues in computer networks and distributed systems among all of class members. As such, students are encouraged to ask questions, point out weaknesses, and make observations during the lecture.
There will be two examinations in this course. The exams will be closed book, closed notes (for the final, you will be allowed one sheet of 8.5x11 paper for notes) will strss both conceptual understanding. The final will be comprehensive covering material from the entire course.
Late Policy
Homework assignments will be late as soon as the lecture starts on the day they are due. Late homework will lose 15% of its value for each day late. The same is true for programming projects.
Homework assignments and, of course, examinations are to be completed individually. Some projects will be solo assignments as well, while others may be group projects. We encourage collaboration and assistance in understanding material, but not in developing solutions.