Lecture 1: 09/26 Hello, world. [ big pdf | small pdf ]

Lecture 2: 10/01 ML Crash Course. [ big pdf | small pdf | code ]

Lecture 3: 10/03 Abstract Data Types. [ big pdf | small pdf | code ]

Lecture 4: 10/08 Abstract Data Types (continued).

Lecture 5: 10/10 Basic Expressions and Types. [ big pdf | small pdf | code ]

Lecture 6: 10/15 Basic Expressions and Types (continued)

Lecture 7: 10/17 Recursion and Higher-order Functions. [ big pdf | small pdf ]

Lecture 8: 10/22 Recursion and Higher-order Functions (continued)

Lecture 9: 10/24 Polymorphism & Type inference. [ big pdf | small pdf ]

Lecture 10: 10/29 Polymorphism & Type inference (continued)

10/31: Review Session

11/05: Midterm

Lecture 11: 11/07 Conclusion of OCaml. A crash course in Python. [ big pdf | small pdf | code ]

Lecture 12: 11/12 A crash course in Python (continued). [ big pdf | small pdf | code ]

Lecture 13: 11/14 Objects in Python. [ big pdf | small pdf | code ]

Lecture 14: 11/19 Decorators. [ code ]

Lecture 15: 11/21 Decorators (continued)

Lecture 16: 11/26 Prolog. [ html | Sorin's material: pdf code | Alternate lecture material: lecture 1 lecture 2 ]

11/28: Thanksgiving

Lecture 17: 12/03 Prolog (continued)

12/05: Review Session. [code]