CSE118 - Applications in Ubiquitous Computing
Bill Griswold
Wednesday Lecture Class Schedule
- Unless otherwise stated, the class meeting format is ``lecture''.
The topic and auxiliary readings are subject to change. Please check this
space weekly for change.
- Any readings will be assigned from XP Installed. On a few
days there won't be a reading.
Week 1 (W 9/29): The Research Method
I will give an overview of the research method and the university's
role in the world.
Week 2 (W 10/6): Aiding and using the creative process
Week 3 (W 10/13): Risk-based Win-Win Project Management
Suggested follow-on readings:
- B.W. Boehm, A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement,
Computer, 21(5), 61-72, May 1988.
- B.W. Boehm and R. Ross, Theory-W Software Project Management Principles
and Examples, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 902-16, July 1989.
Week 4 (W 10/20): TBD
Week 5 (W 10/27): Introduction to XP, Customers, the vision statement, and incremental milestoning
Week 6 (W 11/3): Software design, implementation, and testing
- XP Installed, Chapters 4, 7, 9 (review).
- XP Installed, Chapters 10-15.
Week 7 (W 11/10): TBD
Week 8 (W 11/17): Presentations, public speaking, and demoing
Week 9 (W 11/24): No Meeting (day before Thanksgiving)
Week 10 (W 12/1): No Meeting