Dec. 7, 2008. Reminder: The Final is tomorrow (Monday, December 8) at 3:00pm in WLH 2111.
Dec. 5, 2008. The last lecture notes, and thus the answers to the practice final, are now posted.
Dec. 4, 2008. Practice Final that was solved today in lecture. The answers should be up in the next day or two when the lecture notes are posted.
Dec. 1, 2008. Last wed. discussion and Today's.
Nov. 29, 2008. Homework 5 has been updated. There was a typo on Problem 2; it now says "?xml" instead of "xml?". Also, the notation on Problem 6a has been changed to make it clearer, though the problem is still the same.
Nov. 28, 2008. Scott will have two extra office hours before the final exam. The first one will be on Thursday, December 4 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm in the CSE Basement. The second will be Sunday, December 7 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm, again in the CSE Basement.
Nov. 26, 2008. The final exam is scheduled for Monday, December 8, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm.
Nov. 24, 2008. Homework 5 is now posted. It is due in Lecture next Thursday, December 4.
Nov. 22, 2008. Here are the results of the binary writer competition.
Nov. 17, 2008. The homework 4 pdf has been updated to include the last two announcements.
Nov. 17, 2008. Someone pointed out that JFLAP allows you to create stayers by selecting S from the transition drop down menu (i.e., they allow you to stay on the same tape cell instead of forcing you to go left or right). You should NOT use a stayer on Problem 2 (the competition problem).
Nov. 12, 2008. For simplicity, you should assume that on problems 1 and 3 of the homework you are dealing with TMs with a doubly infinite tape.
Nov. 10, 2008. Overviews of discussions from Nov 3 and Nov 10.
Nov. 10, 2008. Homework 4 is now posted. It's due in lecture on November 20.
Nov. 9, 2008. There will be a make-up lecture this Friday, November 14 at 10AM in room 4140 of the CSE building.
Nov. 3, 2008. You may find the program JFLAP useful for studying and verifying your homework answers.
Nov. 2, 2008. We want to emphasize that on homework 3 an "unpalindrome" is not the same thing as "not a palindrome". So, problems 1 and 2 are dealing with different things.
Nov. 2, 2008. There was a small error on homework 3. Problem 2 should have alphabet {0,1} instead of {a,b}. The pdf has been fixed (note the new file name hw3b.pdf in case you bookmarked the homework).
Oct. 29, 2008. Scott will have a before-the-midterm help session tomorrow, Thursday, Oct. 30, from 12:00pm to 2:00pm in room B240A (same room as normal office hours). Bring any last minute questions you may have.
Oct. 24, 2008. Answers for Homework 2 have been posted below. Also, homework 3 has been posted. It's due November 6 in lecture (one week after the midterm).
Oct. 24, 2008. Scott will be out of town from Saturday, Oct. 25 to Wednesday, Oct. 29, so direct all questions/emails to Amos. Amos will do Monday's discussion, however, Scott's monday office hours will be cancelled. Scott will hold a 2 hour review session on Thursday, October 30 before the midterm from 11am-1pm, room TBD.
Oct. 24, 2008. Slides from the October 15 discussion: [pdf][ppt]
Oct. 22, 2008. Overview of Monday's discussion.
Oct. 20, 2008. Homework 1 answers have been posted. See the link below.
Oct. 20, 2008. The Midterm has been delayed a week and will now take place on Thursday, October 30 during lecture.
Oct. 13, 2008. Overview of Today's discussion.
Oct. 13, 2008. Homework 2 is posted. It is due at the beginning of lecture next Thursday, October 23.
Oct. 9, 2008. Slides from the October 8 discussion section: [ppt][pdf]
Oct. 8, 2008. Overview of Monday's discussion.
Oct. 8, 2008. Remember the homework is due tomorrow (Oct 9) by 3:30pm in Scott's mailbox. Scott's mailbox is in room 2237 on the second floor of the CSE Building. Feel free to hand in your homework early during discussion section today.
Oct. 3, 2008. Since we will not cover regular expressions until Tuesday, Problem 6 on homework 1 is delayed until Homework 2. You should only hand in solutions for the first five problems next week.
Oct. 3, 2008. The slides from the third lecture are contained in the now updated slides for lecture 2.
Oct. 2, 2008. Here are the slides from Discussion on Oct. 1: [pdf][ppt].
Sept. 30, 2008. The slides from Lecture 2 are now posted.
Sept. 30, 2008. A high-level overview of the first discussion section has been posted.
Sept. 29, 2008. Homework 1 has been posted.
Sept. 26, 2008. The slides from Lecture 1 have been updated.
Sept. 24, 2008. There will be no lecture on Thursday, October 9.
Sept. 24, 2008. Welcome to CSE 105!
09/25/2008 (Covers Sipser 1.1) *Updated 09/26/2008*: [ppt][pdf]
09/30/2008 (Covers Sipser 1.2) *Updated 10/03/2008*: [ppt][pdf]
10/02/2008 (Covers Sipser 1.2): The slides are the same as the updated 09/30 slides.
10/07/2008 (Covers Sipser 1.3) *Updated 10/14/2008*: [ppt][pdf]
10/14/2008 (Covers Sipser 1.4) *Updated 10/21/2008*: [ppt][pdf]
10/16/2008 (Covers Sipser 2.1): [ppt][pdf]
10/21/2008 (Covers Sipser 2.2) *Updated 10/24/2008*: [ppt][pdf]
10/23/2008 (Covers Sipser 2.3): Slides are the same as 10/21.
10/28/2008 (Covers Sipser 2.4): [ppt][pdf]
11/04/2008 (Covers Sipser 3.1): [ppt][pdf]
11/06/2008 (Covers Sipser 3.1,3.2,3.3): [ppt][pdf]
11/13/2008 (Covers Sipser 4.1): [ppt][pdf]
11/14/2008 (Covers Sipser 4.2,4.3): [ppt][pdf]
11/18/2008 (Covers Sipser 4.2,4.3): Slides are the same as 11/14.
11/20/2008 (Covers Sipser 5.1): [ppt][pdf]
12/02/2008 (Covers Sipser 5.3): [ppt][pdf]
12/04/2008 (Covers Entire Class): [ppt][pdf]
Homework 1 (due October 9) [pdf] Answers: [pdf]
Homework 2 (due October 23) [pdf][Data File for Problem 1] Answers: [pdf]
Homework 3 (due November 6) *Updated Nov. 2* [pdf] Answers: [pdf]
Homework 4 (due November 20) *Updated Nov. 17* [pdf] Answers: [pdf]
Homework 5 (due December 4) *Updated Nov. 29* [pdf] Answers: [pdf]
Academic Honesty
Students are allowed to discuss homework problems amongst themselves, but each student must hand in his or her own solution and should not directly copy the work of another student. No collaboration is allowed on exams. Additionally, you should not use any external resource to aid you in completing the homework. For example, it is unacceptable to search for homework answers on Google. If, in the course of studying, you happen to see some material that aids you in solving a homework problem, you should clearly acknowledge the source and how you benefitted from it on your homework. Any student caught cheating on the homeworks or exams will be punished in accordance with the UCSD Politcy on Integrity of Scholarship. Specifically, such students will be given a failing grade for the class and will be reported to the Dean of their college.