Outline for Strange Brew Role-Playing System

Russell Impagliazzo
  1. Introduction
  2. The Description Language (Introduction)
    1. The Two Scales
    2. Ways to Use the Accounting System
    3. Features
      1. Attributes
      2. Skills
      3. Powers
      4. Assets
      5. Liabilities
  3. The Narration System
    1. Time and the Order of Play
    2. Using Skills
    3. Using Powers
    4. Converting Abilities
    5. Modeling Effects of the Environment
    6. The default combat and other standard actions
    7. Adding new standard combat and non-combat actions
  4. World, Setting, and Campaign Design
    1. Designing Racial and Cultural Backgrounds
    2. Designing Technologies
    3. Designing Special Training Packages
    4. Open background and/or ability games
    5. Designing organizations and institutions
    6. Designing special locations