In order to use our visual automatic feedback and grading systems, you will need to sign up for the course on edX edge. (edX is the leading non-profit provider and university partner for online and hybrid courses. We are using a site maintained only for the local CSE 168; this is referred to as a SPOC or small private online course). First, sign up for an account at edX edge. Then, please register for and start the course (the URL will be posted on piazza to limit registration to course participants). Most assignments are on the edX site. Please consult it for the homeworks, except the final project, which is posted here. Please note that the due dates for homeworks are posted on the Schedule and also noted on edX edge.
Finally, while making a website is optional in most cases except for the final project, we will give extra credit where warranted, and this may require a website with images (but please, no code). In this case, please include a link to the website in your submission.
Assignment Submission
There are two parts to assignment submission: The edX process (for those assignments hosted on edX edge), and the official CSE 168 submission. The edX site hosts the homework instructions for most assignments, as well as automatic visual feedback systems for submitting images.
For submitting the assignment, first submit your images to the relevant edX graders. You may do so as many times as you want, using the feedback from the system to improve your submission. Please be aware that an honor code applies here. You may submit only images that you yourself have written for the assignment. You may definitely not attempt to submit any malicious code or deliberately try to attack the graders in any way, or make any other effort to circumvent the normal functioning of the graders. We will be logging all submissions and will take action on any violations of this honor code policy. Once you submit images, please note down the link to the (full-resolution) grader feedback report (you need only keep the latest such feedback report). You will need this URL for the official CSE 168 submission below. Please allow ample time for this process given the time for the grader to return feedback, any grader crashes at the last minute, and of course the time to actually render the images etc. Please also note that the scores in edX are only dummy variables; we will assign scores and grades separately for CSE 168 based on fairness, late penalties, inspecting your code and possibly running additional tests. If you do feel the edX score is particularly inappropriate/unfair, please note as much in your in-class submission so we make sure to take a careful look.
To complete the submission, please submit the following via
Canvas. Specific instructions are also posted on the Canvas site.
(Only) if Canvas submission fails for some reason, please e-mail this
information to the TAs. The relevant information is as follows:
(1) your name (and your partner's name if working in a group of two),
(2) Your edX username and e-mail used, (3) The image-grader URL for
full-res images on edX, (4) A zip of your entire source code directory
(please include a README with platform and any specific compilation
instructions; you may include executables etc. in this directory), (5)
A link to a URL of a website showing images (but no code please).
This is optional in most cases, but is important if you want to claim
extra credit; and (6) Any special comments, issues or points in
grading or generally about the assignment you want to convey. Please
also include the last two items in the README file.
Please make sure to include all of the above information; we may
penalize you points if some parts are omitted. The specific pieces of
information and components to upload are specified for each assignment
on Canvas. Please allow ample time for this; your timestamp on the
submission (or e-mail if Canvas submission does not work) may determine
whether or not we accept the assignment as being on time. If you
anticipate your entire source code directory is too large to be
submitted, please work with the TAs beforehand to develop a solution,
such as using a private google drive link. On no account should you
post your source code publicly, including public github repos.
Please note that both partners must separately submit on Canvas, but will of course include a link to the same
feedback, URLs etc. If you are working in a group of two, please include your partner's name in your submission.