CSE 252C: Selected Topics in Vision & Learning

Fall 2005


Students taking the course for four units should follow these project guidelines.  Here is the feedback form for presentations. Click here to join the class email-list.

Please read, reflect upon, and follow these presentation guidelines, kindly provided by Prof. Elkan.  Immediately after your presentation, please email to sjb+cse252c@cs a copy of your slides.  For ease of viewing, please make this copy be two slides per page in Adobe PDF.

The schedule of papers and presentations is below.  Participants who have not chosen a paper yet should look at the list of suggested papers and contact the instructor.

If you want to change your presentation date, please arrange a swap with another student and notify the instructor at least two weeks in advance.






paper title




Sept. 22 organizational meeting    



Sept. 27 Ben Laxton Finding and Tracking People from the Bottom Up, Strike a Pose: Tracking People by Finding Stylized Poses Ramanan, D., Forsyth, D. A., and Zisserman, A.



Sept. 29 David Torres ``GrabCut'' - Interactive Foreground Extraction using Iterated GraphCuts, Selecting Objects With Freehand Sketches C. Rother, V. Kolmogorov, A. Blake; K.-H. Tan and N. Ahuja


pdf, pdf

Oct. 4 Brendan Morris Video-based Car Surveillance: License Plate, Make, and Model Recognition [short version] L. Dlagnekov



Oct. 6 Robin Hewitt The geometry of ROC space: understanding machine learning metrics through ROC isometrics P.A. Flach



Oct. 11 Santosh Vempala Spectral Algorithms and Representations (Note room & time change: CSE Seminar, Monday 11:00am, EBU3b 1202)  



Oct. 13 Anup Doshi Automatic Photo Pop-up / Geometric Context from a Single Image D. Hoiem, A. Efros and M. Hebert


pdf, pdf

Oct. 18    



Oct. 20 Robin Hewitt Video Google: A Text Retrieval Approach to Object Matching in Videos, Object Level Grouping for Video Shots Sivic, J., Schaffalitzky, F. and Zisserman, A.



Oct. 25 William Beaver Unsupervised Improvement of Visual Detectors using Co-Training Levin, Viola and Freund



Oct. 27 David Torres Edge Image Description Using Angular Radial Partitioning, Face Recognition using a Line Face Map Chalechale et al.; Gao and Leung


pdf, pdf

Nov. 1 Ben Laxton Active Learning for Visual Object Recognition Y. Abramson and Y. Freund



Nov. 3 Doug Turnbull Formulating Semantic Image Annotation as a Supervised Learning Problem G. Carneiro and N. Vasconcelos



Nov. 8    



Nov. 10 Piotr Dollar Probabilistic Boosting-Tree: Learning Discriminative Models for Classification, Recognition, and Clustering Zhuowen Tu



Nov. 15 Anup Doshi Discovering Objects and their Location in Images  J. Sivic, B. Russell, A. Efros, A. Zisserman and W. Freeman



Nov. 17 Sameer Agarwal Beyond Pairwise Clustering S. Agarwal et al.



Nov. 22 Sangho Park Simultaneous tracking of multiple body parts of interacting persons [long version] Sangho Park and J.K. Aggarwal



Nov. 24 Thanksgiving    



Nov. 29 Erik Murphy-Chutorian Scale & Affine Invariant Interest Point Detectors ; Features for Recognition: Viewpoint Invariance for Non-Planar Scenes Mikolajczyk et al. / Vedaldi and Soatto



Dec. 1 Project Presentations 20 minute project presentations
(reports and presentations)
Ben Laxton / Robin Hewitt / David Torres / Anup Doshi




CSE 252C is a graduate seminar devoted to recent research on pattern recognition and computer vision.

Students may enroll for one, two, or four units:

The class section id for CSE 252C is #537763.

The course is open to anyone who has already taken at least one graduate course in computer vision, artificial intelligence, or a closely related area. Appropriate courses at UCSD include CSE 250A, CSE 250B, CSE 252AB, CSE 254, CSE 253, CogSci 202, ECE 270A, and CSE 275A.

We will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00pm-3:20pm in Center Hall 201. The first meeting will be on Thursday September 22, and the final meeting will be on Thursday December 1, 2005.

Possible topics include:

Students are encouraged to investigate both fundamental algorithmic issues as well as application areas such as biometrics, content based image retrieval, texture synthesis, motion capture, and image based rendering.

The instructor is Serge Belongie, Assistant Professor, EBU3b room 4118. Office Hours: Tu 4-5pm, W 4-5pm.

Feel free to send email to sjb+cse252c@cs with any questions.



Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, Bishop.
Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, Forsyth and Ponce
Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision Trucco and Verri
An Invitation to 3D Vision: From Images to Geometric Models, Y. Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka, S. Sastry
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision by Hartley & Zisserman
The Geometry of Multiple Images by Faugeras, Luong, and Papadopoulo
Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology by Stephen E. Palmer



Each class meeting of 80 minutes will be divided into two parts.  First, a student will give a talk lasting about 60 minutes presenting a recent technical paper in detail.  In questions during the talk, and in the final 20 minutes, all seminar participants will discuss the paper and the issues raised by it.

Some papers will be theoretical, and some will be applied.  Two related applications papers may be discussed together.  Theoretical papers will typically be presented and discussed alone, to ensure that mathematical and algorithmic questions are discussed in sufficient depth.

In the first week, we will make a schedule of papers and presentations for the whole quarter.  With 10 participants, each student will make two separate presentations.  The procedure for one presentation is as follows:

Presentations will be evaluated, in a friendly way but with high standards.  Each  presentation should be prepared using LaTeX or Powerpoint.  You should copy equations, diagrams, charts, and tables as necessary from the paper for the presentation.

For each presentation, we will have a web-based discussion area.  Each seminar participant is expected to contribute at least one message to the discussion, before the presentation.  A message may ask an interesting question, point out a strength or weakness of the paper, or answer a question asked by someone else.  Messages should be thoughtful!

Each student will also do one term project following specific guidelines.  The project should be at the frontier of current research, and preferably closely inspired by one of the papers discussed in the class.  Project reports will be evaluated using these grading criteria.  There is a schedule for handing in a detailed project proposal, a draft project report, and then the final report.

The seminar will have no final exam.  Final grades will be based 50% on presentations and participation in class and in the web-based discussions.  The other 50% will be the project report.

Most recently updated on Sept. 13, 2005 by Serge Belongie.