Rana Alotaibi | رنا العتيبي
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego
Office: EBU3B 3231
- Bio
- News
- March, 2022 - Ioana Manolescu presented HADAD at University of Oxford, Data and Knowledge Seminar
- Dec, 2021 - I serve as a Program Committee Member of DBML workshop @ICDE'22
- July, 2021 - HADAD is accepted to BDA'21. [Best Paper Award]
- July, 2021 - HADAD and ESTOCADA are presented in Huawei
Cloud InnovWave Conference 2021
- March, 2021 - Our paper on optimizing hybrid analytical tasks is accepted to SIGMOD 2021.
- Jan, 2021 - I will be joining Microsoft Gray Systems Lab this summer as a research intern. Looking forward to a great summer!
- June, 2020 - Presented our work Towards Scalable Polystore Systems - Microsoft Gray Systems Lab (invited talk)
- May, 2020 - ESTOCADA demo has been accepted to VLDB 2020
- June, 2019 - I am now a PhD candidate at UC San Diego!
- Education
University of California, San Diego
Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science, 2016.09 - 2022.06
University of California, San Diego
Master of Computer Science, 2014.9 - 2016.6
AL-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Bachelor of Computer Science & Information System, 2006.9 - 2011.6
- Research and Industry Experience
Microsoft, Redmond, WA
IBM Research Almaden Center, San Jose, CA
- Team: Database Group
- Research Intern, 2018.6 - 2018.9
- Desgined and developed an ontology-driven approach for property graph schema design for domain-specific knowledge graphs.
- Mentor: Chuan Lei | Manager: Fatma Ozcan
IBM Research Almaden Center, San Jose, CA
- Team: Database Group
- Research Intern, 2017.6 - 2017.12
- Desgined and developed a workload-aware data placement and querying of domain-specific knowledge bases with hybrid data stores.
- Mentor: Abdul Quamar | Manager: Fatma Ozcan
INRIA Saclay, France
- Team: CEDAR
- Research Intern, 2016.8 - 2016.10
- Designed and developed a cross-model integration query language, which allows simultaneous access to various data stores and models such as documents, key-value, relational, etc
- Mentor: Damian Bursztyn, Manager: Ioana Manolescu
- Publications
- FAQ Constraints-based Rewriting Rana Alotaibi, Bogdan Cautis, Alin Deutsch, Hung Q. Ngo, Dan Suciu , Under prepration, based on [FAQ: Questions Asked Frequently]
- Heterogeneous Data Management Revisited: from Mediators to Modern Polystores [Tutorial] Rana Alotaibi, Maxime Buron, Alin Deutsch, François Goasdoué and Ioana Manolescu , French Summer School on Massive Distributed Data (MDD) 2022
- HADAD: A Lightweight Approach for Optimizing Hybrid Complex Analytics Queries Rana Alotaibi, Bogdan Cautis, Alin Deutsch and Ioana Manolescu, ACM SIGMOD 2021 | BDA'21 (Best Paper Award) , [PDF][arxiv][Short-Talk][Long-Talk]
- Property Graph Schema Optimization for Domain-Specific Knowledge Graphs. Rana Alotaibi, Chuan Lei, Abdual Quamar, Vasilis Efthymiou and Fatma Özcan, ICDE 2021, [PDF][arxiv]
- Estocada: Towards Scalable Polystore Systems. Rana Alotaibi, Bogdan Cautis, Alin Deutsch, Moustafa Latrache, Ioana Manolescu and Yifei Yang, PVLDB 2020 , [PDF]
- Towards Scalable Hybrid Stores: Constraint-Based Rewriting to the Rescue. Rana Alotaibi, Damian Bursztyn, Alin Deutsch, Ioana Manolescu, Stamatis Zampetakis, ACM SIGMOD 2019, [PDF]
- Towards Scalable Hybrid Stores: Constraint-Based Rewriting to the Rescue. Rana Alotaibi, Damian Bursztyn, Alin Deutsch, Ioana Manolescu, Stamatis Zampetakis, BDA Conference on Data Management 2019
- Estocada: Hybrid Storage and Rewriting under Integrity Constraints. Rana Alotaibi, Francesca Bugiotti, Damian Bursztyn, Alin Deutsch, Ioana Manolescu, Stamatis Zampetakis, BDA Conference on Data Management 2016
- Research Talks, Posters and Demos
- Generalized Computation Reuse Framework in Analytics Job Service at Microsoft. Microsoft Jim Gray Systems Lab . Sept 2021. Talk
- HADAD: A Lightweight Approach for Optimizing Hybrid Complex Analytics Queries. ACM SIGMOD'21. Talk
- Towards Scalable Polystore Systems. Microsoft Jim Gray Systems Lab . June 2020. Invited talk
- Estocada: Towards Scalable Polystore Systems. VLDB'20. Demo
- Towards Scalable Hybrid Stores: Constraint-Based Rewriting to the Rescue. ACM SIGMOD'19. Talk and poster
- Towards Scalable Polystore Systems. UCSD Open Research House. Feb 2018. Short talk
- ESTOCADA: Hybrid Storage and Rewriting under Integrity Constraints. SoCal DB Day. Sept 2018. Poster
- Ontology-Driven Property Graph Schema Design for Domain-Specific Knowledge Graphs. IBM Research Almaden Summer Symposium. September 2018. Poster
- Workload-aware Data Placement and Querying of Knowledge-bases over Hybrid Stores. IBM Research Almaden Summer Symposium. San Jose, CA. September 2017. Talk and poster
- Patents
- Reducing Response Time for Queries Directed to Domain-Specific Knowledge Graph using Property Graph Schema Optimization, Chuan Lei, Abdual Quamar, Vasilis Efthymiou, Fatma Özcan, Rana Alotaibi. Patent US App. 16/800,392
- Ontology-based Query Routing for Domain Specific Knowledge Bases, Abdual Quamar, Fatma Özcan, Rana Alotaibi. Patent US App. 16/594,460
- Ontology-based Data Storage for Domain Specific Knowledge Bases, Abdual Quamar, Fatma Özcan, Rana Alotaibi, Chuan Lei. Patent US App. 16/594,391
- Teaching Experience
University of California, San Diego
- Mentored Students
- Yifei Yang (MS, CSE UCSD) -> PhD Student at University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Ray Andrus ( BS, CSE UCSD)
- Service
- External Reviewer: SIGMOD 2022
- Program Committee: DBML@ICDE'22
- Awards and Scholarships
- Fall, 2016. Ph.D. Scholarship, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST).
- Fall, 2014. M.Sc. Scholarship, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST).