CS165A (Spring 2023) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence |
Ed Discussion: https://edstem.org/us/courses/38544/discussion/
Edstem is our main discussion forum. Questions should be posted here.
Gradescope: https://www.gradescope.com/courses/528134
This is where you submit your project code and reports.
Office hours:
Instructor: 3 - 4 pm Tuesday at Henley Hall 2013 Zihan, Monday 1pm at TA trailer, Building 936 Vihaan, Wednesday 4 pm, in front of Henley Hall 2118 Esha, Thursday 4pm, in front of Henley Hall 2118
TA office hours:
Course evaluation:
15% each for the three Coding Projects, 25% Midterm, 30% Final.
Textbook: Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Pearson, Fourth Edition, 2020
Other reference books:
Sutton and Barto. Reinforcement learning: An introduction, MIT press, Second Edition, 2018.
Tues and Thurs | Lectures | Reading materials | Project | Optional HW | Wednesdays | Discussion Sections | |
1 | 4-Apr | Intro and course overview: Intelligent agents [Slides] | AIMA Ch.1, AIMA Ch. 2 | HW0 Foundations [pdf,data] | |||
2 | 6-Apr | Machine Learning I [Slides] | AIMA Ch. 19, D2L Ch. 1 | 5-Apr | HW0 Discussion [Solutions, Notes, Juypter notebook] | ||
3 | 11-Apr | Machine Learning II [Slides, Annotated] | AIMA Ch. 19, D2L Ch. 1 | Project 1 Out [StartupKit,Autograder] | |||
4 | 13-Apr | Machine Learning III [Slides, Annotated] | D2L Ch. 3, CH. 4, CH. 11 | HW1 Machine Learning [pdf] | 12-Apr | Project help: Linear classifier [Notes, Notebook on vectorization] | |
5 | 18-Apr | Probabilistic Graphical models I [Slides, Annotated] | AIMA Ch. 12 | ||||
6 | 20-Apr | Probabilistic Graphical models II [Slides, Annotated] | AIMA Ch. 13, Jordan PGM Ch. 2.1 | 19-Apr | HW1 Discussion [HW1 Solution] | ||
7 | 25-Apr | PGM (Part III) and Search (Part I) [Slides, Annotated] | AIMA Ch. 3.1-3.4 | HW2 PGM and Search [pdf] | |||
8 | 27-Apr | Search II: Search algorithms [Slides, Annotated] | AIMA Ch. 3.4-3.6 | Project 1 Due / Project 2 Out | 26-Apr | HW2 Discussion [HW2 Solution] | |
9 | 2-May | Search III: Search algorithms [Slides, Annotated] | AIMA Ch. 5.1-5.4 | ||||
10 | 4-May | Search IV: Games and minimax search + Midterm Review [Slides, Annotated] | 3-May | Project help: implementing search algorithms | |||
11 | 9-May | Midterm | HW3 Search and RL [pdf] | ||||
12 | 11-May | RL: Introduction + Markov Decision Processes [Slides, Annotated] | Sutton and Barto: Ch 1, AIMA: Ch 17.1, 17.2 | 10-May | Project help: Markov Decision Processes | ||
13 | 16-May | RL:Markov Decision Processes [Slides, Annotated, , FrozenLake demo] | AIMA: Ch 17.1, 17.2, 17.3. Sutton and Barto: Ch 3 | ||||
14 | 18-May | RL:Bandits problems and Exploration [Slides, Annotated, MAB Demo] | Sutton and Barto: CH 2, AIMA Ch 22.4 | Project 2 Due | 17-May | HW3 Discussion [HW3 Solution, HW3 Codes] | |
15 | 23-May | RL:Bandits problems (Part 2) [Slides, Annotated] | Sutton and Barto: CH 2, AIMA Ch 22.4 | Project 3 Out. | HW4 RL and Logic [pdf] | ||
16 | 25-May | RL:Reinforcement Learning algorithms [Slides, Annotated] | AIMA Ch 22.1-22.3, Sutton and Barto: Ch 4-6, Ch 13 | 24-May | Project help: Implementing RL algorithms | ||
17 | 30-May | RL Algorithms (Part II) [Slides, Annotated] | AIMA Ch 22.1-22.3, Sutton and Barto: Ch 4-6, Ch 13 | ||||
18 | 1-Jun | Logic I: Logic intro & Propositional logic [Slides,Annotated ] | AIMA Ch 7, Ch 8 | 31-May | HW4 Discussion | ||
19 | 6-Jun | Logic II: First order Logic [Slides, Annotated] | AIMA Ch 8, Ch. 9.1 | ||||
20 | 8-Jun | Responsible AI [Slides] and Final Review [Slides] | AIMA Ch 1.5, AIMA Ch 27.3, Ch 28 | Project 3 Due | 7-Jun | HW4 Discussion | |
21 | 14-Jun | Final Exam |