Picture of Taurin
Taurin Tan-atichat

Master of Science Candidate in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego

Email: ttanatic (AT) jacobs (DOT) ucsd (DOT) edu
Office: EBU3B 2232

I have graduated and am now a software engineer at Google. I completed my thesis on thin-client computing, specifically VNC, in high-latency environments under the supervision of Joe Pasquale. I have a broad range of research interests that span the areas of systems and networking, ubiquitous computing, and computer security.

There is a good chance that you arrived here via an ad. After over three years of using Google AdWords, my ad campaign has had 1,400,000+ ad impressions using 2 different ad groups. Interestingly, the ad emphasizing "grad student life" used to have a click-through rate over twice of the ad emphasizing "computer science". However, over the years, the click-through rate of the ad emphasizing "grad student life" has dropped to less than 1.5 times the ad emphasizing "computer science".


Interesting Projects:

Some Classes I've Taken:

Quarter Course Description
Fall 2002 CSE 11 Introduction to Computer Science and Object-Oriented Programming: Java
Winter 2003 CSE 12 Basic Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design
Spring 2003 MATH 15A Discrete Mathematics
Fall 2003 CSE 21 Mathematics for Algorithm and Systems
CSE 30 Computer Organization and Systems Programming
Winter 2004 CSE 100 Advanced Data Structures
CSE 105 Theory of Computability
Spring 2004 CSE 101 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CSE 140 Components and Design Techniques for Digital Systems
CSE 140L Digital Systems Laboratory
Fall 2004 CSE 141 Introduction to Computer Architecture
CSE 141L Project in Computer Architecture
Winter 2005 CSE 80 UNIX lab
CSE 190 Topics in Computer Science and Engineering (Bioinformatics Research)
CSE 190 Topics in Computer Science and Engineering (Programming contest training)
Spring 2005 CSE 86 C++ for Java Programmers
CSE 120 Principles of Computer Operating Systems
CSE 190 Topics in Computer Science and Engineering (Bioinformatics Research)
Fall 2005 CSE 123A Computer Networks
CSE 131A Compiler Construction I
CSE 135 Server-side Web Applications
Winter 2006 CSE 127 Introduction to Computer Security
CSE 131B Compiler Construction II
Spring 2006 CSE 123B Communications Software
ECE 111 Advanced Digital Design Project
Fall 2006 CSE 118 Ubiquitous Computing
CSE 190 Topics in Computer Science and Engineering (Biometrics)
Winter 2007 CSE 221 Operating Systems
CSE 227 Computer Security
CSE 240A Principles in Computer Architecture
Spring 2007 CSE 125 Software System Design and Implementation
CSE 222A Computer Communication Networks
CSE 222B Internet Algorithmics
Fall 2007 CSE 202 Algorithm Design and Analysis
Winter 2008 CSE 223B Distributed Computing and Systems


I was an undergraduate tutor for CSE 12 (Basic Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design) from Winter 2004 through Winter 2005 for Gary Gillespie.

I was a reader for CSE 120 (Principles of Computer Operating Systems) in Winter 2006 and Spring 2006 for Joe Pasquale.

I was a TA for CSE 136 (Enterprise-class Web Applications) in Spring 2007 for Darnell Gadberry.

I was a TA for CSE 134B (Web Client Languages) in Fall 2007 for Thomas Powell.


I am originally from Fremont, CA. I moved to San Diego/La Jolla for my undergraduate education and decided to stay for graduate school because the weather was too nice. I was a competitive gymnast for nearly 10 years. I am a fan of anything electronic. My last name is a Chinese-to-Thai conversion.

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Last updated: 2012-10-10