Workshop on Big Graphs: Theory and Practice

January 6-8, 2016
University of California, San Diego

Graphs are a classical topic of study in combinatorics and algorithms, with applications to the study of social networks, the spread of diseases, biological systems and much more. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in both theory and applications who study big graphs, to learn from each other and to facilitate new collaborations. Topics to be covered include community detection, link prediction, modelling, statistical relational learning, social networks, graph sparsification and other recent advances in linear-time algorithms. Talks will consist of both surveys and more specialized technical talks. We will also have allocated time for collaboration and informal discussions.

The program and talk abstracts are now available.

Venue: Atkinson hall, Calit2, UC San Diego (map)
Parking: Hopkins parking structure ($16/day)

For further details, please contact the organizers: Shachar Lovett and Julian McAuley.


Anima Anandkumar, UC Irvine Learning mixed membership community models via spectral methods [talk]
Christian Borgs, Microsoft Research Applications of L^p sparse graphons to machine learning of large networks
Jennifer Chayes, Microsoft Research L^p theory of sparse graphons
Tina Eliassi-Rad, Rutgers Multi-armed Bandits for Enhancing Incomplete Networks [talk]
Lise Getoor, UC Santa Cruz Scalable Collective Reasoning in Graphs
Sharad Goel, Stanford “Going Viral” and the Structure of Online Diffusion
Alexander Ihler, UC Irvine Graph-based reasoning for crowdsourcing [talk]
Dmitri Krioukov, Northeastern Clustering means geometry in sparse networks [talk]
Aleksander Madry, MIT Continuous Optimization: the "Right" Language for Fast Graph Algorithms? [talk]
Richard Peng, Georgia Tech Algorithm Frameworks Based on Structure Preserving Sampling [talk]
Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Statistical Latent Variable and Event Models for Network Data [talk]
Johan Ugander, Stanford Graph Clustering for Network Experiments [talk]


when reserving any of the following hotels, please ask for the UCSD rate unless otherwise specified. UCSD rates are usually accommodated upon request but is not guaranteed, depending on the hotel's availability (the sooner, the better!).


Registration is free. Please register in advance, so that we can arrange accordingly. Lunch will be provided for registered participants.