CSE 123 Announcements
Announcements will be posted here.
- 11/8: Midterms graded
We have completed grading the midterms. Scores are available on GradeSource, and solutions are posted. Exams will be distributed in class on Wednesday 11/13.
- 10/29: Office Hours cancelled 11/5
Regretfully, Professor Snoeren will be out of town and unable to hold his regularly scheduled office hours on Tuesday, November 5th.
- 10/24: ieng6-{250-254} DOWNTIME Friday 10/25
The disks in ieng6-{250-254} will undergo reconfiguration tomorrow morning and these machines will be down for one hour from 8 to 9 am. You need to finish any running jobs and logoff before 8AM to avoid losing your work. You can move your activities to ieng6-{240-249}.
- 9/27: First day of class
The first day of class is Friday, September 27th. There will NOT be a discussion section that day.
Last updated: Wed Dec 04 13:10:38 -0800 2013
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