CSE 15L: Java Debugging and the Scientific Method

Fall 2011


15L meets on Wednesdays only, beginning on September 28.  The UCSD schedule of classes indicates meetings on other days, but that is not correct. 

The weekly meeting is at 3pm in Warren Lecture Hall, room 2005.  Please arrive on time, or early.  The official name of 15L is "Software Tools&Techniques Lab."  The class may only be taken for a letter grade, and only for 2 units.  Other choices are not possible.

Starting in the second week, there will be a quiz at the beginning of each class.  After the quiz, there will be a short lecture.  After the lecture, all students will walk over together to the computer labs in the basement of the CSE building.  We have the basement labs B230, B240, B250, and B260 reserved until 6pm on Wednesdays.  In the labs, students will work in pairs on a Java debugging assignment.

Please ask questions using the message board at


Important: Handouts and other material may change until the last minute. When you start doing the lab, be sure you have the latest versions. The email address to use for submitting notes and reports is For today's lab, the handout says which bug to write about.


Important: Handouts and other material may change until the last minute. When you start doing the lab, be sure you have the latest versions. The email address to use for submitting notes and reports is For today's lab, in your report write about the bug that that makes atteroids.engine.TimeServiceTest fail.


For today's lab, in your report write about the bug that involves similar letters such as lowercase L and the digit one.


For today's lab, in your report write about the bug that causes "stack overflow" errors. Use the debugging features of Eclipse!


For today's lab, in your report write about the bug that affects column names.


For today's lab, the bug to write about in your report is the one that involves recursion.


For today's lab, the bug to write about in your report is the one that involves the -L option.


For today's lab, the bug to write about in your report is the one that involves incorrect comparison of lines that are next to each other.


From the first lab:


The instructor is Charles Elkan, Professor.  For office hours, please send email to arrange an appointment.  There are four teaching assistants, who are graduate students in CSE:
There are also six tutors, who are undergraduate CSE majors or MS students:
Feel free to contact any of the course staff with questions at any time.  But please ask questions that are not individual using the message board.


There is no textbook specifically on Java debugging for 15L.  Therefore, attending lectures and taking notes carefully is important. 

Two books are background reading.  The first book is Debug It!: Find, Repair, and Prevent Bugs in Your Code by Paul Butcher, ISBN 193435628X.  The other book is Debugging: The 9 Indispensable Rules for Finding Even the Most Elusive Software and Hardware Problems by David J. Agans, Amacom Publishers, 2006, ISBN 0814474578. 

You do not need to own these books, but you do need to read them.  You may share the books with other students.  We will announce a schedule for reading the chapters of both book.  The quiz each week may have a question about the chapters to be read for that week.  Questions will be straightforward, and not about details.  Because not every one will own both books, using the books during the quizzes is not allowed.

You may buy books anywhere.  For a price comparison among web booksellers use with the ISBN number.


The final exam will be on Tuesday December 6, 2011, from 3pm to 6pm.  Students must not have a conflict with this exam time.  Note that according to this is the assigned exam time for classes that meet at 4pm on Wednesdays, which includes CSE 15L.

Instead of a midterm exam, there will be a seven minute in-class quiz at the beginning of every lecture starting on October 5 (10% of your overall grade).  There will be a final examination (30%), and up to ten lab assignments (60% total).  You will do each lab with one partner, so individual work will count for 40% of your grade and joint work for 60%.  You must work with a different partner on each lab. 

At the end of each lab, you will submit your lab notes the same day, before 7pm.  Then, you will submit your lab report before noon on Saturday the same week.  Both lab notes and lab reports are joint.  This means that each team of two partners submits a single notes email, and also a single report email.  Both partners will get the same score for each lab.  Solo submissions will not be graded.  All work must respect the principles of academic honesty.  If there is any violation, both partners are always responsible and will get the same penalty.

The penalty for submitting the notes and/or the report late is 25% of the maximum available score for each day or part of a day of lateness.  For example, if you submit the notes on time but you submit the report on Sunday after midnight, you can get full marks on the notes, but a maximum of 50% on the report.

For each student, the single lowest quiz score, the single lowest notes score, and the single lowest report score will be ignored.  This means that you can be absent for one quiz, and for one lab, without penalty.  If you are present for every lab or quiz, then doing poorly on one will not hurt your grade.  Scores will be available on Gradesource.

There is no fixed correspondence between letter grades and numerical scores on quizzes or labs or the final exam.  You can evaluate your performance in the class by comparing your scores with averages and standard deviations, which will be available on Gradesource.  However, there is also no fixed correspondence between letter grades and standard deviations above or below the mean.  Scores will likely be lower, and more dispersed, on the final exam compared to on the lab assignments.  High scores for the labs do not guarantee a high letter grade.

You should not drop 15L because you are unhappy with the score that you receive on a quiz or lab.  Instead, you should make an appointment to discuss with the instructor how you can do better in following weeks.  All students can do well in 15L and get a good grade, even if they have a rocky start

Most recently updated on November 30, 2011 by Charles Elkan,