Yang "Robert" Liu
- Email yal036 AT cs.ucsd.edu
- Office EBU3B 3144
Currently I am a third year PhD student working under Prof. Steven Swanson. My research interests lie in exploring design space in next-generation storage systems, and rethinking the interface between software and hardware in computer systems.
Previously I worked with Prof. YY Zhou on software reliability.
Before came to UC San Diego, I received my Master's degree and Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Tsinghua University and Beihang University (BUAA), respectively.
ATDetector: Improving the Accuracy of a Commercial Data Race Detector by Identifying Address Transfer, MICRO'11
Jiaqi Zhang, Weiwei Xiong, Yang Liu, Soyeon Park, Yuanyuan Zhou, Zhiqiang Ma -
Be Conservative: Enhancing Failure Diagnosis with Proactive Logging, OSDI'12
Ding Yuan, Soyeon Park, Peng Huang, Yang Liu, Michael M. Lee, Xiaoming Tang, Yuanyuan Zhou, and Stefan Savage
- Summer 2011 Intern, Broadcom. Developed software model for mobile power management.
- Fall 2012 TA for CSE100, Advanced Data Structure
- Winter 2013 TA for CSE100, Advanced Data Structure
When I am not doing research, I like hiking, photographing, and enjoying classical music.