Diwaker Gupta
9500 Gilman Dr
La Jolla, CA, 92093 USA
Mail code: 0404
Office: 3146 EBU3b

I have graduated! I will be joining Aster Data.

I graduated with a PhD from the University of California, San Diego in Spring, 2009. At UCSD, I was a member of the Systems and Networking group in the Computer Science department, where I was advised by Dr. Amin Vahdat. Prior to this, I was at the CSE department at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.

Research Interests


My current research is focused around virtualization. I'm broadly interested in mechanisms for resource allocation, management and accounting in virtual machines, and the applications they enable.

Here is a copy of my dissertation, titled "Scalable Virtual Machine Multiplexing."



Here is my list of publications as seen by DLBP. Accurate, but potentially not up to date.

Conference Papers

Journal Papers

Workshop Papers