☎ : (858) 534 - 4868
Office location and address:
CSE #2118
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, MS 0404
La Jolla, CA 92093
Tajana Šimunić Rosing is a Fratamico Endowed Chair of Computer Science and Engineering and Electrical Engineering, a director of SRC and DARPA funded $50.5M PRISM Center and the System Energy Efficiency Lab at UCSD. She is also an ACM & IEEE Fellow, and was selected as Semiconductor Industry Association’s University Research Award winner for Design in 2022. Her research interests are in energy efficient computing, computer architecture, neuromorphic computing, distributed and embedded systems. She was funded by SRC as a graduate student, and has been involved as a PI and Theme lead in GSRC, MuSyC, TerraSwarm, CRISP, and is currently a PI in Cognitive Center, and leads PRISM Center. She is also leading DARPA, NSF and SRC funded projects on Hyperdimensional Computing, SRC funded project acceleration of 3rd generation Fully Homomorphic Encryption, and NSF AI TILOS Research Institute projects on federated learning and AI-based chip design. From 1998 until 2005 she was a full time research scientist at HP Labs while also leading research efforts at Stanford University. She finished her PhD in EE in 2001 at Stanford, concurrently with finishing her Masters in Engineering Management. Prior to pursuing the PhD, she worked as a senior design engineer at Intel for 4 years.
Prof. Rosing's team publishes in a number of different venues, such as: