CSE 20:
Discrete Mathematics
(Fall, 2005)
Home | Syllabus |
Schedule | Exams |
Instructor: Neil Rhodes
Office hours: Thursday 10:30-1:30 in EBU3B 2208.
TA: Doug Turnbull (dougturnbull@gmail.com)
Office hours: Monday 2:00-2:50, Tuesday 12:00-12:50 in EBU3B B275.
TA: Jan Voung (jvoung@cs.ucsd.edu)
Office hours: Wednesday 2:00-4:00 in EBU3B B225.
Latest information concerning possible changes
in office hours, reading assignments, etc.
Nov. 27:
- Solution for the practice Final is available.
- A practice Final is available.
- The final review session has been rescheduled to Friday, December 2, 8:00-9:50 AM in Center 212.
- The quiz this week will be on Thursday, December 1 (not Tuesday as was posted on the schedule)
- The Final will be on Tuesday, December 6, from 3-6 PM in our normal classroom.
- One double-sided 8.5x11 page of handwritten notes will be allowed for the final.
Nov. 16:
- Midterm 2 has been graded. The solution is available, and scores are available on GradeSource.
Nov. 8:
- Review session: Tuesday November 8, from 5-7 in Peterson 104.
Sorry for the late notice on exactly when and where.
Oct. 20 (Day 9):
- Midterm 1 has been graded. The solution is available.
Oct. 11 (Day 6):
- In class, I annnounced that the midterm would not cover the lecture of October 11.
That is wrong The midterm will cover through Number Theory, section 1 (including
through the lecture of October 11).
Next week's discussion sections (Oct. 17 and 18) will be review sessions for the midterm. Bring your questions.
Sep. 27 (Day 3):
The solution to BF 2.7 is incorrect. The correct answer is P AND (~Q OR R)
Sep. 22 (Day 1):
The homework was just modified today to replace two of the exercises with proofs. If you hadn't already
looked at it, don't worry. If you had, go look again:)