CS165A: Artificial Intelligence (Fall 2020) |
Piazza: piazza.com/ucsb/fall2020/cs165a
Piazza is our main channel of communication. Questions should be posted here.
Gradescope: [ link]
We will be collecting homework submissions via Gradescope. You should have been added to the course via your UCSB email.
Office hours:
Instructor Office Hour: Thursday
TA1: Xuandong Zhao, Office Hour: Wednesday 4-5 pm.
TA2: Kaiqi Zhang, Office Hour: Friday 5-6 pm.
TA3: Benu Changmai, Office Hour: Thursday 4-5 pm.
All office hours are on the same Zoom link (shared on Piazza) unless otherwise instructed.
Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence:
A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, Third Edition, 2010
If you bought the new 4th Edition, that works perfectly too.
Other reference books:
Sutton and Barto. Reinforcement learning: An introduction, MIT press, Second Edition, 2018.
Week | Date | Topic | Reading | Assignment |
1 | 1-Oct | Course Overview + Intelligent Agents | AIMA Ch.1, AIMA Ch. 2 | HW1 out |
2 | 6-Oct | Machine Learning [annotated] | AIMA Ch. 18 (Ch. 19 in 4th edition), D2L Ch. 1, ESL Ch. 1 | |
8-Oct | Machine Learning [annotated] | AIMA Ch. 18 (Ch. 19 in 4th edition), D2L Ch. 1, ESL Ch. 1 | ||
3 | 13-Oct | Machine Learning [annotated] | D2L Ch. 3, CH. 4, CH. 11 | |
15-Oct | Probabilistic Graphical Models [annotated] | AIMA Ch. 13 (Ch. 12 in 4th edition) | HW2 Out | |
4 | 20-Oct | Probablistic Graphical Models [annotated] | AIMA Ch. 14 (Ch. 13 in 4th edition), Jordan PGM Ch. 2.1 | HW1 Due |
22-Oct | Search: Solving Problems with Search [annotated] | AIMA Ch. 3.1-3.4 | ||
5 | 27-Oct | Search: Search algorithms [annotated] | AIMA Ch. 3.4-3.6 | |
29-Oct | Search: Adversarial Search [annotated] | AIMA Ch. 5.1-5.4 | ||
6 | 3-Nov | Midterm Review [annotated] | HW2 Due | |
5-Nov | Midterm | HW3 out | ||
7 | 10-Nov | RL: Introduction and Markov Decision Processes [annotated] | Sutton and Barto: Ch 1, AIMA: Ch 17.1, 17.2 | |
12-Nov | RL: Markov Decision Processes [annotated] | AIMA: Ch 17.1, 17.2, 17.3. Sutton and Barto: Ch 3 | ||
8 | 17-Nov | RL: Bandits Problems and Exploration [annotated] | Sutton and Barto: CH 2, AIMA Ch 21.4 (Ch 22.4 in 4th edition) | |
19-Nov | RL: Reinforcement learning algorithms [annotated] | AIMA Ch. 21.1-21.3 (Ch 22.1-22.3 in 4th edition) Sutton and Barto: Ch 4-6, Ch 13 | HW4 out | |
9 | 24-Nov | RL: Reinforcement learning algorithms | AIMA Ch. 21.1-21.3 (Ch 22.1-22.3 in 4th edition) Sutton and Barto: Ch 4-6, Ch 13 | HW3 due |
26-Nov | Thanksgiving holiday / no class | AIMA: Ch 7 | ||
10 | 1-Dec | Logic: Logic intro & Propositional Logic | AIMA Ch 7, Ch 8 | |
3-Dec | Logic: First order logic | AIMA Ch. 8, Ch. 9 | ||
11 | 8-Dec | Responsible AI | HW4 due | |
10-Dec | Final review | |||
14-Dec | Final Exam. Take-home |